Sceio was the very same Nova Auran and Xavnik had spoken about during their earlier conversations. He had gotten into the Stalwart Polearm Party a step later than First Nova, leaving him fighting for its scraps. But, despite his supposedly desperate situation, one definitely couldn't tell by his demeanor that anything was wrong.

His robes were in disorder, his hair was messy, but he still looked well rested and sharp. If anything, he was just too lazy to groom himself any better than he already had.

Vega's eyes narrowed, looking back toward Sceio with a sharp look.

"Ai, don't look at me like that, I scare easily."

"Are you interfering with my business? Have you forgotten the lesson I taught you last time?"

Vega's gaze turned dangerous, her hair rippling about. She had already wasted several days here and she was close to getting what she wanted. But now it felt like someone was snatching food she was just about to bite down on away.

Sceio sighed and shook his head.

"These are simply the lumps a romantic like me must take in pursuing love. I dared to bare my heart and I suffered for it. As a man, I can only respect your decision and move on, but why must you dig up my scars like so?"

Vega lost her patience, suddenly striking out with a palm. Sceio didn't have a chance at all to dodge, facing the full brunt of it crashing into his chest.


"Oof…" Sceio stumbled several steps backward, coughing.

Bronze Runes flickered across his body. It was clear that while he had been slow to react in action, his Runes still activated on instinct.

Sceio beat a fist against his chest, wheezing a bit.

"Good hit. Definitely solid. Eight out of ten."

He raised up a thumb, giving Vega a sign for a job well done.

It wasn't very surprising that Vega was actually much stronger than Sceio. The trouble was that Sceio was a bit… shameless.

Sceio took Velasco as his idol, and his romantic life reflected that. He had already snagged several women from Vega's faction, and yet still somehow had the audacity to chase after Vega herself. It could be said that his face was quite thick.

Normally, Vega wouldn't care about this. Her Faction might have been female only, but she didn't monitor their relationships so long as it didn't interfere with their duties. The trouble was… this time it did. In fact, it could be said that about 20% of the strain of her faction currently was caused by this man here.

Sceio had managed to woo two of her seven Valkyries. And they also happened to be two of the three or four most likely to succeed her. When they found out that they had both been with the same man, they became like oil and water…. If they were both somehow on fire.

Vega had managed to suppress much of these issues, and Aina felt like the perfect remedy to deal with this matter once and for all, but then this bastard actually dared to appear before her again.

Sceio coughed again, finally straightening up.

"Still, even if you're mad Third Queen Beauty, I still have my duties as a big brother to fulfill."

Vega's expression twisted with disgust. Knowing Sceio, it would be a miracle if Leonel was left with his underpants after all of this was through.

Still, she turned on her heels and began to walk away without so much as a goodbye to anyone present.

She had wasted enough time here and the one rule that everyone had to follow in the Void Palace was no killing. Even if she beat Sceio to a pulp, it wouldn't help her mood out. In fact, he would only take greater pleasure in ruining her plans.

Sceio grinned wildly, his eyes practically glued to Vega's swaying bottom as she glided into the distance.

"Damn, that woman's really like water, even her palm felt good. I really need to have me a taste…"

Aina's brows furrowed listening to Sceio's vulgarity. She suddenly wasn't very certain if this was a good turn of events or not.

Sceio turned back, his eyes lighting up when he saw Aina's face. He had already known that this sister-in-law of his was beautiful, but to think she really lost out to the likes of Vega in no way. Tsk, Littlest Nova sure was lucky to have snagged something like this before stepping foot into the Void Palace. Where was the justice?

This gaze, though, only made Aina's frown deepen. If not for the fact Sceio had already become her last hope, she would have long since turned and left.

Sceio chuckled. "No need to act like this. I'm greedy and lustful, but I never touch the women of my brothers. However, I will take their money.

"I'll pay for Littlest Nova's treatment. But the interest… Well, let's just say that the interest won't be small."

Sceio grinned, his smile both devilishly handsome and demonic.


Many dispersed and left the traffic around the Void Tower about normal for what it usually would be. However, the mystery around what exactly had happened felt heavier and deeper than many knew or were even willing to think about. Most assumed that the Void Senate would soon find out what happened and report these matters. But, the oddity was that…

The Void Tower was still open, functioning as though nothing at all had happened.

Still, despite this, what was maybe even more shocking was that the Void Elders themselves were also baffled by exactly what had occurred as well…

They stood in the air, unbeknownst to anyone, cloaked in black.

"You all sense it, right?"

"Yes… This Dream Force…"

"It leaked out from the inside."

"You mean?"

"For several days, we didn't dare to approach this place, we could only let things play out as they would. But, it seems that this Dream Force didn't have any malicious intent."

"Maybe… But it also distorted reality to the point none of us know what happened inside."

The cloaked figures fell into silence, their gazes turning toward Cornelius who was still frozen in the air, unmoving.

"Cornelius might have an inkling of what happened as he was in range."

"Yes, but he's currently stuck in a dream loop. It will take him several months to pull himself out… Time might also not be the only price he pays."

"This isn't a normal application of Dream Force, it feels almost like a soul attack, like those under its influence were pulled in rather than the world around them distorting like usual..."

Another silence fell.

"What did Velasco do to this child?" Someone finally asked.


"… I don't know if even the likes of Velasco can do this. But what I do know is that this child is even more trouble than his father. So, those of you who've been colluding to stab the human race in its back, I hope you glide on the tips of your toes a bit lighter.

"Velasco's line seems intent on revenge."

No one spoke a word as they gazed back and forth between one another. They had known that there were traitors among them for a very long time, but it was impossible to weed out exactly who it was.

In recent decades, after Velasco had come into his own strength, the movements had only become more subtle and harder to detect. But, this Leonel Morales seemed to be another wild variable thrown into the fuel. 

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