1368 0.15

Leonel left a blazing trail in his wake. Sometimes, it would feel as though he was attacking three different places at once, his speed so fast that it was almost impossible to keep up with.

The First Awakening of the Speed Branch merely allowed Leonel to access Light Elemental Force in a fashion that could boost his fast twitch capabilities, not much unlike an Elemental Speedster, but on a much smaller and more controlled level.

The Second Awakening gave Leonel access to the Star Road. It was the road of stars that appeared beneath his feet. Stepping onto the road made Leonel feel lighter and also seemed to weaken several forms of friction, making gliding through the air feel all too easy.

The Third Awakening was primed for Awakening with the appearance of Leonel's illusory wings and came into true being once Leonel's wings gained physical form, spreading out from his body both powerfully and majestically.

The Fourth Awakening, however, was the most profound of them all. Leonel felt Light Force fuse with his very bones and flesh, suddenly making him feel as light as a feather. The difference was so drastic that had it not been for the increase to his Wisdom Branch simultaneously, Leonel might have had to artificially slow himself just so that his mind could keep up.

Now, Leonel suddenly had a body as sturdy as any Tier 9 forged weapon, and yet instead of being weighed down, he was as light and free as a breeze of air. Golden Runes shaped into delicate feather patterns danced between the Bronze Runes that were deeply carved onto his bones, making him feel as though he was gliding through the air as opposed to running on ground.

In that moment, Leonel could feel the exhilaration of a speedster, a hearty laughter almost leaving his lips.

The Morales family Lineage Factor was always known to be the cream of the crop because it circumvented the usual pitfalls and weaknesses of defensive Abilities in ways most others could not. Despite having skin as tough as metal, Leonel hardly lost any flexibility or speed. However, when a Lineage Factor that was already so amazing to begin with was suddenly stacked with another that not only erased its minor weaknesses, but even turned them into strength…

Well. The results spoke for themselves.

Leonel vanished, suddenly appearing above a Rapax that had just swung down a kick at full force. His toes lightly tapped the Rapax knee, causing a strong surge of Golden Spear Force infused with Snow Force and Destruction to slice downward.

The Rapax immediately found its leg severed at the thigh, its weight falling forward as it lost its balance. It had already been leaning forward to begin with after its attack missed, but now it seemed that it wouldn't be able to do anything at all as it fell toward Leonel.

Leonel used the light touch of the tap of his foot to skip upward, his body spinning and a vicious kick landing on the side of the Rapax's pill shaped head.

The sound of metal crashing against metal resounded for just a moment before one side crumpled and collapsed. The Rapax's head was ripped from its shoulders, its head being sent spiraling into the green lake below.

Leonel landed on the ground for just a moment before he vanished once more, a spiraling circle of wind being left in his wake. Everywhere he passed, arcs of light would follow his swinging kicks and fists. The outline of a beautiful dance was marked, a gorgeous white gold painting the otherwise grotesque atmosphere.


Leonel could feel the shift in his Speed Fighter Class. The Fourth Awakening had caused his original 1.00 rating of himself going all out to increase, resetting the entire scale. However, even on this new scale, speed had become a relatively greater strength, causing his weakest Class which had sat at 0.07 just a moment ago, to more than double in efficiency.

'There are diminishing returns to such speeds. It was no wonder that even with such an enormous speed boost after reaching the Fourth Awakening that the Snow Star Owl would still only be a Sixth Dimensional beast.

'More speed equals more power, but that's only if weight remains constant. This Lineage Factor gives me what feels like even more than a ridiculous tenfold increase in speed, but it does so by lowering my weight and by extension my momentum.

'If not for the fact I can rely on my Metal Synergy Lineage Factor, I would have to be very careful with how I used this speed as well or I would end up hurting myself.'

This made perfect sense. This Lineage Factor was rooted in the blood of a bird. Birds were known for their hollow and fragile bone structures. This should have been something that Leonel had expected.

However, he wasn't disappointed. Right now, this boost was exactly what he needed. He was already confident before that no one would be able to stop him from getting this egg as he always had confidence in himself. But this only made him more assured.

Leonel quickly cleared the Rapax. Because he and Aina had landed in the middle of the platform and had not started at the beginning like everyone else, they were far ahead. But, that came with its own problems as well. If they weren't fast enough, they would end up pincered from not one, but two sides. By then, what advantage they had gained wouldn't be worth it.

However, Leonel had his own plans for this.

Aina raced after Leonel, managing to keep up because of how often Leonel had to stop to battle. Any stragglers he missed were unceremoniously cut apart by her.

The moment Leonel reached near the end of the platform, he released a low shout, his feet stamping down hard.

A flickering golden Rune lit in Leonel's irises, a searing heat dancing above his right hip.


A raging crimson aura erupted from Leonel.

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