Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 145 - Chapter 145: Chapter 81: Sky Man Tribe!! Clan Rule!

Chapter 145: Chapter 81: Sky Man Tribe!! Clan Rule!

Martial Ancestor Incarnation! I, Sky Net, make money!

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Translator: 549690339

To become a Giant Spirit, and even to walk on the path of the myth, only then can It truly do what It wants to do!

It has become a bit impatient to become a Giant Spirit.

TO/+ World Community,

T0401em Planet (Demon Planet),

All the inhabitants of this planet are from the Demon Clan. Each demon is a demon worm that crawls out of the civilization foundation[Abyssal Nest] , and then mutates and grows stronger step by step!

Among them, some special individuals evolve into Exotic Demons: Hellfire Blade Demons!

First Level Lower-Grade Demons, Second Level Middle-Grade Demons, Third Level Upper-Grade Demons.

As well as Mythical Grade and even Transcendent Demon Lords! But even with time acceleration, they have only developed for just over a decade.

Even the Abyss Turtlefield’s Mythical Species of Blazing Blade Demon Clan hasn’t given birth to Mythical Grade Demons or Transcendent Demons yet!

The strongest Ninth-Order Demigod Demon is naturally sent to the War Planet to participate in the Sequence Plan where the war against the Taylor Civilization is taking place!

[Note: Deities and Deities are different myths and Mythical Species are different too- -l

Heather Graham chose to develop herself. She still doesn’t have a Demigod level angel. The Turtlefield Aristocratic Family is almost gone, and any resources will be used for the potential direct descendants.]

“Heh, that idiot Abyss Turtlefield. It will come to threaten me on my planet ahead of time…”

“I thought It had changed its ways and become smarter.” “I didn’t expect It to be as foolish as ever!”

Heather Graham sneered, then explained to Logan,

“We all know the coordinates of the target planets in advance. These planets are screened-

“Normally, they have multiple Demigod-level natives. It’s generally safer and easier to join forces with the native civilizations to besiege the Taylor Civilization.”

“But this idiot actually started fighting with the native civilization.”

Then the Taylor civilization’s player-controlled War Fortress took the opportunity to establish an information barrier, and assimilated the planetary laws of the planet, basically turning the tables.” “Abyss Turtlefield was suddenly put at a disadvantage!” Logan was momentarily stunned.

However, thinking about it, that possibility does exist–

After all, Demons are famous for their chaotic and violent nature. Doing such a thing is not unusual, and can even be said to be normal,


A stone axe appeared in Logan’s hand, transformed from the Scepter of Kings–

The essence of the Scepter of Kings is the limited special effect[Killing Intent Soldier], which can change its shape at will.

At the same time, a raging Spiritual Fire burned on the stone axe, carrying the aura of Kingship that only Monarch Species and above possess!

This Aura of Kingship is Logan’s greatest safeguard in hiding his identity!

“So, on this planet now, there are only some elderly, weak, sick, and disabled?”

“And a Deity Player who has a weakened will and power?”

Normally, the coordinates of each Deity Player’s planet are top secret.

However, Abyss Turtlefield was once Heather Graham’s suitor, so Heather naturally knows the coordinates of his Demon Planet.

“Shall we go then?”

“My goal this time is to destroy Abyss Turtlefield’s Demon Bug Nest, so he loses this crucial civilization foundation. By then, even if his Demon Clan can bulldoze the War Planet…”

“He will have nothing to do with the Emperor Replacement Plan!”

“Then I will extract enough Demon Malevolence from the Bug Nest!”

Logan and Heather Graham exchanged glances and laughed, turning into two completely different streaks of light- –

One burning with an unstoppable, invincible will.

One shimmering with a sacred, inviolable, holy radiance.

Like two huge meteors, they smashed fiercely towards the Demon Planet!

T06 World Zone,

Planet TL20121[Sprite Miniature]! Eastwood Region,

War is gradually taking place, One of many exploratory small-scale battle zones,

024 Area Jungle Battle,

“On January 24th, the five huge structures called[Void War Mechanical

Fortresses]descended on our planet. One of them was destroyed by a powerful Heroic Spirit as soon as it arrived. I couldn’t even catch my breath when I saw that War Fortress! As a result, the ancient state announced a war alert.”

“On January 30th, the mechanical pursuit plan carried out by the ancient country achieved certain gains. The traces of the first War Fortress were found, and although the War Fortress itself was not discovered, a large number of Robots were discovered. They have killed many Heroic Spirit Humans living in the mountain villages – I am a little scared.”

“On February 13th, traces of the four other War Fortresses emerged one after another. The number of their robots has greatly increased and they can now recklessly send them to search for mineral resources. It’s so hateful. How could I not have become a Mineral Hunter earlier and destroyed all those damned mineral veins!”

“On February 14th, ancient country announced good news. The large amount of Robots appearing is because they could not find enough mineral resources, which means our chances of victory have greatly improved!”

“On February 17th, the war broke out. My father and mother went to the front line. That was in the Eastwood Region’s 024 Area Jungle Battle. I clearly remember. You must come back safely!”

“On February 20th, my parents came back… but they were not my parents anymore. I want to open the box, even though I know I won’t be able to see them even if I do, but… What should I do….”

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