Leonel dove out of the way, a hair-raising feeling of danger drilling into his mind as the primitive man's instincts roared at him for the first time in a long while.

Without hesitation, Leonel rolled out of the tree, his palm flipping over to reveal his self-made bow. Even as he fell from the tree, his gaze grew cold. He pulled the bowstring taut, his vision finding the one line of sight through the thickness of the trees.

At that moment, the location he had just been sitting in suddenly imploded. It looked as though someone had planted a bomb into the core of the tree, only to trigger it right this instant. However, Leonel knew better. This was definitely related to the attention of the old man.

Leonel took a breath, releasing his arrow and a breath all at once.


The arrow shot through the air as though on rocket fuel. The sound of whistling wind didn't even reach Leonel's ears until lit had already appeared before the old man's brows. No one even registered the beautiful curve the attack took through the trees. In fact, Leonel, who had begun falling from the tree, had still not even hit the ground yet.

If one thought that the only weapon Force that Leonel had strengthened during the last year was his Spear Force, you would be sorely mistaken. Even if the application wasn't the same, with Leonel's feel for the bow, his ability to translate his findings felt almost as natural as breathing. His talent in the bow seemed to be on a level all to its own.

pAn,Da n<0,>v,e1 The old man was caught off guard. However, his vision alone seemed to carry some explosive strength all to itself.

The moment he locked onto the arrow, even if it was in the final moment, it too, imploded. However, the arrow had gotten so close to him that the explosion obstructed his vision, allowing Leonel to vanish from his sight.

One would have thought that Leonel would take the opportunity to run, but almost as soon as he took the advantage, Leonel pressed.

Dream Class. Sniper Archer.

Leonel fired three more arrows before he even touched the ground, his Bow Force blazing with life and vitality. Each seemed to carry with it its own flare, reaching a level of freedom and unrestrained power that even Leonel's spear seemed to lack.

But, it was only right that things were like this. Leonel's Bow Force was being forcefully restrained to the Fifth Dimension from the Sixth, while his Spear Force had yet to take that step.

To an outside observer, though, this would still be a shock. One was supported by Spear Domain while the other was not. This should have closed the gap. And yet, Leonel's Bow Force seemed to have still left his Spear Force in the dust.

The three arrows appeared within the ground in the blink of an eye, all three fluttering like soaring birds and curving toward the burly man.

Leonel landed on the ground, his gaze sharp as he brandished another arrow.

These three days he hadn't just been casually wasting time. Whenever he found a suitable branch, he would snap it off and form another arrow. In this time, he had already formed hundreds for a situation just like this one.

The burly man, whose first instinct was to protect the old man even though the latter didn't need it, couldn't believe that he was actually the target.

He reacted quickly, brandishing his spear toward the first coming arrow, feeling that the two trailing behind it were less of a threat. But, to his horror, the moment he pierced out with a strike he had practiced no less than 10 000 times, he…

Actually missed.

The arrow fluttered, slowing down a measure.

In the grand scheme, it was akin to a car racing down the highway easing up from 100 kilometers an hour to 95, but in a battle this high level, such a sudden and abrupt change was enough to change everything.


The arrow pierced into the burly man's collarbone, throwing off his ability to be able to deal with the remaining two arrows.

One pierced into his knee, ruining his mobility. The other tore into the soft side of his elbow, removing his ability to brandish his spear with both hands.

Leonel, though, was still shocked by the outcome. Those arrows should have gone through the burly man's body entirely. And yet, it had sounded like he just stuck them into a solid tree. Just how strong was this person's body?!

Even Leonel, who had the Morales family's Metal Body technique, wasn't so sturdy, at least not without releasing both his Divine Armor and Bronze Runes, and even then he wouldn't be able to match up.

Unfortunately, Leonel didn't get to linger on the thought for long, because he knew the vision of the old man would clear right this moment.

He was already prepared, releasing the string of his arrow again. But, just as he was about to, his fingers paused.

He could see it quite clearly. The old man was incredibly pale-faced, hints of blood falling down his cheeks like streaking tears. Leonel knew right then that even if the old man wanted to act again, he wouldn't be able to.

Still, he kept his senses primed, walking forward slowly. He had taken advantage of the situation to deal with the burly man, so this was a chance he shouldn't give him. He wasn't sure if this small village had anyone else so powerful, but his deductions told him that the answer to that question was no.

If there were, it was unlikely for someone with the status the old man seemed to have to come out to greet them personally. If Leonel was correct, then all of this village's strongest existences were right here.

At that moment, the small group watched in horror as Leonel slowly walked out of the forest's edge, his bow still raised.

If he was so effective from 500 meters away, none of them dared to imagine just what kind of monster he would be at this close a range. There was no way any of them could deal with such a thing.

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