Chapter 905

"To be seen." The evil spirit of Ouyang Yu feixiao.

If you want to untie the poison on her, you have to go to hell island to find her mother so that you can understand what kind of poison was planted.

This is the solution.

Now, I'm afraid Ryukyu will never return to Hades.

Then, she didn't want to think about the antidote. The old God of Ouyang Yufei was there.

Warm air curtain roll, the weather is getting hotter and hotter.

The hot sun is shining on the earth, which makes me feel a little bit like early summer.

However, compared with the early hot climate of the Southern Song Dynasty, the snow kingdom was still slightly warm at that time, and the scenery was good in the first three months of spring.

Snow holy Kingdom palace.

"Xuanyuanche broke through 300000 troops and horses of the Southern Song Dynasty and made a direct attack on the border city of the Southern Song Dynasty." The Lord of snow holy Kingdom stared at the news in his hand and was surprised.

It's too fast. In just a few days, it's approaching the border town of the Southern Song Dynasty.

Are hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses in the Southern Song Dynasty so vulnerable?

With his fingertips hitting the armrest of the chair, he lianyunzhao's mouth suddenly drew a brilliant smile, which almost shook the eyes of all the courtiers.

"The two generals at the border were summoned to mobilize 350000 troops and horses to attack the Southern Song Dynasty." A sound falls, startles outside the temple the bird to be innumerable.

"Wang Er?" The master of Xuesheng kingdom was stunned. When did he attack the Southern Song Dynasty?

Yunzhao turned to look at the Lord of snow holy Kingdom, and the light in his eyes flashed: "the Southern Song Dynasty slandered our snow holy kingdom for stealing the treasures of the Southern Song Dynasty. Is this evil spirit that we snow holy should bear?

It's natural and just to send troops to fight. "

After that, he smiled and glanced at the heavy snow officials sitting around. Fingertips gently point the armrest of the chair: "at the end of the attack, when is it better not to eat?"

Voice down, snow Saint country several important ministers immediately understand, immediately on the face of the fox into a fine brilliant smile.

In the Southern Song Dynasty, 500000 troops were defeated by xuanyuanche at the border of Tianchen. There was not much reserve force in China.

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