Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 150 - Chapter 150: Chapter 82: Civilization’s Fire! Taiyi

Chapter 150: Chapter 82: Civilization’s Fire! Taiyi

Quantum Light! Ancient Bloodline! Crushing the Demon Insect Nest! (8000) _4

Translator: 549690339

“I’m almost there, after hunting a few more idiots like this, I can move on to the next stage of a Lesser Demon, which should be called Second Order!”

A Bone Tube Demon, a figure far greater in stature than the previous Little Demon, quickly concealed himself after draining the Little Demon, to prevent being discovered and landing himself in danger.

Each time a Demon advances, their bodies undergo a transformation, gaining different special abilities.

Besides, their bodies are perfect killing machines bred for war!

“Being a Demon carries a lot of risks, yet…”

“Our strength is unquestionable!”

The Bone Tube Demon unveiled a savage smile. He had an innate predisposition for brutality.

“Now I’m just a Lesser Demon, but in the future, I will dominate the Universe!”

“If I could become a Blazing Blade Demon…”

The Bone Tube Demon is a typical representative of the Demon Clan, possessing brutality, arrogance and cruelty within.

Just as the Bone Tube Demon was relishing its superior racial strength and his future powers,

He was shocked to discover two completely different breaths of meteors appearing above the blood-red sky, heading towards him!

“Great Master of the Demon, resist this sudden existence!”

Even many demons who were so wild that they didn’t respect the Master of Demon on normal days, began to pray at this moment.

Because they knew, if they were hit, they’d be turned to ashes in an instant!

“Behind us is the Demon Insect Nest, the Master of the Demon will definitely show up for the safety of the Insect Nest, right?”

Sure enough, the next moment, they clearly heard the angry shout of the Master of the Demon, “Heather Graham?!” “How dare you?!” “And what is this…”

“In the T World Community, I haven’t heard of a Monarch Species with your form!”


“Even if you are a Monarch Species, in front of my Blazing Blade Demon, you are nothing but trash!”

“How dare you come to my planet?!”

Abyss Turtlefield seethed with rage.

His will coalesced into a multitude of violent rules in an instant, countless chains ablaze with demonic flames, which coalesced into a massive Demon

Claw and clenched into a fist, slamming down on Logan and Heather Graham!

“We’re here as guests, of course.”

“Why, aren’t you welcoming us?

Heather Graham sneered coldly, the holy light in her hand coalesced into a holy sword, transformed into a streak of light, and struck hard at the Demon Claw formed by the star rule chains!

Under normal circumstances, she wasn’t Transcendent Tier and naturally wouldn’t dare to resist Deity Players fortified by other planets’ local star rules. But right now, the Demon Planet was in an unprecedented state of weakness.

Plus, with Logan by her side…

She had no fear at all!

Logan, on the other hand, instantly materialized a murderous aura, looking even more violent than the Demon Clan itself, almost out-Demon-ing the Demons!

His aura briefly merged with that of the Demon Insect Nest, bypassing the star rule chains in an instant.

Then the Stone Axe in his hand flared up with a rampant Spiritual Fire again, fiercely slashing down at the Demon Insect Nest!

“Damn it!”

“Who the hell are you?!”

“If you dare move, I’ll make a living hell for you!”

“I’ll spare no resource to invade your planet!”

Seeing this mysterious Deity Player quickly bypassed him, intending to landslide his Civilization Foundation—the Demon Insect Nest with an axe,

Abyss Turtlefield became frantic.

He started to threaten Logan, in an attempt to stop him—

After all, with most of his will gone, he was struggling enough just to deal with Heather Graham!

Upon hearing the threat, Logan just sneered indifferently, his Stone Axe continued its harsh descent!

Utilizing the violent aura from the Goblin Tribe, Logan deftly evaded Abyss Turtlefield’s rule chains.

Then, despite Abyss Turtlefield’s threats, he slammed his axe down on the Demon Insect Nest!

“Hiss! ”


In the Demon Insect Nest, countless Demon Worms that resembled alien creatures roared in threats and fear at Logan.

However, this did not affect his descending Stone Axe at all!


Under the incredulous and angry gaze of Abyss Turtlefield, Logan’s Stone Axe aflame with the raging Spirit Fire, struck the Demon Insect Nest.

At that moment, it seemed as though the whole world went silent.

Under countless eyes, the Demon Insect Nest, which was the Civilization Foundation of the Demon Clan – Blazing Blade Demon Clan, was badly wounded by Logan’s attack!

That blow almost split the Demon Insect Nest in two!

Furthermore, the raging Spiritual Fire continued to burn, wildly spreading through the open Demon Insect Nest!

As if the Demon Insect Nest was the perfect fuel, it burned the nest fiercely, scorching the souls of the Demon Worms!

Logan could feel that during the burning process, the Goblin Tribe’s Spiritual Fire was constantly devouring the Demon Insect Nest’s Origin as nourishment for its own transformation, gradually becoming more powerful!

“You lowly insect!”

“Damn you! You are going to die!”

Abyss Turtlefield’s eyes instantly turned blood-red, but he was being held back by Heather Graham and they were at a disadvantage, they couldn’t stop Logan at all!

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