Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 184 - Chapter 184: Chapter 92: [Transcendent Tier•Lord Yan) !

Chapter 184: Chapter 92: [Transcendent Tier•Lord Yan) !

Ancient Nest! Gathering Essence, Energy, and spirit! Magpie Bridge!J

Translator: 549690339

“Damn it!”

“Even though I knew that on the day of the Magpie Bridge Festival, the Ancient

Nest would bless both [Love Confessions] and [Love Proposals]…”

“And I’ve already made her such great offers!” “Why does he have to challenge me right now?!”

Lord Yan was livid.

As Lord of the Netherworld, he was naturally popular on the Undying Side.

But this place was the Ancient Nest.

All the most beautiful birds were here.

In terms of looks, he couldn’t compete.

In terms of power, he was even less competitive!

Normally he wouldn’t care about these things; all he did every day was study how to gather souls more quickly and efficiently. Until one day, he saw Crimson Plume

It was love at first sight!

He could swear to the Phoenix Ancestor that it wasn’t lust at first sight. Because he got a beating from Crimson Plume on their first meeting… cough, that’s beside the point.

Lord Yan’s eyes burned with rage, but he couldn’t interfere with Green Lord’s love confession, it would invoke the wrath of the Ancient Nest!

As Transcendent Avians, they were the top of the Ancient Nest.

Every move they made naturally drew a lot of attention.

He could already hear the cheers of the smaller birds below,

“Oh my god, we’re actually seeing a divine bird confessing love today!”

“The Magpie Bridge Festival, it’s been three times in a row without any divine bird confession!”

“Here are Green Lord and Crimson Plume, what a match!”

“Look at the sky, even the World Will of the Ancient Nest and the Phoenix

Ancestor are paying attention to this scene!”

“We’re about to witness history!”

“That blackbird on the side… oh no, it’s Lord Yan, why is he standing there dumbfounded? He’s blocking the view, move away!”

“Shh! How dare you call Transcendent Rank Lord Yan like that!”

“Hehe, I am a first-class protected bloodline bird in the Ancient Nest, who would dare to mess with me?”

“No wonder you’re so arrogant, I was just wondering why you look so strange.”

“The weirder they look, the faster they get judged.”

“Hey, hey, look, why is Lord Yan also approaching Crimson Plume?” “No way, Lord Yan also wants to compete with Green Lord?”

“Tsk, this is going to be interesting.”

“How dare you mock him too?”

“My grandfather is a Star Sparrow, he can shield me.”

“What about him?”

“He’s nothing, look, he’s been caught already for insulting a divine bird.”

“Look quickly, Lord Yan is starting to make a move!”

“Boring, fast forward! I want to see the bloodshed!”

After hearing these words, Lord Yan, who was in mid-air, had his bird face twitching and was feeling a range of emotions. It even felt like he was being cuckolded publicly,

“I’m all in!”

“If it doesn’t work, I’ll just be laughed at!”

With both eyes closed, Lord Yan charged forward, regardless of anything. He spread his wings directly in mid-air and initiated a [Dance of Death – Love Confession] from the depths of his bloodline.



The ancient stone drums pounded in the void, the melody of death started, the muddy water of the Golden River spread in the void, beautiful Red Spider Lilies grew on the other shore of the Netherworld, each depicting a beautiful love story.

On the other side, Green Lord and Crimson Plume just watched quietly without any reaction. But secretly, they were exchanging thoughts furiously,

“Crimson, is this really going to work?”

Green Lord’s will was slightly doubtful,

“Would the Phoenix Ancestor really reject Lord Yan as a disciple because of his seemingly grotesque clownish behavior?”

“And besides, the Phoenix Ancestor has more than one disciple. There’s nothing beneficial in becoming one, would the Phoenix Ancestor give up her Throne Opportunity?”


Upon hearing Crimson Plume’s response, Green Lord was puzzled,



“How is that possible?!”

“The Throne Opportunity, no living being would ever give it up!”

Green Lord was adamant. However, it seemed like Crimson Plume had predicted this all along, and she gave a faint smile.

“Do you know about the deities?” “Blue Star Civilization?” Green Lord asked,

“How can I not know?”

“When the Blue Star Civilization descended, an opponent’s throne was smashed with one punch, breaking the Phoenix Ancestor’s faith…

At this point, Green Lord suddenly realized, with shock filling his eyes,

“That’s right.”

“The Phoenix Ancestor and her disciples lost their faith…”

“That is to say, it’s possible that this time, the disciple that Phoenix Ancestor took in is being groomed for kingship!” “The strongest competitors are me and Lord Yan…”

“And the Phoenix Ancestor values[Beauty]the most!”

“If Lord Yan now makes an ugly move, he’d be instantly disqualified!”

Green Lord’s gaze turned colder,

“Lord Yan, I’m trading our five hundred year friendship…”

“For my future!”

In T04 World Area,

The Goblin World Fragment – Border Island,

On the other hand, the Gluttonous Mouth had already torn the space apart, instantly traversed several world areas, and reached the sky above the Goblin World Fragment in a very short time!

hee hee hee

“A tiny newborn deity, dares to destroy my hope of resurrection!”

“If I can’t live…”

“Then you must die!”

“Eh? There’s the aura of the Golden Clan (Eternal Clan).”

“No wonder you were so confident.”

“But, it’s useless!”

“Even if you shatter and reassemble, your world will be completely transformed and become an Abyssal Subworld!”

“As for the Undying Concept…”

“Hee hee hee, how wonderful, how could I forget, I am capable of devouring the fragmentary Undying Concepts! ”

“Maybe, I still have a glimmer of hope to return!”

Thinking of the possibility of devouring these fragmentary Undying Concepts, he even had a chance to manipulate the rule he had inscribed in the void, and truly resurrect.

The Gluttonous Mouth couldn’t help getting excited, its ghastly mouth crazily dripping illusive saliva.

If this saliva were real, it could instantly collapse this space and destroy huge swathes of planets!

It opened its huge mouth and swelled against the wind.

Gradually, the huge mouth covered the whole sky, slowly reaching half the size of the World Fragment!

The horrifying aura started to spread wildly!

It even sensed the despair and pained wails of the life forms in this world!

hee hee

“Suffer, howl!”

“All of you will forever become my slaves, I will make you perpetually sink into the lowest rank of degradation!”

“Now, all die for me!”

It, was ready to devour!

The next moment, a black and golden light surrounding the Goblin World Fragment surged out like a massive river that could engulf the world.

Bizarre palaces appeared outside the world, as though housing various terrifying desire monsters. [Desire Palace-Kingship] [Desire Palace.Slaughter]

[Desire Palace•Conquest]

Following that, a nearly six-meter tall Goblin Giant Spirit appeared. He was clad in battle armor, holding a scepter and wearing a crown. He exuded a Demigod level majestic presence, his voice cold, “Who dares to encroach upon my Goblin Tribe’s territory!” “An insignificant insect of Ninth Rank…”

The Gluttonous Mouth sneered and continued to inflate.

At the same time, outside the Goblin World Fragment, a large spatial rift opened. A massive shadow spreading wings extended out, and a voice heavy with the desire for divine manifestation emanated,

“Who is it that calls forth the ancient death?”

The next moment, a bird’s head of black and gold extended from the spatial rift. At first glance, it was instantly shocked,

“Damn, where did this Dominator come from!?”

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