Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 182 - Chapter 182: Chapter 92: [Transcendent Tier•Yan Jun]!

Chapter 182: Chapter 92: [Transcendent Tier•Yan Jun]!

Ancient Nest! Gathering Essence, Qj, and Spirit! Magpie Bridge!

Translator: 549690339

TOI World District

Wise Man Planet (Mini/Alteration),

Outside the Primordial Intellect Federation Wisdom Palace, “This thing… ‘

“It can actually give me a feeling that threatens me?”

As the Gluttonous Mouth bites down on Logan and Heather Graham, just as it is about to close its mouth, a rare moment of clarity emerges within its will, “I just devoured Byron White, and I have gained a certain amount of power.” “Should I avoid the threat for now and slowly develop…”

But right after that, this rare moment of clarity was instantly attacked by the immense brutality caused by various reasons, such as the annihilation of the clan, the imminent fall of the qualification, the extreme damage of the body, and even the imminent silence of the True Spirit,

“Who cares, it’s just a young deity… ‘

“I am, after all, the Abyssal Emperor!”

The laws in space become increasingly chaotic, and the next moment, a point of white light suddenly appears in front of the Gluttonous Mouth. The white light expands instantly and goes berserk to an unimaginable extent—

A Light Pillar pierces through the hurricane, tears apart the space, and traverses the entire battlefield, instantly firing from the [Star-shining Super Energy Cannon: Heretic Destroyer] in Logan’s hand with an irresistible force.


In just an instant, the Gluttonous Mouth, which had been weakened by the Starlight Baptism through the Abyssal Heavenly Sovereign Characteristic Containment, was thoroughly pierced and torn apart!

Almost instantly, the once unstoppable Gluttonous Mouth is now on the verge of extinction, almost disappearing.

Heather Graham opens her mouth wide, her face flushed, her eyes full of incredulity!

Even though this is just a piece of lip from the [Strange Abyss Fifth Emperor: Gluttony], it is still a body with the remaining will of the Dominator!

It has the incredible power to destroy planets and devour the will of the planets!

But it was severely wounded by a Giant Spirit Level Divine Player who was not even at the Mythical Grade!

It seems like an individual below Transcendent Tier has completed the impossible battle across tiers.

But in reality, this is the crushing power of civilization.

[Star-shining Super Energy Cannon: Heretic Destroyer], [Abyssal Heavenly Sovereign Characteristic Containment Art], [Deity Belief Mighty Power]… these are the keys to victory.

And all of these are the strength brought by civilization!

Of course, if Logan himself were not strong enough, he wouldn’t have obtained these things.

Like in the Abyss Turtlefield, he didn’t have them. Of course, Heather Graham didn’t have them either.

“It’s time…”

“To die!”

“You all have a way to die now!!!!!”

The Gluttonous Mouth has most of its tongue missing, large chunks of its lips gone!

The already severely damaged body is mostly vanishing, but not annihilated, but contained by the Emperor’s Characteristic Containment Technique! Logan’s eyes are constantly popping up with logs—

[Strange Abyss Emperor’s Characteristic Containment Technique: 0.67%!]

[Log]: Dominator-level life signs detected!

[Log]: Collecting Dominator-level life signs!

[Log]: Detection of physical Dominator life signs!

[Log]: This Abyss Emperor’s Gluttonous Mouth can become the “Essence” in the Martial Arts Key “Essence, Qi, and Spirit”!

[Log]: This Gluttonous Mouth and Blood of the Space-Time Dragon Dominator can directly combine with the Demon’s Malicious Energy-Blade Demon of Karma Flame to deduce a special Martial Art!

[Log]: You have gathered the three flowers of Essence, Qi, and Spirit! [Log]: It can deduce the most potential special Martial Arts!

[Log]: The special Martial Art is being deduced…

[Log]: Note: If more “Essence” material can be obtained, it may speed up the deduction process!

Seeing the logs in front of him, Logan finally reveals a smile as his long-awaited Martial Art is finally about to be born.

And the last remark in the log makes his eyes even hotter when looking at the Gluttonous Mouth.

But the Gluttonous Mouth is extremely unwilling, exuding a terrifying darkening aura from head to toe,


“Hehe, your weapon should only have one shot.”

“I have already traced to your origin.”

“The Abyssal Civilization is about to be destroyed, and without civilization, my clan has also been destroyed. The likelihood of me returning from the River of

Time is minuscule!”

“Before I fall into oblivion, you must die!”

“At all costs, I will destroy your planet, pollute it, and make you suffer the torment of alteration for generations to come!”

The Gluttonous Mouth licks its broken giant lips with its damaged tongue and speaks cruel and indifferent words,


“Just wait to die.”

The Gluttonous Mouth utters the most malicious and cold curse.

The next moment, the Gluttonous Mouth splits into two. One side turns into an invisible will and plunges into the Wise Man Planet beneath its feet.

The other side tears open a spatial rift in an instant, burning furiously and trying to reach and completely shatter Logan’s Goblin World Fragment!

But its speed is too fast—

If it hadn’t just been plunged into chaos and madness, trying to complete its task at once, and had resisted Logan’s attack to swallow them all in one bite,

Otherwise, it could dodge the bombardment of the[Starshine Super Energy Cannon Exterminator of Heretics]easily!

After all, the Sky Net Will, who tried to tempt Logan to agree to let it add a trace of its own will into the Heretic Destroyer in order to achieve the effect of locking on to the target, had been rejected by Logan.

So, now facing the “escape” of the Gluttonous Mouth, Logan and Heather Graham are unable to stop it for a moment!

Heather Graham, hearing this, is even more anxious than Logan,

“Logan… ”

“Your weapon is already scrapped, and a Dominator should not be underestimated, even though you have Abyssal Emperor Characteristic

Containment Technique.”

“But we are not transcendent and don’t have exclusive laws….”

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