Book 6 Chapter 40.13 - Mutual Love

Snow who was laying in front of Helen’s knees raised her head, asking, “The lord? He seems to be a bit more important than the creator and destroyer, right? At least they are only present dangers.”

Helen shook her head, not replying, instead entering a state of thought. Snow tactfully closed her mouth to avoid disturbing her thinking. She knew her mother’s strengths, things that could make her think for a long time were definitely extremely difficult to deal with. Things that took the human race supercomputing centers ten days to half a month of time was but a few seconds of work for her mother. However, waiting in the darkness was extremely boring, and it also made her feel a mysterious fear.

The darkness originally wasn’t a hindrance for Snow, visible light was an extremely primitive perception method. Darkness even more so shouldn’t be the source of fear, because its effects on her prey was much greater. In the darkness, Snow was a natural king. However, during this period, Helen told Snow many many old stories, so Snow felt like she had only experienced a dream, a long dream, so long that she herself couldn’t even differentiate just how many years it spanned. Was it hundreds of thousands of years, or was it millions? However, Snow just felt like this dream was long to the point where it couldn’t be calculated in tens of thousands of years.

Helen’s voice seemed to carry a type of magic power, when she began to tell Snow this story, Snow completely entered this dreamland. No, dreamlands still had an imaginary feeling, while Snow felt as if she entered a brand new world, looking down on this world through the viewpoint of god. With a snap of a finger, endless years would go past. In this world, life was already insignificant to the point where it couldn’t be differentiated, even ultra life forms with limitless life spans were like a spark, disappearing without a trace after emitting a flicker of radiance. Inside the dark black universe, stars appeared one after another, and were then continuously destroyed, black holes quietly devouring all matter in the surroundings. When time elapsed this intensely, only then would one feel how trivial life was. However, in the universe’s endless history, miracles still happened continuously, there would still be ultra life forms with lifespans greater than stars, as well as mist like life forms who were as large as star systems, even more so countless life forms who treated planets as natural exterior shells.

Ultra life forms were solitary existences to begin with, they wandered about the cosmos, the scope of their territories sometimes spanning light-years, perhaps not encountering a companion for hundreds of thousands of years. In their territory, there would be primitive life forms that would appear, to the extent where even civilizations would form, but for ultra life forms, none of this carried any meaning. Those primitive life forms were existences similar to bacterium, making no difference for the ultra life form regardless of whether they lived on their own or in groups, to the extent where they didn’t even enter the ultra life form’s range of perception. They weren’t food for ultra life forms, the planet below their feet, or the stars above their heads were.

Two fully mature ultra life forms would still encounter each other sometimes, usually because their territories began to overlap. Meanwhile, when this happened, it often meant war.

Living forever already became the sole purpose for true ultra life forms. Every ultra life form was different, even though they could reproduce, their posterity might become completely different types of creatures. Ultra life forms possessed incomparable adaptive strength to their surroundings, to the extent where some special ultra life forms would take up black holes as homes. There were some ultra life forms who were nearly unmatched, because their body density far exceeded even neutron stars, but excessively slow movement speed also prevented them from truly becoming unmatched.

In summary, the universe was limitless, and it was also mysterious. It produced many ultra life forms, and then through different methods destroyed them. Ultra life forms had endless lifespans in theory, yet not a single one was able to become eternal. However, these individuals who basically reached the peak of existential form had incomparably deep understandings of this world, as as such, a few especially powerful ultra life forms, when they foresaw their own demise, stored their memories and understandings. After an endless amount of time, some ultra life forms who were fortunate would obtain their seniors’ knowledge and memories, and as such become even stronger. When they realized they would also die one day, ultra life forms would also feel fear. As such, they would begin to search for ways to deal with this, moreover trying to communicate with others of their kind, because no matter how powerful an ultra life form was, they still couldn’t rely on their own power to prevent destruction. When ultra life forms were large enough, there would be a star system developed within their own bodies as well, moreover produce civilizations. These living star systems were just like viruses inside of a human body, extremely insignificant, yet fatal enough. Ultra life forms could produce miniature consciousnesses within their own bodies, moreover rely on their to eliminate the poison, but if they chose to do this, then they would fall into another pitfall. Those small consciousness would eventually develop their own way of thinking, and then put those thoughts into practice. When all of the small consciousness decided to become independent, the last days of ultra life forms would have arrived, their bodies dismembered.

That was why in a certain powerful ultra life form’s mature body’s previous territory, many new ultra life forms ultimately linked up together, even forming a civilization. This civilization’s goal, was the eradication of the existences that troubled the main ultra life form. These ultra life forms all more or less inherited the memories of this territory’s previous ruler, which was why even though not a single one of them became as powerful as their predecessor, they searched for a path of life together through cooperation and helping each other. This was an unprecedented civilization belonging to ultra life forms, the territory spanning countless star systems. For the first time, ultra life forms learned the power of a community, conquering the original limitations of life themselves one after another, continuously existing, and continuously becoming stronger. The most powerful the life form, the greater the territory that was needed, which was why the territory’s civilization continuously expanded, reaching into more star systems one after another. The civilization itself didn’t increase in members, instead decreasing a bit in size. These were all ultra life forms who couldn’t defy the limitations of life despite trying all methods possible. During the process of the civilization’s expansion, it wasn’t that they didn’t encounter other ultra life forms, but they had no plans to take in new blood, instead directly destroying all ultra life forms they encountered. They didn’t have a choice, the universe was ice-cold, dark, and barren. From a mature ultra life form’s perspective, the universe was extremely desolate, replenishing one’s life energy was also so difficult. Each time the civilization gained another member, it would mean that another great star domain was needed to provide for it.

In reality, the civilization couldn’t hold this many ultra life forms at all. If not for them all previously sharing the same powerful ultra life form’s memories, there was no way they would coexist like this. As the ultra life forms gradually reached full maturity, the deaths of their companions filled the remaining ultra life forms with fear towards destruction, and as such, they sped up the speed of expansion. This was an unprecedented civilization, as well as a civilization that originally shouldn’t have appeared. It was incomparably large, but the universe was even more mysterious. In the depths of the boundless darkness, there would always be many hidden pitfalls, enough to destroy the most powerful ultra life forms.

For these ultra life forms, the meaning of civilization didn’t depend on construction, science, technology, or culture, the main reason only for survival and to help each other free themselves from the dangers of death. The behaviors of the world already became a part of their inherent instincts, and as such, science and technology lacked all meaning. The expansion of the civilization, for many small life forms, for example, a certain human race, it was something that was impossible to detect. The planet that they lived on, was perhaps precisely within some mature ultra life form’s body.

If there was nothing unexpected that happened, this civilization would ultimately unify the cosmos, if the cosmos had a limit, and time was limitless. Only, during these endless years, all things with an extremely small possibility would have their likelihoods become endlessly great, so unexpected things would always happen.

As the ultra life forms continued their efforts, continuously expanded their territory, trying to obtain everlasting life, a corner of the civilization suddenly broke apart. In all of the ultra life forms’ perception, an area of darkness appeared there. This was the deepest darkness, all existences would immediately disappear as soon as they entered that region, the same regardless of whether it was powerful special ultra life forms or formless perception. The very first ultra life forms thought that it was some type of rare spatial collapse, as this was something commonly seen in space. Occasionally, the collapsed space would continuously link up to an external mysterious space, no one knowing what laid behind the darkness, which was why there were no ultra life forms who were willing to be swept into an unfamiliar space.

That was why when the dark region first appeared, all of the ultra life forms felt a vague sense of unease, but apart from the two ultra life forms who entered the dark region first, they didn’t adopt any action, instead quietly watched things develop. Ultra life forms’ notion of time was easily calculated in tens of thousands of years. The dark region didn’t show any activity at first, only quietly devouring all that entered. However, not long afterwards, five unprecedented ultra life forms appeared from the dark region. Along with their appearance, was the elegant and beautiful Valhalla.

This was the first appearance of the apostles in this world.

The relationship between the apostles and ultra life form civilization was set from the moment of contact, it was war. The ultra life forms knew nothing about the apostles’ history, but the apostles’ ice-cold nature made them feel an instinctive threat, and as such, war was unavoidable.

This was a battle on a scale never before scene. The five apostles were like one body, sweeping through the civilization unstoppably like a crazy storm! This was the first time the ultra life forms encountered a group battle, they never thought that the battle would unfold in this type of form. Originally, they thought that this was only a game played between the lowest level civilizations, never expecting it would appear in a battle between ultra life forms. When the five apostles stood together, their strength was already greater than the civilization’s ultra life forms to begin with, moreover, their abilities even complimented each other. This wasn’t a forced type of cooperation, but rather a type of inherent design. The apostles were like the most precise gears in a machine, fitting together perfectly, the power they displayed not as simple as just adding their strength together.

The apostles appeared suddenly in this star domain. They didn’t have any history, nor did they wish to communicate, instead directly choosing war, a war that didn’t take any prisoners.

The war that followed wasn’t elegant, nor was it spectacular, only cruel. The victor’s attitude towards the defeated remained the same; destruction.

For Snow, this was a dream like story, yet she couldn’t feel happy about it. Moreover, in this story, the apostles’ memories only originated from the moment they appeared in this universe, everything before that completely blank. However, Snow saw that behind the apostles, was a completely immeasurable great darkness.

This was the apostles’ creator.

The lord.

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