Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 163 - Chapter 163: Chapter 84: From Human to spirit!

Chapter 163: Chapter 84: From Human to spirit!

Sublimation of Evil Crown! Thorn Saint! Taiyi Perpetual Motion Machine! [Ten Thousand Words Essence]_6

Translator: 549690339

“So, do you need to make an extra transaction for me to add the automatic tracking function to it?”

The voice of the Sky Net Robot was probing. Without the automatic tracking function, it meant that someone had to hold back the Transcendent Tier!

One slip, and they’d either be killed on the spot by the Transcendent Tier, or destroyed by the Heretic Destroyer!

And the ability to automatically track wasn’t something mechanical authority could accomplish; it had to be carried out by a wisp of a Transcendent Tier or even Dominator.

Logan knew in his heart that this was a test from Sky Net Will. It had already set up all the Star Deities available as model data, ready to analyze and deduce everything about the Blue Star Civilization.

Whether Logan answered or not, it could learn more!

Logan just smiled and pointed to the completed Heretic Destroyer, “Heroic Spirits, collect the Heretic Destroyer.”

Then he ignored the Sky Net Robot and disappeared on the spot!

“Now, it’s your turn.”

Logan instantly appeared outside the planet, looking at it within the illusory core.

There, an illusory figure, synchronized with the Heroic Spirit Planet, existed, with countless special lifeforms being bred and sleeping within the illusion.

That was the Heroic Spirit Realm!

And now, the Heroic Spirit Realm was occupied by Logan, who firmly controlled the authority over the Heroic Spirit Realm!

“I can begin to refine the Heroic Spirit Realm and turn it into my [Heaven]!”

“And then pry into the special rules of the Heroic Spirit Planet that coexist with the realm. If possible, even directly move the Heroic Spirit Planet to the vicinity of the Goblin World Fragment through the Heavenly Kingdom


Logan was delighted in his heart, but also somewhat helpless.

Whether negotiating with Heather Graham or the Sky Net Robot, he was preparing for the war on the Wise Man Planet!

Only by conquering the Wise Man Planet could he completely recover the lost parts of the Goblin Tribe.

Only in this way, his next step, will there be much less resistance!

“And, why would the Alien God of the Abyssal Civilization descend on the Wise

Man Planet?”

“Is there something special about the Wise Man Planet…”

“Born with a Destiny Intelligence Bone in the brow that rivals the powerful computing ability of a Transcendental Computer, this is quite rare in the entire Void, and moreover, the levels are low, not even having life at the Second


“Something is very wrong.”

Logan thought for a moment and opened his personal panel. He hadn’t looked at his specific information in a long time — [Deity]: Logan

[Divine Power]: Giant Spirit (Metamorphosing – Evolutionary Body – Heavy Armor, Slaughter Will, Killing Machine)

[Rule]: Perfection 78.78%, Hunting 99-99%, Evolution 99-99%, Slaughter

99-99%, Evil 93-5%, Giant Dragon 53-7%, War 99-9%, World 67-5%, Tyrant

40.23%, Fixed Star 15-3%, Divine 13.2%, Light 1.36%…

[Note]: The Rule is limited by the fact that spirituality has not been completely refined and the Giant Spirit Body has not yet been born, so it cannot carry the complete Rule!

[Civilization Foundation]Goblin’s fire (Fire Seed 5.69%), The First Sequence

0.03%, Primitive Divinity 2.1%

[Divine Role]: Goblin

[Divine Art]: Spear of Hunting, Frenzied Bloodline, Goblin Blessing Spell, Anchor of the Void, Goblin Heroic Spirit Transformation Technique, Sanctuary

Construction Technique, Heavenly Kingdom Construction Technique,

Sub-Dragon Strongman

[Followers]: Goblins (Zero Stars/483,569), Shadow Hunters (First Level/8,389,

Second Level/1,359), Goblin Giant Demon (First Level/27 ,835), Goblin Giant Soldier *5,268, Goblin King (Seventh-rank • Rule of Power) [War Spirit]: Goblin Wolf Riders

[Affiliated Races]: Spirit Tamer Clan (High-level Prisoner Race)

[Hero]: Chuck Leaf (Dragon Tamer Sixth Order) [Hero Qualified]: Martin, Ethan Carlton [Hero Position]: Thorn Saint (not yet paired)

[Belief]: 18,540,000 points

[Civilization]: 33,330 points

[Special Effects]: Dragon Scales, Steelback, Malice, Slaughter Will, Dead Fish Domain, Blood Lake, Catastrophe, Dragon Head, Desert, Endless, Deep Void…

[Limited Special Effects]: Will Incarnation•True!

[Civilization]: Goblin Civilization (Clan Kingdom – Wicked Spirituality)

[World Fragment]: Boundary Island Class (1,710 square kilometers / resources “Rich”), nurtures Second Level resources, has the ability to breed heroes! [World Steward]: Kanna (Qualified for Heavenly Auxiliary Monarch)

[Special]: Hyperdimensional Substitute Coupon – Superb Ally (Lower Rank) *1,

Hyperdimensional Substitute Ticket – Mid -level Transcendent Allies *1,

Designated Matters Investigation Eligibility *1, Star-shining Super Energy Cannon: Heretic Destroyer *1, Exclusive Law Simulation *1, Undying Concept *1!

[Authority Level]: Two-Star Warriors

[Merit Points Account]: One-Star Meritorious Account (24,102 points)

[Name]: Designated Matters Investigation Eligibility

[Type]: Authority

[Times]: Once (consumable)

[Special Effects]: Can designate a matter not exceeding one’s own authority level (Three-Star Aristocratic Authority) and directly obtain relevant information from the Hyperdimensional Game!

LINamej: will Incarnauon• ITue

[Type]: Special EffectsLimited

[Special Effects]: After use, a real Will Incarnation can be created with a carrier.

[Note]: What is real? It is a secondary authority that has no difference other than the Hyperdimensional Mark from the original, and has differences in mind, will, and true spirit, like two people!

“This is indeed a limited special effect.”

Logan nodded slightly,

“Martial Arts has Demon Malevolence, but the body tissue of a powerful life-form is still needed..”

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