Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 142 - Chapter 142: Chapter 81: Celestial Human Clan!! Group Rule! Martial Ancestor Incarnation! I, Sky Net, make money! (8k)

Chapter 142: Chapter 81: Celestial Human Clan!! Group Rule! Martial Ancestor Incarnation! I, Sky Net, make money! (8k)

Translator: 549690339

T04 World Region,

Goblin World Fragment – Border Island.

Logan focused intently on the changes happening in the World Fragment before him.

Considering his experience as a Deity Player in growing a world, cultivating a race, and participating in world wars in the Hyperdimensional Simulation, he could be considered a seasoned veteran.

However, it was the first time he had ever seen a change as thorough as the one happening in his own Goblin World Fragment!

At the moment, the Goblin World Fragment was still covered by the Void Veil,

preventing the golden light generated during the Fragment’s advancement from attracting too much attention from the outside world.

However, this did not affect Logan’s ability to observe his own world.

He saw the Goblin World Fragment, like the pointed end of a funnel, form a massive vortex in the entire void, continuously swallowing the spiritual energy in the void.

Within a very short time, the Goblin World Fragment had emptied a considerable part of the void’s spiritual energy nearby, forming a spiritual energy vacuum zone!

The Goblin World Fragment was submerged in the illusory ocean of spiritual energy, constantly transforming every corner of the world from the inside out.

A large amount of pure void dust was absorbed, making the World Fragment grow larger and larger!

Spiritual energy even condensed into raindrops, falling on the earth and nourishing all beings, both sentient and insentient!

Furthermore, Logan could sense the presence of something similar to [Kingdom’s Power], a concept, rule, or brand, emanating from the depths of the void.

It was being continuously drawn from the void’s depths and “attracted” into the Goblin World Fragment, entering into the Goblin Civilization!

“What is this…?”

Logan watched as the will of the Goblin Tribe above Golo Kingdom was continuously growing stronger.

Within the surging flow of the tribe’s will, a faint trace of spirituality was slowly gathering.

Moreover, at the core of the spirituality, something resembling [Exclusive Law: Ethnic Group] was slowly taking shape!

The next moment, the log popped out —

[Log]: You’ve come into contact with Taylor Civilization and initiated a planetary war!

[Log]: You destroyed a Void War Fortress with the mighty will of the Goblin Tribe!

[Log]: You destroyed a Viscount level player’s mechanical body with the powerful will of the Goblin Tribe!

[Log]: You destroyed a large number of mechanical devices with the powerful will of the Goblin Tribe!

[Log]: You achieved a great victory in the first battle!

[Log]: You gained 1,035,900 Faith Points!

[Log]: Your civilization has become mainstream on Heroic Spirit Planet, achieving a special form of planetary colonization! [Log]: You gained 300,000 Faith Points!

[Log]: You gained 30 Civilization Points!

[Log]: In the Heroic Spirit Realm, the Ancient King of Ni died in battle; you stepped forward and destroyed one of the ringleaders!

[Log]: You gained some acknowledgement from the will of the Heroic Spirit Planet!

[Log]: Through the Heroic Spirit Transformation Divine Art, since the Heroic Spirit Realm has no autonomous will and Goblin Hero Spirits are the mainstream, you gained 37.84% of the authority over the Heroic Spirit Realm after the death of the Ancient King of Ni!

[Log]: Your World Fusion’s second stage is about to complete!

[Log]: The Spiritual Energy Upgrade reaction from the Dragon Taming World Fragment has ended; the Spiritual Energy Factor concentration in Goblin World Fragment has increased by 37.23%!

[Log]: Time Acceleration has ended!

[Log]: The number of Goblins under your command has increased from the “hundred-thousand class” to the “seven-hundred-thousand class”!

[Log]: It has been detected that the Goblin World Fragment can accommodate up to the “ten-million class”!

[Log]: Note 1: Due to the Goblin Tribe’s replenished wisdom, the number of tribesmen reaching the necessary level to advance to the Goblin Giant Demon has significantly increased, leading to a decrease in the capacity limit!

[Log]: Note 2: If the Goblin World Fragment – Border Island only contains ordinary Goblin Tribe members, it can accommodate a “three-hundred-million class” Goblin Tribe!

[Log]: The “Kingdom’s Power” that you bestowed as an exclusive rule is taking effect!

[Log]: The [Kingdom’s Power] is now automatically gathering towards your

Goblin Civilization from the void. When your Goblin Civilization becomes a [Royal Clan] within your region of the void, it will accelerate towards becoming a [Monarch Species]!

[Log]: Your Goblin Civilization is birthing spirituality, please wait patiently…

[Log]: Your Goblin Tribe is nurturing the [Exclusive Law: Ethnic Group], please wait patiently…

[Log]: Your Goblin Tribe’s [Exclusive Law: Ethnic Group] lacks the necessary elements (unique effects) and cannot successfully condense!

Logan read the log, and he expectedly felt unfulfilled about the incomplete condensation of the exclusive racial law.

After all, he didn’t even have a single transcendent tier…

How could the tribe be ahead of the curve and condense an exclusive law belonging to the tribe without even having a single life capable of stepping into the mythical grade by condensing an exclusive law!

Thus, he was not disheartened but simply quietly waiting for the civilization’s spirituality to condense so that he could step into the Giant tier –

At the moment he stepped into the Giant tier, his strength would directly leapfrog from the Sixth-order, bypassing the Seventh-Order Legend and the Eighth-Order Epic, straight into the Demigod level, which was close to the Exclusive Law Mythical Grade Ninth-Order!

[Note: In the previous chapter, Logan borrowed the powerful will of the Goblin Civilization, so the detection of Taylor Civilization’s Void War Fortress was faulty, mistaking him for being Level 89. They never would have guessed that Logan was actually only Level 69!]

Just as Logan was quietly waiting for the spirituality to condense, he suddenly furrowed his brow, looked down at the hyperdimensional mark, and saw that Heather Graham had sent him a meeting request..

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