Book 6 Chapter 32.3 - Overture

When Helen’s voice faded, all types of mechanical bugs began to appear on the light screen, breaking down into parts and revealing the analysis results. Lastly, there were a few videos of battles with the mechanical bugs.

General Morgan’s expression was serious. The information stored within this letter Helen sent him was extremely astonishing, but he didn’t attach much importance to it, instead paying great attention to her voice. However, from start to finish, Helen never made an appearance. Morgan couldn’t help but reveal a look of disappointment.

After the video ended, the light screen dimmed. All of the data self-destructed, but the important portions were already completely engraved in General Morgan’s brain. He remained silent for a long time, and only then did he turn on the light screen again. He began to sort through the documents, and then he finally found a file that wasn’t all that large, opening it. The file was completely dark, and only after a moment had passed did a speck of light appear from the darkness. The light got closer and closer, eventually finally forming a row of large and bright words: Project Garden of Eden!

The scale of this Garden of Eden Project was massive, many vital areas still blank, clearly not completed. General Morgan opened the document pertaining to the apostle. On one of the old-fashioned digital photographs was a strange damaged spaceship. Then, a metal storage box shot out from the belly of the ship, spinning a few times in the sky. The scene changed again, splitting into more than ten high resolution digital photographs, the pictures of various combat machines, their sizes completely different, but their external appearances actually shared a bit of resemblance with the mechanical units Helen sent over.

Morgan closed the file, moving it into a storage device. After thinking for a bit, he flipped through the pile of files again, finding a document labeled ‘Perfect body’, similarly placing it into the storage device. He then called the secretary over, placed the storage device into an envelope, and then handed it to her, giving the order to have someone bring it to the private hospital where Helen was.

Morgan spoke rather casually, not even sealing up the envelope, so the young and beautiful secretary didn’t treat the item in her hands with too much importance. If she knew that what laid in the envelope pertained to the Spider Empress and Bevulas’ crucial secrets, she would definitely not be as calm as she was right now. Even though she didn’t know how important this envelope was, she, who had always taken her responsibilities seriously, still immediately found a responsible young dragonrider private to deliver this letter.

News of Bevulas’ death had long spread, so the war came to an end in a single night, as if it had never happened, only the various ruins and scorched earth faithfully recording everything that happened. Those who were previously on the chairman’s side, while in great panic, suddenly discovered the Black Dragonriders, this formerly large tree, and as such, those who applied or returned to the Black Dragonriders grew larger and larger in number. Meanwhile, General Morgan still maintained the same recruiting standard as before the war. After experiencing this war and having their abilities rise greatly, compared to the previous standard for joining the Black Dragonriders, the standard for these ability users now seemed a bit too low. Meanwhile, Morgan still used the old rules, which caused the number of personnel at his disposal to increase by several tenfold. That was why right now, the female secretary had more than enough manpower to utilize, with room to pick and choose.

However, in the eyes of outsiders, General Morgan’s actions seemed a bit dangerous. The newly added Black Dragonriders were mostly from the chairman’s side, while General Morgan’s actions undoubtedly set himself against the Spider Empress. As a result, many of them watched with the cool eye of a bystander, waiting to take delight in disaster, but even after waiting for a long time, there was no activity from the Spider Empress, making them couldn’t help but feel greatly disappointed.

In that instant, the Blood Parliament’s territory entered a calm new era. However, beneath the peace on the surface, there were some people who already caught whiffs of unusual danger.

In the northwest, several soldiers were currently patrolling along the border. Their bodies still carried a valiant and iron blood aura, their faces brimming with pride. They were all members of the Arthur Family’s private army, no need to question their loyalty or competence. Now, with the war ending in the empress’ victory, as the Spider Empress’ most powerful ally, the Arthur Family’s position in the Blood Parliament in the future would inevitably rise, reaching above the Morgan Family was definitely not a problem. Meanwhile, as members of the Arthur Family, they were naturally also prideful. Moreover, with the war already over, aside from a few extreme examples, the chairman side’s army had all obediently surrendered, or indirectly surrendered by joining the Black Dragonriders. With no internal struggles left, the Scorpions of Disaster were beaten to ruin, so the task of patrolling the borders didn’t have much dangers left, more so an act of formality.

A lifestyle that was excessively peaceful instead made these veterans who were used to explosions and flames feel a bit out of place. A large man who was clearly a head taller than his companions, his face sinister, seeming a bit restless, suddenly spat out a heavy clump of spittle, cursing, “No battles to fight day in day out, how the fuck is one even supposed to continue living? Bevulas’ little dog bastards, why are they all shrinking back? All fucking wimps!”

The small team leader of this group was already close to his middle years, but his abundant experience and various weapon control abilities as high as five levels made his fighting prowess on the battlefield far exceed what the numbers said. As long as he was present, a comeback was possible even from the most difficult battle situations, which was why even though there were two sixth level ability users in this small group, his position as leader was unshakeable. When he heard the large man’s complaint, the leader chuckled, and then said, “How can no battles be a bad thing? If we go to war, who knows if we can come back alive. Obie, if you die, who’s going to take care of the three women and six children back home?”

Obie carefreely said, “The women will be given to all of you, two kids to each woman, won’t this work?”

The leader laughed. With a shake of his head, he said, “I’m already old, the two women back home are already enough for me to manage. If you die, the kids I can take care of three, but as for the women, there is no need.”

Obie’s large mouth cracked open into a smile, saying, “Leader really is a good person!”

However, a while later, Obie couldn’t help but turn around and say, “Sigh, if there aren’t any battles to fight, then there’ll be less money to earn, even less of a chance of there being bounties to hunt. If this continues, there won’t be alcohol to drink soon...”

However, before his complaint finished, he suddenly saw extreme horror appear on the leader’s face, his mouth opening slowly, seemingly wishing to say something. The leader was currently looking at him, could it be that something happened to him, or was it that his face was dirty? In that instant, Obie didn’t realize that his brain was already working close to ten times as fast as before, he whose nerves were usually thick only felt as if everything in his surroundings became slower.

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