Ancestor Mito was so enraged by these words that his palm flipped over to reveal a shimmering black bow. But at the same moment that he acted, Alvaro had likewise taken out his bronze spear, it looked as though this was what the latter had wanted from the very beginning. Why did those little brats get to have all the fun? He wanted to let the world see his sharpness too.

"Everyone, let's calm down," an Ancestor by Mito's side pressed down his hand before he could raise his bow and take a step of no return. "This isn't what today is about. Let the kids handle this matter."

Alvaro snorted. Pretentious pricks. If they didn't feel the fire in their bellies anymore, they could just say so and off themselves.

What good was pretending to be high and above it all when all it did was dull your blade. There was a reason the Morales were the strongest, and there was a reason it would stay that way.

Leonel and Aina exited the cave.

There was an immediate choice to be made. They had enough for a promotion to Silver-Grade now, but there was a threat to their side, and it wouldn't be long before they realized that three of their own had died.

This should have been a difficult choice to make, but Leonel didn't seem to pause his steps for even a moment as he shot in the direction of the village.


Despite the loud booms to his back, Leonel still didn't turn back, continuing to run in the opposite direction with Aina. He had left that matter to Allan, and he had already calculated that Allan would be able to hold on. When this matter was concluded, their advantage would only increase further.

Allan stood at the top of the outpost, his eyes sharp beneath his glasses. He held up the massive rail gun, his eyes locking onto a group in the distance as he unleashed another barrage.

Before the shot even landed, his muscles flexed and his hips pivoted, swinging the railgun in a completely different direction as he unleashed another barrage.

No one could seem to enter within a ten kilometer radius of this region without being blasted to smithereens. Most managed to dodge and save their own lives, however the first few had been greatly unlucky, losing their lives almost instantly.

Leonel checked his kill exchange counter. After almost two hours, it had climbed to 11. This couldn't be considered too great or too small.

The moment he and Aina made it back to the village, as they rushed into the central console room, Leonel began to exchange for more people. He brought out his seven remaining brothers, in addition to Elthor, Sael, Raylion and Aphestus.

When they appeared, everyone already seemed to know what they needed to do. They rushed to the walls just as Leonel exchanged 20 000 points to complete the improvement to Silver-Grade that he had wanted.

After the moat was formed, Leonel exchanged 50 000 more points and triggered the Silver-Grade Upgrade sequence. He and Aina, likewise, rushed to their positions on the wall, their gazes cold.

"This brat continues to overestimate himself," Mito spat coldly.

His temper was only becoming more and more frayed as he watched a single Allan hold back the young geniuses of his Constellation Bow Alliance. The only thing that gave him some reprieve was the fact there was no way he would be able to hold out for long. Soon, very soon, Nazag would be alerted to this matter and this farce would end.

At the same time, this Leonel would likely bury himself under his own foolishness.

There was a reason there was such a large leap in price between the Bronze-Grade and Silver-Grade Upgrade Challenges. One was supposed to have a large group of subordinates out by now, at least a few hundred.

As time went on, more wild challenges were supposed to spawn, and barbarians of sorts would begin to appear in the wild, making accumulating kills and gathering more subordinates far easier.

Right now, they were just at the beginning of Heirs claiming their first territories, Leonel was the only one with a Bronze-Grade territory in the first place, being greedy and trying to push for a Silver-Grade now was the epitome of foolishness.

There were only 121 in the Bronze-Grade wave, but there would easily be a hundred times that in the Silver-Grade wave, on top of the fact they would all be Silver-Grade threats as opposed to Bronze-Grade threats.

Leonel had already sent away his most powerful combatants. His most powerful ranged specialist was tied down by the Constellation Bow Alliance. And now he was going to try and challenge a wave of thousands with just over a dozen. If this wasn't foolish, what was?

Silver-Grade walls weren't nearly enough to offset this kind of danger.

However, this wave would leave nothing more than silence.

Leonel stood on the walls as the ground began to quake. Large dust clouds appeared in the distance as the sparse trees began to fall one after another. However, Leonel only calmly held his bow before him, not making a single move just yet.

His gaze was the picture of perfect calmness, his hair swaying ever so gently in the wind.

Menacing creatures appeared in the surroundings. They wrapped around the city, hooting and hollering, their weapons clanging.


The rumbling ground threatened to split as it whined and gave way.


Leonel could see the faces of the front line clearly. Even if he had been in the Third Dimension, he would have been able to. Those menacing tusks, that dripping saliva, those blood-caked machetes...


Leonel tapped his waist, bringing out a small orb with a writhing Earth Dragon within.


He dropped it to the ground.

The moment it collided, everything seemed to change. The city, which had been on perfectly flat ground, began to rise up. The jagged edges of a mountainous region began to take shape, the water of the mote spilling over.

The ground quaked and split. What had once been the intimidation of the enemy became their nightmare. Some fell within fissures, others were crushed by falling rock, and yet others found themselves wading in waves of water coming from a moat that seemed much too deep for common sense.

At that moment, Leonel took out three more orbs. These were none other than the three irrigation rewards he and Aina had gained clearing challenges.

As their village rose on the back of a growing mountain, lines of rivers began to appear, flooding the region with more and more water. The creatures that weren't crushed by rock suddenly found themselves being drowned one after another.

The result was absolutely devastating. By the time Leonel and the others stopped rising into the air, the army of thousands had been reduced to a few hundred.

"Kill" Leonel said lightly, raising his bow.

Silence fell over the Human Domain once more. There was nothing to be said, nothing that could be said. It was a sweeping victory.

Leonel, however, didn't seem to care very much. The next order of business...

Crushing the Constellation Bow Alliance.

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