Xianbei 17[1] [1]

The cold wind flies about. The ways of the world belong to intelligent people.

The majestic army arrived at Bei Mu and was stationed outside the city of Sheng Jing. The sudden arrival of the army broke the tranquility of the first month of the lunar year.

Many people came to know that Liu Yue had used the empty city stratagem during the state banquet to win the power struggle. However, everything is settled now. Those who wish to rebel will never find any chances again.

They can only sigh to themselves.

During the first month of the lunar year, the radiance of spring was boundless. But within the heart of this boundless radiance of spring, Liu Yue stood alone, in the center of power.

Liu Yue had incorporated her own army into the Bei Mu army. She had also replaced many officials and transferred their authority and power to her trusted aides.

While Liu Yue made small movements within the large fluctuation of change, the millions of piculs of grain have finally arrived on the Lantern Festival (the 15th of January). The festive day slowly approaches.

The carts of sheep and cattle almost covered the entire scenery of the mountains outside of Sheng Jing. With the arrival of the items, it impassioned the citizens of Bei Mu who were anticipating the arrival of these items.

Numerous commoners left their house to see the countless carts containing piculs of grain, gold, and cloth enter Sheng Jing and into the prosperous streets. They cheered excitedly, unable to contain their joy.

The officials who were unhappy and dissatisfied by the outcome of the power struggle watched with wide eyes as endless streams of gold and provision entered Sheng Jing. As they continue to see cartful after cartful of items enters Sheng Jing, their unwillingness and unhappiness completely disappear.

As long as she can give them wealth, power, and authority, then she’s a good Regent. Who cares how she obtained the position anyways?

The first month of the new year started off with the arrival of provision and everyday necessities. This made everyone in Bei Mu immerse in endless joy.

Spring arrives early in the grassland.

Unlike in Tian Chen where spring would arrive late and the sky would remain cloudy, spring arrivals early in the grassland. When it’s winter, the coldness would freeze everything. But when spring arrives, everything would quickly warm up again.

The frozen river would begin to flow again. The bare willow trees will begin to grow again. Everything began to flourish and thrive.

The moon rose above the willow tree, at dusk he had a tryst with me[2].

In the back of the palace hall, in the imperial apartments, a crescent moon has just glided over the tip of a tree. Clear yet cold light from the moon sprinkled gently on the ground. This made the earth seem as if it’s covered in a thin silver-white sheen.

Liu Yue was wearing a purple robe as she stood outside the pavilion. She looked at Ouyang Yu Fei who was wearing a white robe, leisurely standing inside the pavilion and tasting wine. Liu Yue indifferently asked, “What matters did you come here for?”

Inside the pavilion, when Ouyang Yu Fei heard Liu Yue’s question, he turned around. Ouyang Yu Fei raised the wine cup in his hand and said with a smile, “I came to congratulate you for being able to stably sit on your position as the Regent of Bei Mu. I toast to you.”

[1]Xianbei – a group of northern nomadic peoples.

[2]The moon rose above the willow tree, at dusk he had a tryst with me [poem] – lines from Mountain Hawthorn (生查子) by Ouyang Xiu (欧阳修). I think the author placed this line in this chapter is because it’s Lantern Festival (couples would celebrate it together by lighting lanterns) now and Liu Yue misses the ML.

The entire poem [where I got the translation]:

去年元夜时, (Last year on this moonlit spring night,)

花市灯如昼。(Lanterns in Flower Fair were bright.)

月上柳梢头,(The moon rose above the willow tree,)

人约黄昏后。(At dusk he had a tryst with me.)

今年元夜时,(This year on the same moonlit night,)

月与灯依旧。(The moon and lanterns are as bright.)

不见去年人,(Where is my beloved of last year,)

泪湿青衫袖。(My sleeves are wet with tear on tear.)

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