Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 166 - Chapter 166: Chapter 85: Giant Spirit Body! Building the

Chapter 166: Chapter 85: Giant Spirit Body! Building the

Divine Kingdom! Heroic Spirit Family! (5k) _2

Translator: 549690339

[Log]: The Sanctuary has connected to the Goblin World Fragment – Border Island!

[Log]: Your world now has a Sanctuary, and its foundation has greatly increased!

[Log]: After having a Sanctuary, you can establish permanent space-time channels between worlds with your will engraved in them by consuming faith points!

[Log]: After having a Sanctuary, you can establish a primary and secondary planetary system (higher world system)!

[Note]: Such as the Immortal Realm in the “Spirit World” of the Green Emperor World Community, where the “Spirit World” is to the “Mortal World”!

With the prompt from the log, the entire Heroic Spirit Realm is refined almost instantly within a short time!

All Goblin Hero Spirits are forced back into their original forms, leaving the Heroic Spirit Transformation and are teleported back into the Goblin World Fragments.

The illusory Heroic Spirit Realm is enveloped by a golden torrent of faith.

The ocean of faith bathes the originally untouchable Heroic Spirit Realm within the fantasy, gradually changing it from its very source!


The sacred breath gradually replaces the breath of Heroic Spirits, and streaks of white gold celestial curtains appear within the Heroic Spirit Realm, transforming it into the semblance of a divine kingdom.

Not only that, the entire Divine Kingdom prototype also resonates with the deeply hidden and sealed [God Kingdom Rule], which is specifically blocked by the Sanctuary-level Sovereigns of the Blue Star Civilization and can only be invoked through the Heaven/Sanctuary Construction Blueprint.

“Using public resources for personal gains…”

From Logan’s spiritual perspective, he can clearly “see” the incredible power of this Divine Kingdom Rule, which was once the forbidden fruit of the [World Community of Gods].

After friendly negotiations and substantial compensation, the rule was sealed and sublimated by the Blue Star Civilization in a long process of peaceful evolution.

Only divine players of the Blue Star Civilization can resonate with this rule and establish their Divine Kingdom!

A shimmering golden Divine Kingdom prototype appears in the palm of Logan’s incarnation!

Meanwhile, the Heroic Spirit Planet turns into a pitch-black phantom, and as the Divine Kingdom prototype changes, the force of the rules is instantly leveraged, transforming it into a long rainbow that passes through the Divine Scepter, spanning a vast number of world regions and appearing near the Goblin World Fragment!

Immediately after, Logan gently releases his grip, and the materialized Divine Kingdom prototype in his hand expands by millions of times, becomes ethereal, and then disappears from the Heroic Spirit Planet, appearing within the Goblin World Fragment!

It then merges into the Goblin World Fragment—

Almost instantly, all lives within the Goblin World Fragment feel a change in the world, as if something more has been added to the unknown.

This is the power of the Divine Kingdom—

With just a thought, the Divine Kingdom reaches!

Of course, this is limited to one’s own strength. Logan’s current strength can only reach a few world regions not too far away.

Even a small part of a world community can’t freely descend the Divine Kingdom prototype!

And on the scepter of kings that emerged in Logan’s incarnated hand due to the establishment of the Golo Kingdom by Martin, a crystal ball with a heavy breath and symbolizing the Divine Kingdom prototype appeared!

Moreover, It can sense the existence of the Heroic Spirit Planet through the Divine Kingdom prototype, and this sensing is extremely clear!

With just a slight movement of Logan’s thought, he appears in the Divine Kingdom.

He gently waved his hand, and a glorious hall appeared in the Divine Kingdom, where He would reside from now on and will be His permanent residence.

At this point, His main body has also reached the end of observing the Void Law from the perspective of Civilization Spirituality, gradually entering the final stages as the Divine Kingdom prototype is built!

[Log]: You enter the Civilization Spirituality observation perspective!

[Log]: During the observation process, you constructed your Divine Kingdom prototype, greatly enhancing the observation effect!

[Log]: After observing, your mastery of the Hunting Rule reaches 100%, and you have completely mastered it!

[Log]: After observing, your mastery of the Evolution Rule reaches 100%, and you have completely mastered it!

[Log]: After observing, your mastery of the Killing Rule reaches 100%, and you have completely mastered it!

[Log]: After observing, your mastery of various rules such as the Evil Rule, War Rule, World Rule, and Tyrant Rule reaches 100%, and you have completely mastered them!

[Log]: Detected that your divine body is [Infinite Evolution], and the

Civilization Spirituality you refined is [Evil Spirituality]. You still take the Infinite Evolution body as the main body and step into the Giant Spirit Level Divine Players!

[Log]: You have fully comprehended nine rules, completed the World Fusion, and become a Ninth-Order Demigod Giant Spirit Deity Player!

[Log]: Your Perfect Concept is further improved!

[Log]: Considering that your Divine Body is particularly powerful and your world qualification level is higher, your spiritual foundation’s requirements for creating exclusive rules and carrying exclusive rule spirituality are extremely high!

[Log]: Upon detection, your spirituality foundation filling progress is [3.65%]!

“That’s ridiculous.”

Logan is stunned when he sees the last piece of information in the log.

The Goblin Civilization’s spirituality has burned a large number of rules and countless eighth and ninth-order lives, yet only filled 3.65% of the spiritual foundation!?

Logan can’t help but be startled by such data, even considering his own strength.

“Never mind, let’s take it slow.”

“Oh right, didn’t the Blue Star Defense Department send me a message about the Spiritual Realm?”

As Logan shakes his head, he suddenly remembers the message sent by the Blue Star Guard Department – Zow City Division and is overjoyed..

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