Destined Wife: The Apple of My Eye

Chapter 79 A Person in the Darkness

Chapter 79 A Person in the Darkness

There are countless large and small islands on the south coast of the Pacific Ocean. It is said that some houses here are even cheaper than those in China. Many invisible rich people like buying small islands here, such as the place which Yan Hua is heading for this time.

“K is almost fifty years old, and he doesn’t have wife or children. Fei Yi made his acquaintance in Eastern Europe a few years ago.” Fei Ying and Yan Hua chats over juice. Gungun takes a plane for the first time, so he always clings to the window, looking out of it. Every time there are clouds drifting away, his exclamation can be heard.




Yan Hua asks with curiosity: “So the reason why he invites you this time is that he wants to show his newly bought island?”

“Or otherwise?” Fei Ying suddenly lowers her voice: “But I hear Fei Yi say that he is looking for an investor to develop the island.”

“So he is the kind of person who has no money to renovate the house after buying it...” Yan Hua gets the point immediately.

Fei Ying laughs: “Almost, almost, it’s the same! At least the people who come here are all rich ones.”

“Go to sleep for a while, otherwise you can’t get over the jet lag.” Fei Yi walks in, bending over to hold her.

Fei Ying struggles: “No, I want to chat with Hua!”

“Ah, suddenly I’m very sleepy!” Yan Hua stretches out, lying down: “I have to sleep for a while.”

Fei Yi nods to her, carrying Fei Ying up and walking away.

Yan Hua looks back at Xiaojiu who is still playing with Gungun. It seems that she has no response to the fact that her parents leave her alone. Obviously... she is used to that.

“...” Her mind is empty, and somehow she forms a picture in her mind. Lang Ruoxian sits behind the desk, signing documents. On both sides of his desk are two walls made of files, which are higher than him and cannot be finished until next year.

She pulls the blanket onto her head and closes her eyes to go to sleep.

Flying from one side of the earth to the other side, they are spending their daytime no matter when the plane flies or arrives. This bewilders Gungun who plans to sleep, his eyes open wide, not knowing if he should sleep.

“Gungun is sleepy, right?” When Yan Hua is packing up the luggage and plans to get off the plane, she sees her son trying to open his eyes. With amusement she picks him up: “Just sleep and Mommy will hold you.”

Gungun yawns: “Mommy...” and then he falls asleep.

“Nice! Xiaojiu also falls into sleep. We will take the speedboat later. And they won’t be so boisterous.” Fei Ying yawns: “I will go to sleep once we arrive on the island. I am so sleepy.”

It will be more than three o’clock in the morning if they’re at home.

Yan Hua never knows that she feels seasick, and her face is pale during half an hour’s seaway. She vomits as soon as she goes ashore. Fei Ying carries Gungun who is still sleeping, looking at her with worry.

“Do you feel better?”

“Nothing...” Yan Hua takes a sip of water and looks at the island.

The white sand is burned hot by the sun. There are tracts of coconut trees, and the sea is as blue as a gemstone.

“It’s very beautiful,” she stands up. “It’s worthy of my vomiting.”

Yan Hua smiles: “Let’s go! There are electric bikes over there.”

“Is it okay?” Fei Yi holds his daughter and when he sees them coming over, he touches the forehead of Fei Ying.

Fei Ying pushes him away: “It’s not me who vomited. Why do you touch me?”

“You don’t have a good rest. I am afraid that you will get heatstroke.”

Yan Hua sits on the electric bike herself, reaching out her hands: “Give Gungun to me. Now both of you can sit in the front seats so that you can be lovey-dovey!”

When the electric car is driven into the shade of the green trees, the heat is fading and Yan Hua feels much more comfortable. The left side of the road is lined with coconut trees and tropical plants, and the right side is the coastline, which is picturesque. After about ten minutes of driving, the scenery turns into a tropical garden, at the end of the garden which is a four-storey building.

“That is the only hotel now.” Fei Yi’s voice passes over from the front. “I don’t think it will be too good. You have to make do with it. If you can’t stand it, we can stay two days fewer.”

The car stops at the hotel entrance, and a tall foreigner catching a cigar comes over.

“Oh! Mr. Yi, my old friend. I haven’t seen you for a long time. You look more successful than before!”

Fei Yi helps Fei Ying to get off the car and then comes to help Yan Hua off.

“Oh my God! Yi, have you married a wife again? She is so beautiful. Are the Oriental women all so beautiful?”

Fei Ying grins and says to him: “This is our friend, and her name is Yan Hua! Hua, this is K.”

“Baby! You are also very beautiful. Long time no see!” K opens his arms and quickly pulls back. “I can’t hold you because Yi will hit me.”

It is now that Fei Yi hugs him and whispers something in his ear. Then K looks at Yan Hua in a different light, and invites them to come in politely.

“I have reserved the best rooms for you. You said that you would bring a friend and I thought he was a man.” K leads them to the second floor. “So... Miss Hua’s room may not be so good.”

“It doesn’t matter.” Yan Hua begins to feel dizzy again, and she squeezes a smile: “It’s enough if the room is clean.”

“No, no, no!” K shouts. “I haven’t finished my words yet. I will arrange another room for you, but it’s a little far from Yi’s room. It is on the other side. “

Fei Ying takes a look: “It’s not too far. Hua, you can live in that one.”

“You don’t look very well.” K says worriedly. “There’s no doctor if you’re sick.”

“I am just seasick.” Yan Hua touches her forehead. “I will be fine after a short rest.”

Fei Ying first accompanies Yan Hua to her room. Looking around the room, she thinks it’s not bad. It is a well-equipped suite and its decorations have the charm of islands.

“Do you want something to eat?” Fei Ying pours a glass of water for her.

Yan Hua takes the cup, shaking her head: “I want to take a break now that Gungun falls asleep. You are also very sleepy, right? You should go to sleep!”

“All right. The first one who wakes up should send a text message.”

Not even taking a bath, Yan Hua directly changes her clothes and gets into the quilt. The cold air is just right and the chubby face of Gungun is next to her. Yan Hua closes her eyes...

She is woken up by Fei Ying, and the night has already fallen.

“Yan Hua!” Fei Ying is still calling her at the door.

Gungun moves, rubbing his eyes, and then sits up.

“I’m coming.” Yan Hua opens the door.

Xiaojiu holds a big coconut: “Auntie! Drink it. It’s sweet.”

“Thank you! Can you give it to Gungun, Xiaojiu? Auntie is not thirsty.”

“Xiaojiu! Xiaojiu!” Gungun runs out of the bedroom, barefoot.

Yan Hua immediately holds him up: “Gungun, the floor here is very cool, so you can’t be barefoot. Do you remember?”

“Mommy!” Gungun probably knows that he is wrong, so he looks at Yan Hua with a cute smile. Once Yan Hua holds him up, helping him to wear his shoes, the two little guys start to use straws to drink coconuts.

Fei Ying sees that when Gungun smiles at Xiaojiu, Xiaojiu will let him take another sip.

“I feel that your son will definitely be able to lure many girls in the future!”

Yan Hua walks into the bathroom with a wash bag, then she stretches her head out: “It will only be wonderful if they are as cute as Xiaojiu.”

“Stop thinking about it.” Fei Ying helps her to hang the clothes in the closet. “Previously, I asked Xiaojiu whether she wants to marry Gungun.”

“Wait a minute!” Yan Hua interrupts her. “Xiaojiu is only two years old. How can you ask her such an esoteric question?”

Fei Ying is confident: “Don’t underestimate them. Do you know what Xiaojiu said?”

Yan Hua spits out the mouthwash. “What does she say?”

“She refuses with a serious look.”

Yan Hua shouts in the bathroom: “Refuse? Why? She really likes Gungun, doesn’t she?”

“She says that Gungun is her younger brother, and she can’t marry her brother!” Fei Ying imitates the tone of Xiaojiu. “Xiaojiu is going to marry Daddy, and then Xiaojiu will become a mother.”

Yan Hua comes out of the bathroom and sits in front of the mirror, applying something on her face and body: “I understand the first sentence, but I don’t understand the second one.”

“I didn’t understand her meaning at first.” Fei Ying picks up the eyebrow pencil. “So later I asked Fei Yi, and he said that her meaning was that only a Mom and a Dad could get married.”

Yan Hua pats her face: “Oh! She still can’t tell the differences between these two expressions.”

It’s not that Mom and Dad get married, but that they become Dad and Mom when they get married.

“No matter how she understands, my cute Gungun has been eliminated, and he can’t be my son-in-law any more...” Fei Ying pretends to cry. “I once thought that it will be wonderful if they can get married in the future and we two will become family because they are only less than one year apart and will grow up together!”

Yan Hua thinks for a moment, turning around and saying: “You can have another girl. Maybe next time it will be OK.”


Outside the door, there is a knock from Fei Yi: “Baby!”

“Baby is here!” Fei Ying runs to open the door, and Yan Hua gets goose bumps.

A few seconds later, Fei Ying runs back again: “Hua, Fei Yi said that there will be other people coming tonight, so it will be especially chaotic. How about going to our room to eat? Fei Yi has told them to send food there.”

“All right!” Yan Hua picks up a comfortable home service from the closet. “You can take Gungun there first. I’ll change my clothes.”

Dinner is naturally seafood, and the chef is cooking on the spot. The big lobsters and crabs are fluttering in the basin on the side. Gungun sees them for the first time, so he starts to play again.




Fei Ying can’t help laughing, saying that Gungun can kill enemies just with these three interjections.

There is always the sound of the engine outside, and from time to time it is mixed with the voice of foreigners. And K’s exaggerated greetings can be heard all the time. Obviously, many people have come.

“This is the specialty of this island. It is a kind of fruit juice of something called ‘insect fruit’.” Fei Ying gives Yan Hua a glass of black juice, and she thinks it is cuttlefish sauce. She takes a sip and finds it very toothsome. It is not very sweet but quite refreshing.

“What if we can’t sleep at night!” Fei Ying begins to worry: “We will make a visit tomorrow.”

Yan Hua glances at her: “You will fall asleep when you are trying to.”

Finally, no one knows how Fei Ying falls into sleep. Yan Hua carries Gungun back to her room. After taking a bath, Gungun sits on the bed, playing with toys, and when she comes out after washing the clothes, the little fatty has already fallen into sleep.

“You are so good at sleeping.” Yan Hua covers a quilt for him and she is leaning against the pillow, browsing the information on the micro blog. Chen Hong sends a message to her on WeChat, talking with her about the progress of the child abuse event for a while.

She falls into sleep later. When she wakes up suddenly, the room is still dusky. The beside lamp is lit, but there is a person sitting in the darkness.

“Xiaoying?” Yan Hua calls, then thinking that Xiaoying can’t possibly enter the room.

She looks at the empty bed, feeling a chill passing over her heart.

“Who are you? Where is my son?” Yan Hua turns over to the other side of the bed, carrying the vase on the table.

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