Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 176 - Chapter 176: Chapter 88: [Martial Arts]! Blood of the Space-Time Dragon! Confronting the Alien God! Grasping little Logan tightly! _3

Chapter 176: Chapter 88: [Martial Arts]! Blood of the Space-Time Dragon! Confronting the Alien God! Grasping little Logan tightly! _3

Translator: 549690339

And, It felt that as long as it continued to input Faith Points, its mastery of the

[Divine Technique: Alien Abyss Emperor Dominator Characteristic

Containment Technique]could deepen further–

Having the natural counter effect against the abyssal breath deep in the void!

The next instant, its body above the Goblin World Fragment, emitting a violent wicked spirituality, wielding the Scepter of Kings, an Spatial Passage was torn open, leading directly to Wise Man Planet!

TOI World District

Wise Man Planet (Mini/Alteration),

Primordial Intellect Federation Wisdom Palace Outskirts,

Over a thousand powerful Ability Users surrounded in a circle, all wearing cruel smiles, looking at how the Byron White Alien Deity killed these two ignorant “Wise Man” pests.

However, at the last moment before the huge claws of the Byron White Alien Deity were about to fall, a circle of golden light suddenly bloomed beneath the giant claws, emanating a terrifying power and strength.

This force bloomed instantly, from tiny to enormous, expanding wildly.

Subsequently, in an instant, the giant claws of the Byron White Alien Deity were shaken open!

On those giant claws of Byron White Alien Deity, countless cracks appeared instantly, grotesque and twisted black blood spurted out, polluting the earth into an uninhabitable state!

“Is nothing but a pig and a dog, yet dare to be insolent.”

In the golden light, Logan appeared with a divine, majestic figure.

A halo symbolizing wisdom and power hovered behind its head, the Scepter of Kings in its hand emitted endless golden brilliance, with black and gold wicked spirituality swirling around it, constantly burning the alteration factors emitted by Byron White Alien Deity.

When it came to talking smack, Logan was never soft-spoken.

After all, everything It revealed to the world might eventually appear before people–

The majesty of a god must not be tarnished.

Chuck Leaf, on the other hand, respectfully transmitted all the information they had obtained to Logan.

As for Angie Carlton, she was utterly dumbfounded at that moment.

Chuck Leaf was already an extremely great existence in her eyes, but she never expected that the “deity” behind Chuck Leaf would be so majestic!

“I can’t think anymore!”

In Angie’s heart, she murmured,

“Only Lord Chuck Leaf is the god in my heart!”

“Hehehe, a pig and a dog?”

“Are you, a deity?”

“Hehehehe, it turns out that I can encounter a will incarnation of a deity here.”

Byron White Alien Deity extended its tentacle-covered tongue, licking the alien blood flowing from the cracks in its giant claws, revealing a mouthful of sharp teeth,

“It’s just a young deity who hasn’t broken through the Transcendent Tier. Once

I trace back your planet’s coordinates and consume your Will Origin, you’ll

“Who is the pig and dog!”


T03 Area,

TS0083 Planet (Angel Mini),


Heather Graham, lying lazily on the Divine Seat of Angels, suddenly frowned as she dismissed the angel attendant by her side. “What does It want from me?”

“But, it’s probably not going to be anything good!”

“Humph, Murphy Thompson’s spirituality has been brought back, and the Abyss Turtlefield has been dealt with. Let’s see how I can take advantage of this little Logan.”

At this moment, countless Half Angels were singing sacred songs at the top of the clouds, and various creatures were crawling on the ground, filled with devotion and fanaticism, chanting sacred songs along with angels in the clouds.

Streams of belief spiritual light rose from the ground, merged with the angel’s spiritual light in the cloud peak, together offering their supreme Master in the Angel Divine Hall, which was the greatest honor of their lives.

Suddenly, the holy voice of a Six-Winged Angel came down from the cloud summit,

“Today’s offering is over, disperse now.”

All the creatures on the ground were somewhat doubtful, according to the usual time of offerings, this was only half past, why did it end so soon?

But devout as they were, they had no questions, only respectfully ending the offering and then beginning their own lives.

“Master, why did the offering end so early?”

Angel Saint Helen, who was in charge of the Angel Reincarnation Pool and mastered the reincarnation rules, asked. It bowed its head respectfully. “An old friend is coming, you may leave first.”

Heather Graham gave a light explanation and waited until the many angels in the offering had left.

Only then did she open the planet’s permissions, let Logan in, and immediately said, pre-empting the conversation,

“It’s Logan…”

“Coming to me, is there something you want to ask me for?”

Although she had an [Offense and Defense Alliance] with Logan and many pledges set by Logan, it solely limited her not to betray Logan and provide limited help when Logan needed it-How much help?

It’s up to me, the Angel God!

I made a mistake before and got plotted against by you, but now…

I have the upper hand, and I’m in control of the situation!

Little Logan, watch how I take advantage of you!

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