Dimensional Descent

Chapter 465 - Secretary Marquisette Maia

"From now on I will be in charge."

Secretary Marquisette Maia's demeanor completely shifted. From a coquettish, seductive air, the atmosphere around her became oppressive and heavy. It felt as though she had become a completely different person. No… It was like she had gone back to being that old hag of over a year ago…

"First, the scouting missions will be ramping up. I want anyone with speed, concealment and sensory abilities to be inserted in a reconnaissance unit effective immediately. The only exceptions I will allow are those in commanding roles.

"All Tier 5 Admirals will be responsible for securing a ten kilometer coastal buffer. The ocean has been ruled by beasts for too long, how useless are you all for allowing this to continue?

"All Tier 5 Generals will be in rotating vanguard positions. I don't want there to be a single moment in any single day where there is not any pressure being applied on these jumping monkeys of Terrain. How long do you intend to allow them to gallivant on our turf? Is this what being a noble means to you?

"General Umbred, General Sater, General Tudo. Consider yourselves demoted. Your replacements will be the new General Milan, General Raj and General Joel."


General Umbred stood in a rage, his mustache furiously blowing in all his anger.

"Sit down."

Umbred felt a cold shiver course through his veins. He met Maia's cold gaze, completely unable to stop his body from trembling.

"While you were holing yourself up in the safety of this dome, those three led a vanguard against the Invalid tide. Yet, you still dare to call yourself a general and even raise your voice toward me? Who do you think you are?

"I sentence you to three years in Dark Cloud prison. Take him away."

Umbred froze in shock, he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

Dark Cloud prison wasn't a death sentence for himself, but it was most definitely one for his career.

He couldn't believe what was happening. He didn't even know who this Milan person replacing him was, nor did he know a Joel or Raj. All he knew was they had to be commoners because the only ones who would have led a vanguard against that Invalid tide were those with no standing.

All he had done was follow the lead of everyone else, yet he was suffering the most. Even worse, because he couldn't control his temper, he ended up in an even worse position than the other two.

Seeing such a scene, former General Sater and Tudo didn't even dare to breathe too heavily. They could only watch with sunken expressions as Umbred was escorted out of the hall, his expression dark as could be.

No one who had a criminal record was allowed to hold a government position above Tier 3. Umbred was finished and the legacy his family had built to now had all come crumbling down just with a few words.

"Do you all really think I don't know what's been happening in my absence?? This sort of dereliction of duty will not be tolerated. Every offender will receive a more damning sentence than the last. The next person to step out of line will receive five years, the next ten. Don't try my patience."

Maia continued as though nothing had happened, listing off her commands.

The more the nobles listened, the more they realized that Maia had ears everywhere. Every one of her new laws of order was pointed at a very particular problem that was almost impossible to? notice on a whim.

The more she spoke, the more the nobles felt their hearts tighten. They sat up straighter, their demeanor becoming several levels more respectful.

At the same time, they began to look toward one another with wary gazes. The only way Maia could have managed this was if she had informants. But, it was impossible to tell who they were, it left them all on the edge of their seats. They had no idea who had been secretly observing them all.

As clever men and women used to the world of politics, they tried to pay attention to who Maia put in positions of power, trying to see if they could deduce who to be wary of in the future. But, the more they tried to deduce, the more frustrated they became.

The only obvious promotion Maia handed out was to those three commoners. The rest were either inconsequential or didn't change much at all. It left them all in a state of limbo, as though they were suspended above an abyss they could fall to the bottom of at any time.

If they didn't know Maia was doing this on purpose by now, they wouldn't be worth the noble titles they had.

With this kind of perpetual pressure, which of them would dare to step out of line?

"… Finally, reorganize the inner city and make room for the commoners to enter. Level the outer city and repurpose the steel walls for some more practical defenses."

The nobles felt like cleaning out their ears. What did Maia say just now? Allow the commoners in?

Maia's words were final. She didn't even bother to explain herself from start to finish. She never gave a reason for anything, but deep inside, the nobles knew exactly why she made every decision. This was the only one they couldn't quite wrap their minds around.

But, Maia didn't give some heartfelt speech about the importance of the people to convince them. She simply left her words behind and swayed her hips to leave.

Internally, Maia giggled.

'Consider this a repayment of your favor, Leonel. You helped me gain the foothold I wanted in the Slayer Legion and now I've reformed Royal Blue Fort to your ideals. Be sure to put in a good word for me to your gramps.'

Maia smiled lightly, her mind spinning at speeds that could rival even Leonel's.

As for what her plans and goals were, maybe only Maia herself knew this.

'Ah!' Maia suddenly sped up her steps. 'Don't worry, mommy's coming.'

Maia happily sashayed away. She really didn't like being away from her child. Even though the doctors swore the incubator was top of the line, she still preferred to oversee it all personally.


On Camelot.

"Oh, Khaled is dead?"


[Author's Note below 17/12/21]

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