Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 158 - Chapter 158: Chapter 84: From Human to spirit!

Chapter 158: Chapter 84: From Human to spirit!

Sublimation of Evil Crown! Thorn Saint! Taiyi Perpetual Motion Machine! [Ten Thousand Words Essence]

Translator: 549690339

TO/+ World Community,

Goblin World Fragment – Border Island.

The entire Goblin World Fragment exudes a black-golden glow, within which lie the absolute extreme of [Extreme Evil], endless strength, and vast vitality.

These represent the power of the [Path of Malice], the [Law of Power], and [Infinite Evolution].

Their sources are the [World], [Civilization], [Special Effects], as well as Logan, imprinted on the spirituality of civilization by various laws, forming the special and dangerous spirituality of [Extreme Evil]— So special that the system has to specifically explain it.

The Path of Malice derives from the chaotic and violent malevolence of demons. It symbolizes the cosmic dark side’s wicked violence, combined with twisted ancient bloodlines, represents ultimate cruelty.

The Law of Power is one of the most common and difficult laws to comprehend in the void, chosen by Logan’s numerous special influences to suit the Goblin Tribe.

[Note: Time, Space, Destiny, Power… are the most common laws, as nothing, no time or place, can exist without them.]

Infinite evolution represents Logan himself, along with the uniqueness bestowed by the system.

For Logan and the Goblin Civilization, the Path of Malice and the Law of Power are the strongest, but not the best choices.

The best choice is [Evolution]!

Because evolution is the tangible expression of Logan’s system— Kill, then drop.

Then evolve and ascend through the drop.

So, in the black and gold spirituality created by the Path of Malice and the Law of Power, an indescribable light symbolizing evolution always firmly dominates the core position.

Even Malice and Power are constructed around it!

With the passage of time, the spirituality flow gradually stabilizes, forming a crown made entirely of black gold and set with colorful gemstones—

The Goblin Civilization is currently in the [Kingdom] stage of civilization.

So, the spirituality of civilization appears in the world in the form of a symbol of [Kingdom’s Power]!

Logs continue to pop up—

[Log]: “Thorn Saint” is a hero identity!

[Log]: Upon detecting a follower who meets the standard of becoming a “Hero,” it can grant a heroic identity, making them a Thorn Saint!

[Log]: It was detected that Thorn Saint is unique to the ancient bloodline of the Goblin Tribe. The Hero Qualified is limited to “Goblin Followers”!

[Log]: The Thorn Saint helps the suited one to comprehend the opposite laws and to blend them together!

[Log]: The Thorn Saint can invoke the exclusive law “Sacred Thorn”!

[Log]: Extreme evil spirituality symbolizes crime and violence, transformed by malice, power, and twisted ancient bloodlines!

[Log]: Extreme evil spirituality has a great destructive effect on exclusive laws!

[Log]: Current civilization is the “Kingdom”, spirituality symbolizes [Evil Crown ] !

[Log]: Your Goblin Civilization under your command has broken through the racial limitations, condensing civilization spirituality!

[Log]: You have triggered the Silver Milestone event!

[Log]: Your Goblin race under your command has broken through the racial level barrier limit, reaching High-level Prisoner Race!

[Log]: Thank you for your contribution to the Hyperdimensional Game!

[Log]: Reward “Two-Star Warriors” authority level!

[Log]: Reward “Hyperdimensional Substitute Coupon – Mid-level Transcendent Allies” *1!

[Log]: Reward “Designated Items” viewing authority!

[Log]: Carry out Hyperdimensional Game full channel announcement?

“No announcement!”

Logan decisively chose not to announce, but he didn’t have time to start looking at his newly acquired rights yet.

Following that, the spirituality is condensed by civilization and automatically refined.

And It began treading on its path of Giant Spirit!

T06 World Zone,

Planet TL20121[Sprite Miniature]! West Beast Wilderness,

“TalentEndless Desert!”

Woody softly spoke, looking at those Epics who were targeted by the Orbital Annihilation Cannon and couldn’t take action.

And on the battlefield, there were no Heroic Spirit Masters of Epic level present. She wanted to eliminate most of the opponent’s living forces in one fell swoop!

According to the data, the opponents were just natives who could only become powerful by relying on their instincts and the specialty of the planet. She had extreme confidence in this strike!



The Ultra High-Risk Mechanical Beast with a dragon’s head and lion’s body let out stiff roars and the loud humming noise of the engine working frantically.

Running through those large, alloy-modified blood vessels was an enormous amount of super-energy fuel. The vast power exploded in the engine, spreading into its massive limbs of flesh and machine!

A huge sandstorm was stirred up instantly under the demigod level rule, trying to swallow the entire battlefield!

“Without the identity of a mythic level, but because of mechanical transformation, coupled with reckless over-explosion in a short time, the combat power is comparable to that of a mythical profession!”

“It’s very different from regular mythical level creatures.”

Martin, whose forehead was engraved with a rule mark symbolizing power, strolled through the battlefield, his moves dissolving high-risk robots into pieces with a wave of his hand, showing a grave expression.

Looking at the sandstorm that covered the sky and earth, even as a seventh rank Goblin Giant Spirit, a legend, who had already embarked on the path of exclusive laws of the mythic grade, he still found it somewhat helpless to deal with this law attack that surpassed demigod level!

“Power – Royal Authority!”

“Power – Power of Life and Death!”

Martin gently opened his mouth, countless dark rule chains spread instantly from his body, covering the entire battlefield.. They turned into countless frightening power worms that looked like alien larvae, consuming the sand dust carrying law power!

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