Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 217 - Chapter 217: Chapter 106: (Concept of Insanity) ! Stepping into the Transcendent Tier, I will surely be able to kill Logan!_3

Chapter 217: Chapter 106: (Concept of Insanity) ! Stepping into the Transcendent Tier, I will surely be able to kill Logan!_3

Translator: 549690339

“I don’t regret it, as long as I can take my revenge.”

Darius Turtlefield let out a burp.

Now, his entire body was filled with ferocity and greed, and no longer retained his previous strong appearance – but rather exuded a corpulent aura.

The entire being resembled a massive, spherical demon, yet it had the Laws of Transcendent Tier!

“As a deity, and the Mythical God of Fiery Blade Demons, I skipped the

Mythical Grade and went straight to Transcendent Tier success.”

“That’s normal, right?”

“As an undamaged Lower Super Rank, it’s only natural for me to kill the Goblin

Deity who hasn’t reached super rank either.”

“Destroying their planet is also normal, right?” Darius Turtlefield of the abnormal kind desired normalcy,

“Next, I should find the Goblin Deity’s planet.”

“I remember that Heather Graham, the bitch, seemed to have uploaded a projection of the Goblin God’s planet in the consciousness dimension.” “In the past, of course, I would have been powerless.”

“But now, I possess the Power of Causal Reincarnation of decay and rebirth.”

“Wait, where did this rule come from?”

“Forget about it, let me trace back the causality and find the planet coordinates!”

Darius Turtlefield seemed to have gone mad.

All sorts of crazy powers were pouring into him from the Void.

However, what was different from what he anticipated was that he thought he had entered the Transcendent Tier because of the Abyss Demon Dragon Heart.

But in reality, he had entered the Transcendent Tier because of the Concept of Madness in the Void.

Entering Transcendent Tier or even achieving the Throne borrowed from the

Concept of Madness was not uncommon.

But he didn’t have the ability to control madness.

The seed of his will, which was in the ‘germination’ state, was quietly absorbing his ‘tolerance’ and ‘madness’ as nutrients for its growth, as if it was about to blossom and bear fruit.

He snickered constantly, repeating that it was normal, watching the uploaded projections on the T Forum by Heather Graham constantly, and calculating the coordinates of the Goblin God’s planet!

Only the hatred in his eyes couldn’t be hidden.

After an unknown period, Darius Turtlefield finally raised his head, filled with deep-rooted hatred,

“Hehe, I’m almost there.”

A moment later, his face twisted, and tears filled his eyes,

“Teacher, I will make you pay attention to me!”

[Note: Darius Turtlefield has gone mad. The small author thought for a long time before writing these segments (to say it in advance, it’s not just because of Logan, Heather Graham’s despicable sneak attack, but also other forces behind the scenes, foreshadowing.)]

T20 World Region,

T201219 Planet Celestial (Small),

Eastern Land, Heaven Province, Great Virtue, Dalziel Manor,

“This is…”

Valerie Zoe Dalziel felt a few evil auras watching her world and the Heavenly Dao with bad intentions during the brief time she temporarily reconnected with the Heavenly Dao by relying on the martial arts of her Martial Ancestor Lady.

It seemed that they could strike at any time and devour the Heavenly Dao!

“Is it the Mud Evil God?”

“No, not just the Mud Evil God!”

“There are more terrifying existences!”

“Damn evil gods, they really will never give up!”

As her own martial arts were gradually converted into the Origin Martial Dao taught by Lady, the power filling Valerie Zoe Dalziel’s body began to suppress the Red Dust Miasma, and her confidence rose as well, “Give me more time, and I’ll slay all of you!”


“How much time is left?”

“I better consult with Lady, as a Martial Ancestor; she must have a solution!” “At the very least, her experience is much greater than mine.”

“And in her thoughts, she seems to have seen these kinds of wars between worlds countless times!”

As Valerie Zoe Dalziel worried, in the center of her eyebrows,

“Fantasy Stone?”

Lady residing in Valerie Zoe Dalziel’s brow casually played with the stone in her hand, filled with dreamy colors.

This was what Logan had exchanged for in the Federation Treasury’s second floor, a material used for creating the Martial Monument.

Aside from that, a few misty light points floated around Lady; this was the Limited Special Effect [Will Incarnation • True]!

At this moment, except for the Undying Concept that had not yet been transmitted, most of the other materials were already complete

Lady pondered slightly,

“The Undying Concept is not urgent. Wait until we repel Julius and completely smash Darius Turtlefield, so he won’t dare to think about the Celestial Planet again.”

“Then use the Undying Concept to reconnect.”

“At that time, this incarnation of mine will also obtain a ‘Hyperdimensional Mark,’ just like an independent deity!”

“In the history of Blue Star, there have also been a few ‘alien tribes’ who have obtained the status of deities.”

“It’s not unique, so there’s no need to worry.” “To become a true deity, that’s the meaning of the [Vest]!”

“Let’s refine the incarnation first, SystemLady spoke softly.

The next moment, the System appeared.

“Use [Will Incarnation True], [Fantasy Stone], and [Martial Way Origin] to refine the incarnation!”

As Lady’s command was issued, the System quickly popped up a large amount of information.

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