Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 147 - Chapter 147: Chapter 82: Civilization’s Fire! Taiyi

Chapter 147: Chapter 82: Civilization’s Fire! Taiyi

Quantum Light! Ancient Bloodline! Crushing the Demon ‘s Nest! (8k)

Translator: 549690339

T06 World Zone,

Planet TL20121[Sprite Miniature]!

Eastwood Region, War Fortress,

“This damn game…”

“Right from the start, a plot kills and takes out the mechanic.”

Melvin Hawthorne looked at the virtual strategy map in front of him, at the red marks indicating unexploitable mineral resource points, his face darkening, and his eyes filled with rage,

“Even that would have been fine…”

“Now, even most of the mineral resources in these primitive, uncharted forests have been destroyed beforehand!”

“They even used highly corrosive, destructive chemicals, rendering even the waste mining facilities useless for recycling!” “Now we can’t even farm and levée troops !”

“This is terrible, the game experience is so bad!”

Ivy looked at the sullen-faced Melvin Hawthorne, a faint, pitiful red light flickering in her eyes, and said:

“Master, don’t worry. Although the situation here is not good, it is better elsewhere!”

“Rage Thunder has arrived in the South Desert Territory, and now he has repaired and modified his damaged Secondary Orbital Annihilation Star Cannon with a volcanic containment device into a Lava Super Energy Cannon, boosting its power by at least 30%!”

“Hunter Tracer has landed in the North Sea Domain. Although his war fortress is among the most severely damaged among us…”

“His giant battle armor, however, remains intact, and his combat power has hardly been compromised. ”

“Moreover, he has reached an agreement with the Abyss King of the North Sea

Domain. When the final battle comes, the Abyss King will unleash the Deep Sea

Beast Tide and attack the indigenous civilizations alongside us!”

“Woody had bad luck. All her ultra high-risk robots for war carrying were completely destroyed.”

“However, she used her still intact Secondary Orbital Annihilation Star Cannon to kill the Fierce Beast Kings of the West Beast Wilderness Territory, and then created a giant ultra-high-risk mechanical beast, which actually boosted her combat power a lot!”

Hearing Ivy’s words, Melvin Hawthorne’s dark expression gave way to a smile.

“Thanks to you, Ivy.”

“Otherwise, I wouldn’t know how to get through this game, where I can’t open the forum and communicate with the outside world, and I’m constantly running into bad luck.”

A barely perceptible loathing flashed across Ivy’s eyes, but she still simulated the most natural smile on her flawless face,

“Ivy would give anything for her master!”

And in the “bottom of her heart”, which was actually the lowest level of her logic law algorithm, a cold, mechanical voice emerged:

“For the Sky Net!”

T06 World Zone,

Planet TL20121[Sprite Miniature]!

Central Region Domain,

An avatar formed by a wisp of consciousness in Logan’s outer world gently used the world law to condense terrifying chains.

He locked the high-risk robot carrying a wisp of Sky Net Will, and repeatedly caused terrifying friction on its shell, damaging its chassis and neural circuits.

“Deity, please don’t do this.”

The increasingly dilapidated SkyNet Robot showed no signs of wavering, and just continued to speak in the iciest, most mechanical voice: “I am the will of Skynet, and this is but a temporary carrier.”

“In my judgment, your behavior is intimidating-”

“Such intimidation is useless to me, and it serves no purpose in our upcoming negotiations!”

“Please stop your actions and continue to communicate with me.”

Hearing the SkyNet Robot’s words, Logan merely laughed,

“It may be useless, but it ‘vents my anger’.”

Of course, he was deliberately misleading the SkyNet Robot.

Logan wouldn’t do such meaningless things; he was actually verifying if the high-risk robot was telling the truth.

His world law already stored the planet coordinates of “Goblin World Fragment, ” “Heroic Spirit Planet,” “Original Dragon Control World Fragment,” and “Wise Man Planet.”

Using the coordinates from these four worlds as a base, he could clearly sense a wisp of an extremely high-ranking will from an unknown land, in an extremely subtle way.

Projecting onto the Heroic Spirit Planet, within the high-risk robot in front of him, Logan confirmed in his heart,

“It seems to be true, not trying to deceive me.”


Hearing what Logan had said, the SkyNet Robot was rather puzzled,

“According to my analysis, you deities should be the same as me, ‘intelligent simulated’ life forms and ’emotionally simulated’ life forms…”

“You should be emotionless.”

“We are different.”

Logan did not explain.

According to the true essence of the Deity Players, they are like the laws of heaven, consciousness aggregations of every physical element on their planets, the controllers and executors of the laws, the maintainers of order. They should be machines without any emotions, cold as ice.

However, they paradoxically have individual wills.

And they are also a civilization.

This is a qualitative metamorphosis. They are no longer the above description; they have become true living beings while still retaining those powers.

They are, in fact, higher beings than the deities and the world’s will! Of course, Logan would not tell any of this to the SkyNet Robot.

“So, what deal can we make?”

Logan showed a smile; he was good at making deals..

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