Chapter 874

Ryukyu saw the surprise in front of him. He looked at the soldiers and horses of the Southern Song Dynasty who were rushed by the king of heaven. His mouth slightly twitched.

In the camp, it's common for thousands of troops to flee, and for those who don't want to be killed, it's estimated that at this time, people in the battlefield will see each other for the first time.

No matter how good your martial arts are, so many soldiers and horses will drown you with one mouthful of saliva. I don't know what xuanyuanche thinks.

However, xuanyuanche must have his consideration in doing this.

Ryukyu didn't retort either. He was only armed with arrows, silkworms, poisons and Qi Qi's equipment. He was ready to spare his life.

"Back up, I'll take control of the horse and watch the back." Is tightly clasped the sleeve arrow, behind the xuanyuanche suddenly deep voice cheers.

A sound falls, xuanyuanche suddenly claps on the shoulder of Ryukyu, and jumps to the position in front of Ryukyu as soon as he turns over.

Ryukyu's reaction was also quick. Hearing xuanyuanche's words, he immediately understood the meaning of xuanyuanche.

The next support on the horse's back is a backward somersault, moving to the position where xuanyuanche just sat.

The horse galloped forward and backward one by one. They changed positions like lightning and fell down from the air together.

Xuanyuanche sits in the position before Ryukyu and controls the horse.

Ryukyu turned his body back to back with xuanyuanche. In the face of the three kings of Ming island who had been killed from behind, they were ready for attack and defense.

A rein, the black BMW that galloped out, immediately slightly weakened the speed.

This slows down, and the three kings of Ming island rush to the scene immediately.

"Attention." A cold drink, xuanyuanche suddenly started towards the Southern Song Dynasty's thousands of army camp rushed up.

Behind him, the king of fire, who had already rushed to the scene, split towards xuanyuanche and Liuyue with a fire knife.

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