Dimensional Descent

Chapter 1674 Hushed Silence

A hushed silence overcame the surroundings after Leonel's words fell. But very quickly, the skies seemed to rumble as Conon's expression turned malevolent. 

Leonel's hair blew backward under Conon's aura, his shirt and sweats being pulled against his body as though they might fly into the distance at any moment. However, all such momentum did was reveal just how defined the lines of Leonel's physique were and emphasize just how indifferent he was in the face of such strength. 

"There's no need to say anything," Leonel suddenly spoke. However, it was clear that the target of his words wasn't Conon. Instead, they were for Simona and Valor. "Since he wants to dig his own grave, let him dig it."

Leonel hadn't vented all of his frustration just yet, he didn't want to let anyone interfere. When it came to dealing with the likes of Conon, he really wanted to see if he deserved the amount of arrogance he was exuding right this moment. 

In the Human Domain, Leonel didn't fear anyone beneath the Seventh Dimension. 


The ground between the two of them cracked and shattered, and yet when it seemed that the earth beneath Leonel's feet would throw him off balance, it was as though the cobweb-like patterns had run into a wall. 

The ground around Leonel lifted off from the ground but couldn't approach him in the slightest. 

Conon's gaze flashed with a murderous glint. As for Leonel, a cold smile flickered in his own. 

For an instant nothing happened. But in the next moment, they moved at the same time, Conon's fist splitting the air and Leonel's palm flipping to reveal a piercing spear. 

The clash sent sparks of Force flying in all directions, a tempest of wind forcing the weak to fly hundreds of meters backward. 

Anarchic Force rolled and the dark clouds above trembled. The roar of a majestic lion rippled through the surroundings from one side, but on the other, there was nothing but absolute silence. 

Aina, who had been right by Leonel's side, narrowed her eyes, a killing intent dancing in the depths of her irises. But realizing that she probably shouldn't interfere, she took a light step backward, crossing dozens of meters at once and crossing her arms about her chest. 


The ground beneath Leonel's feet finally shattered as a Bronze Aura erupted around his body, dispersing all of Conon's power away from himself. 

At that moment, Conon took a single heavy step backward while Leonel didn't move at all. 

It was nothing more than a single exchange, but the result left those watching in shock. It felt like a calm lake had suddenly suffered the barrage of an avalanche of stones, furious currents of water spreading out in all directions and even drowning the shores. 

Conon had actually lost the exchange by a small measure! 

The difference was too striking. Conon was adorned in valiant beast cloth formed by the furs of some of the strongest beasts to exist in the Human Domain. He looked ready for battle, the picture of manliness and the ideal archetype of a general of war. 

However, on the other side, there was Leonel. He hadn't even bothered to put on the uniform of the Void Palace because his original uniform had long since been destroyed. He wore the most common clothing of Third Dimensional Earth, a simple pair of grey sweatpants and a plain white shirt. 

Although the two of them were exactly the same height, both standing at over two meters tall, just due to the difference in their presentation, most subconsciously believed that Conon was far larger and far more powerful. 

The result was the illusion of David meeting the Goliath, but this David seemed to have no need for skill or tactics, he could meet Goliath head on without taking even a single step back. 


Leonel's Absolute Spear Domain whirred to life, a tornado of golden Spear Force revolving around him. At that moment, he went from a casual young man who looked as though he had just rolled off his couch to a valiant warrior. 

His hair lifted into the air, its pale violet color shimmering with a delicate white-gold light. 

Conon looked down at his feet, seemingly not believing that he had been forced to take a step back. By the time he looked back up, his golden eyes blazed with an undisguised fury. 

He slammed his fists together, his rage rising like a tsunami. 

The roar of a lion echoed once more, but Conon's lips were sealed tight. The manifestation of his God Runes alone seemed to be more than enough to cause this phenomenon to appear. 

His hair grew, his beard increasing in volume. His pupils dilated and his body grew an entire foot. 

Claws extended from his fingers and his arms and thighs grew another size. Even with his lips sealed close, a pair of fangs slowly manifested, cutting down the length of his skin and taking droplets of blood with it. 

He stood to the tips of his toes, the flat of his feet extending in size as his calves pulsed with power. Just standing there, he released an undisguised bestial aura. 

Conon, a man who was known for his talkativeness, suddenly became deathly quiet until…. Until he growled. 


Conon appeared before Leonel in the blink of an eye but the latter had already raised his spear. 

The exchange was short and lasted no more than a split moment before they vanished and clashed once again. The two were so fast that it wasn't until their fourth clash that the sounds began to reverberate and the violent ripples of wind reached the others. 


Leonel's spear drew lines that split the skies. 

Conon's fists caused everything in its path to disintegrate into dust. It even looked as though Anarchic Force dodged out of his way, forming a path for the sole purpose of allowing him to collide with Leonel. 

Shockwaves spread out in all directions. The wind rolled like waves and the clash caused the vicinity to tremble. 

They seemed evenly matched. 



Conon suffered a foot to the chest, his body flying out like a meteor from the air and crashing into the ground below, digging out a trench that extended for dozens of meters. 

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