Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 155 - Chapter 155: Chapter 83: (Spirituality – Extreme Evil) !

Chapter 155: Chapter 83: (Spirituality – Extreme Evil) !

Civilizational Foundation! Skeleton World – Spirit Realm Descends! [Ten Thousand Words Essence]_4

Translator: 549690339

“Luckily, so far only Woody’s area has encountered a large-scale invasion.

Hunter Tracer and Melvin Hawthorne’s areas shouldn’t have any problems for With that thought, Rage Thunder started operating his modified Lava Super Energy Cannon. He could not stand idly by while Woody was under siege and not do anything!

“Number One, release the Volcanic Shelter and activate the Lava Super Energy


Rage Thunder had named his supercomputer “Number One,” giving it a simple, rustic touch.

At his command, the Volcanic Shelters, reflecting glaze-like colors similar to bubbles, began to expand and then contract, repeating the process over and over again.

During this process, the Volcanic Shelters crazily extracted volcanic energy from the numerous volcanoes in the South Desert Territory to continuously charge the Lava Super Energy Cannon!

“Even if this attack exposes the coordinates of my Void War Fortress…”

“This ultra-high-powered shot, nearly surpassing the strongest power of the Secondary Orbital Annihilation Star Cannon, will absolutely eliminate the majority of this civilization’s power! ”

Rage Thunder’s eyes gleamed with crazy excitement-

He had never tried taking out most of a civilization’s living forces with one shot!

In the past, he had often seen Earl-Level big shots shatter a planet with a single shot, and he had been very envious.

He never thought that today, he would have the opportunity to do something similar!

As Rage Thunder kept trying to lock onto the ultra-long-range coordinates and launch an attack with the Lava Super Energy Cannon, suddenly, all the Volcanic Shelters became unstable and shook violently. The crystal-clear

“bubbles” that were continuously extracting volcanic energy began to flicker.

Subsequently, the extraction of volcanic energy became unstable, causing the volcanoes to shake continuously, and then…

The volcanoes within the volcanic cluster began to “extinguish” one after another!

Yes, extinguish!

Volcanoes were originally supposed to be the source of a planet’s energy – the energy of the Star Core.

Volcanic Shelters, however, were super devices controlling these volcanoes that touched on the level of the Rule. If the Volcanic Shelters malfunctioned, it would likely cause a “fault” that would extinguish the volcanoes!


The Lava Super Energy Cannon had just started to charge, but it dimmed once again, losing its energy source!

“Damn it!”

“Damn it!!!”

Seeing this scene, Rage Thunder felt a bit crushed and furious but was also helpless.

It was precisely because his Secondary Orbital Annihilation Star Cannon had been damaged by the Golden Boss that he had improvised and modified it into a Lava Super Energy Cannon.

Now, with the malfunction of the Volcanic Shelter, he was truly at a loss!

“I’ll think of another solution, but even if I come up with something now, I won’t have time to modify it again and provide support to Woody in time…” “I can only count on Hunter Tracer now!”

Rage Thunder was ready to message Hunter Tracer, who controlled the Giant Battle Armor. Team leader Melvin Hawthorne had the Talent of mechanical enhancement and followed a brutal soldier path.

If they waited for him to lead the mechanical frenzy to provide support, Woody would probably have already been killed.

As for Hunter Tracer, he controlled the Giant Armor, which represented the epitome of combat power. Only he could bring the Command Template and the level 99 Abyss King to support Woody!

Then, he saw a scene that made his face turn pale instantly!

“How is this possible!”

Rage Thunder’s face turned pale, and through the communication device’s projection, he unexpectedly saw a pitch-black rift suddenly appear above Hunter Tracer & the Abyss King!

From that pitch -black spatial rift, there stepped out a majestic figure akin to a deity…

Golden BOSS!

Then, that Golden Boss, without any regard for martial ethics, didn’t say a word and directly raised the Scepter of Kings, striking out a terrifying linear flame that could annihilate a War Fortress!


Rage Thunder saw that the huge armor and the beast instinctively turned their heads, so he breathed a sigh of relief. However, the following scene almost made him lose his breath!

The blockheaded Hunter Tracer didn’t continue to flee, and instead, he turned around to fight.

What left Rage Thunder even more speechless was that the Abyss King also turned around to fight…

Then, under Rage Thunder’s incredulous gaze, Hunter Tracer barely managed to shatter the incoming linear flame, gaining a brief respite.

That Golden Boss casually struck another linear flame, easily cutting the Abyss King in half!

Afterward, an all-encompassing darkness descended, cloaking the Giant Armor like a nightmare…

Soon after, a second gray avatar appeared in the team roster.

“This is too outrageous! This Golden Boss is so strong, what’s the point of fighting? Can’t he just sweep us all up by himself?”

Feeling deeply puzzled, Rage Thunder went to investigate the cause of the Volcanic Shelter’s malfunction.

As for Melvin Hawthorne, he had already been ignored.

T06 World Zone,

Planet TL20121[Sprite Miniature]!

West Beast Wilderness,

On top of the main battlefield,

The sky was gloomy, filled with thick smoke and a somewhat suffocating smell.

This was due to the local mineral resources being destructively exploited by Woody, as well as the countless mechanical factories, exploration robots, and massive exploration mechanical devices not engaging in any sustainable recycling.

After sacrificing mineral resources and the ecological environment, they gained a huge number of low-risk, high-risk robots.

And a large number of roaring, ferocious, and even rampaging Fierce Beasts!

“Thankfully, I made a Ferocious Beast Mental Field Interferometer with the brain material of the Fierce Beast King from this West Beast Wilderness.. It can simulate the mental fluctuations of the Fierce Beast King and make these numerous Fierce Beasts fight for me!”

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