Chapter 395: 210

Translator: 549690339

Dissolving the entire Kuang Quan Sect was not something Men Cangsheng was willing to accept, but he had no choice but to submit to Ba Ke Yun’s strong force. After some hesitation, Men Cangsheng agreed, saying that they would leave first thing the next morning.

Ba Ke Yun nodded and said, “You are quite sensible. This decision saves both your own life and the entire Kuang Quan Sect. The world is vast; you can establish your sect somewhere else, as this place is not suitable.”

“I admit that I’ve lost, but I want to ask one last question, as a lingering regret before leaving. I hope you can answer it. After all, there’s no enmity between us, so why do you insist on forcibly dissolving the Kuang Quan Sect?”

Men Cangsheng asked with a hint of persistence in his eyes. Even though Ba Ke Yun was more powerful than him, it didn’t seem right for him to abuse his power and make their entire sect cease to exist with just one word, did it?

But Ba Ke Yun simply replied, “It’s simple: your Kuang Quan Sect is a source of trouble in this Land without Masters. You have always been oppressing others, and only by dissolving your sect can peace be brought to this place.”

Upon hearing this reply, Men Cangsheng couldn’t help but show a bitter smile. However, it did at least answer his question and prove that Ba Ke Yun wasn’t specifically targeting the Kuang Quan Sect, but rather harboring resentment based on hearsay.

“I want to raise another question: if this Land without Masters loses the Kuang Quan Sect, will it truly be peaceful? You should know that wherever there are people, there will be conflict. And they will surely fight for another sect to emerge, one even more ruthless, cruel, and bloodthirsty than the Kuang Quan Sect.”

Men Cangsheng spoke righteously as he looked at Ba Ke Yun, “You think you’re doing a good thing, but in fact, you didn’t consider that the presence of the Kuang Quan Sect brought peace to this land in the first place. Otherwise, you can imagine how much conflict would arise within a small canyon. ”

Ba Ke Yun fell silent, as Men Cangsheng’s words indeed made sense. Even if the Kuang Quan Sect were to be dissolved, who could guarantee that there would be no more conflict? As one old sect falls, a new force will undoubtedly be born.

“Actually, I’m putting it lightly. This barren canyon is a Land without Masters, but many surrounding Lords covet it, wanting to annex it. However, none of them are willing to wage war against the Kuang Quan Sect, for even though our sect isn’t very influential, a war would be endless.”

“Bordering the canyon are three lords, each possessing vast territories of millions of miles and Dominating Realm strength. Previously, the canyon served as a buffer between the three, thus avoiding conflict to a certain extent, but this buffer may not always exist.”

“If one lord were to take control of the canyon, the other two lords would certainly not be happy to see it, and a major war would be inevitable. Have you ever considered how many people would die or be injured then? While the resources of this Land without Masters are scarce, it is a strategic location for neighboring lords.”

Men Cangsheng’s words were like a wake-up call, leaving Ba Ke Yun speechless, and he fell silent. If everything went as Men Cangsheng said, then his good intentions may have caused more harm than good. However, Ba Ke Yun also wanted to help, having witnessed the Kuang Quan Sect’s oppression of others firsthand.

Ba Ke Yun walked to the side quietly, unable to figure out the ins and outs of the situation. He needed a moment of peace to understand whether his actions have any meaning, and if he perhaps should reconsider the order to dissolve the Kuang Quan Sect.

Logan, who had been watching from the side, decided to intervene now that it had reached this point. He stepped forward and said, “Men Cangsheng, you’re quite eloquent. An ordinary person would be easily deceived by your words; but unfortunately for you, I am no ordinary person, and can naturally discern the fallacies hidden in your speech.”

“First, we need to clarify one fact: your Kuang Quan Sect is not a good sect, but one that constantly oppresses others. At most, it will take another year or so for the common people here to have no way left to survive. If your sect is thinking of long-term development, no one would blame you even if you are a little domineering.”

“Not many people are willing to stay in this barren land in the first place, but they cannot leave due to their low cultivation levels. However, if your Kuang Quan Sect were to provide them with all the sect resources, natural they would be able to leave and make a living under another lord, isn’t it better than starving here for three days?”

As soon as Logan spoke, Ba Ke Yun felt enlightened and slapped his forehead, “Yes, that’s the truth! The goal is to provide everyone with the resources needed to leave, and not to discuss whether or not the sect should exist. Many here have excellent cultivation qualifications but are unable to cultivate due to their impoverished surroundings.”

“Your Kuang Quan Sect has been operating for many years and amassed a great deal of wealth and resources. Why not hand them all over? I’ll spare your lives, and you can consider these resources as life-saving money. Of course, you can also refuse, but let’s see if you can afford that.”

Ba Ke Yun’s words immediately changed Men Cangsheng’s expression, making it extremely unsightly, filled with a mix of anger. Despite Ba Ke Yun’s strength, he couldn’t help but feel that Ba Ke Yun was being overbearing and unreasonable, demanding all resources without discussion. How many people could tolerate this?

It was one thing to dissolve their sect, but Men Cangsheng thought that wasn’t too bad since they could establish a new sect elsewhere. They had planned to move in a few years anyway, so it was just a few years ahead of schedule and didn’t bother him too much.

But handing over all resources would be equivalent to chopping off their future. A cultivator’s most important asset is resources; without them, how can one advance to higher realms? He had painstakingly managed this place for a hundred years, accumulating just a little bit of resources.

If all resources were handed over, Men Cangsheng would be left empty-handed, his life’s work gone. Moreover, the thousands of disciples who had worked hard alongside him, how could they willingly continue to follow him? When the entire sect descends into chaos, who will shoulder the consequences?

Men Cangsheng suppressed his anger and said word by word, “There’s room for negotiation, and I don’t want to fight you to the death. Demanding all our resources is even harder than dissolving the sect, and I absolutely won’t agree to it. However, I can offer half of the sect’s resources, as my greatest compromise. Can we agree on that?”

“Half of our resources is not a small amount, equal to fifty thousand spirit stones. You two can take these spirit stones and buy an elder position in any territory. After all, our sect has thousands of disciples, so the remaining half must be distributed among them.”

Ba Ke Yun gave a faint smile but shook his head. While half of the resources was indeed not a small sum, he was seeking a future for all the ordinary people in the canyon. Half wasn’t enough for everyone to leave; what are those left behind to do?

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