Doctor Player Chapter 121

[Experience Points Accumulate!]

[Experience Points Accumulate!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

Thanks to that, I was able to level up explosively, but I was too busy taking care of patients, so such messages I didn't even have time to look.

How many days had it passed?

The patient was immediately cut off.

It started to rain.

shoot it

“I don’t think it will stop easily. For the time being, it seems that the battle will see a lull.”

At Rao's words, Raymond let out a sigh.

‘It's fortunate. I can catch my breath.'

As expected, seeing the soldiers dying made me feel bad.

I couldn't get used to seeing patients die. It always made me feel the worst.

‘If I had been better, I could have saved even a little more.'

It's always a thought.

‘Someday, I will reach the ultimate in medicine and have the best skills. That's why I won't feel like this to the fullest.'

Raymond clenched his fists.

I know it's a tough dream.

I will try my best though.

Losing a patient was the worst feeling.

After that resolution, I was taking a break while watching the falling rain, but suddenly there was a commotion outside.

“no! Get away!”

“Please! please!”

It was the voice of a little girl!

Surprised, I went outside and saw a girl crying and clinging to the guards!

“My mother is dying! Please heal my mother!”

“no! I can't heal the people of the Droton Kingdom.”

The soldiers pushed the girl away with a puzzled face.

It's pitiful, but I want you to treat someone from an enemy country. It was unbelievable.

Then the girl found Raymond and dropped to her knees.

“Hey, are you Healer? My mother is dying! Please save my mother!”

‘Citizens of the Drowton Kingdom?'

Raymond also made a troubled expression.

‘It's not legally forbidden to treat someone from the other country during a war.'

There is no clause in the law of the Empire of the Crusades against treating an enemy nation.

There are many reasons, but the biggest reason is that healers belong to the Tower of Healing, a pan-national organization.

The Tower of Healing Code, which healers preferentially follow, stipulates that patients should be treated regardless of nationality.

But that's just a theoretical story, and there are very few healers who heal people from enemy countries during war.

I don't know what kind of criticism I'll get if rumors circulate that I've cured someone from an enemy country.

‘In the worst case, it could go beyond criticism and be framed for colluding with the enemy.'

It wasn't just worry.

In fact, during the war in the past, a healer who treated an enemy soldier with a kind heart was falsely accused of colluding with the enemy country.

‘What should I do?'

If you think selfishly, pretending you don't know is the wisest thing to do.

But is it because he has just witnessed the deaths of so many people? It was hard to do that easily.

It was a moment of thought for a long time.

The girl burst into tears.

“Huh. Black. please! please save my mother please… … !”

desperate cry.

The atmosphere of the soldiers around them became solemn.

Raymond's face also became heavy.

He too lost his mother when he was young. At that time, he went to the treatment center like the girl now, and received only bad treatment.

Recalling the memories of the past made it even more difficult to turn away.

‘How can there be no way? It is possible to treat patients and not have any troublesome problems.'

That was the moment.

A quest has occurred.

[Exercise the spirit of philanthropy!]

(Ninjutsu Quest)

Priority: Medium Difficulty

: Medium

Quest Description: Enemy civilians have made humanitarian requests! You are a soldier and a doctor at the same time! Be philanthropic!

Clear conditions: Enemy patient treatment

Reward: Bonus level up x 2 Skill points 40

Bonuses: Respect of the people of the enemy country. Unexpected big reward

‘Unexpected big reward? What is this again?'

Raymond tilted his head.

‘Anyway, it's not a simple matter, you bastard. They're not even going to take responsibility if there's a problem.'

I still feel it, but this system. Makes unreasonable demands too often.

‘I also want to treat you like a heart. But it's not easy. There is a high possibility that someone will find fault with it.'

Raymond is well aware of his predicament.

He made a lot of contributions, but there were many people who were jealous because of it.

For them, this would make good prey for their bites.

‘There has to be some reason. A cause to heal the enemy and not be blamed.'

No, it would be nice if it was a justification to better package his treatment, rather than simply avoiding criticism.

Raymond was troubled.

‘Isn't there a good cause? It's a cause to heal the people of the enemy country and be considered good.'

That was the moment I thought about it.

A method flashed through my mind.

‘I have one! It's enough to justify this!'

Raymond thought to himself.

‘All I have to do is present the justification that I am trying to stabilize the public sentiment of the people of the enemy country by treating the patient!'

In this way, not to be criticized, but rather, it could be packaged as a work for the Houston Kingdom Army!

In fact, stabilizing the people of the occupied castle was a very important issue. Because it is directly related to the defense of the castle.

If you cause a riot inside or communicate with enemies outside, the castle can collapse in an instant.

Normally, Seongmin is overpowered by violence and fear, but it is like holding a bomb that may explode at any moment.

‘There are even cases where people in the castle are exterminated because they are worried about this kind of problem. It will be a sufficient justification.'

So Raymond decided to treat the girl's mother.

* * *

Outside Castle Bioton.

On the mountain overlooking the castle, several figures were having a conversation.

“It rains a lot.”

“Yes sir.”

A scholar-type figure standing at the center of them all.

asked the Marquis of Dulac.

“How are your results so far?”

“It is weak. It is a castle that is advantageous for defending the original body, and it is not easy to recapture it due to the large number of Houston Kingdom forces.”

After the report, the longevity spoke in a voice full of trust.

“But as long as His Excellency has returned, there is nothing to worry about. If it's your wisdom, recapturing Castle Bioton would be easier than flipping the palm of your hand.”

However, the Marquis of Durac only looked at the castle with heavy eyes without replying.


“Houston's greatest genius, Raymond, has joined Castle Bioton.”

“ah… … .”

The Marquis dulac took out a cigarette and lit it in the rain.

It was a cigar from the Free Cities Association.

‘To see you face to face like this. Well, if it's the genius you've heard so far, it's only natural that you see through the strategic importance of Bioton Castle. It won't be easy with him.'


Dulac used flame magic to light a cigarette. Durac was surprisingly endowed with magical powers.

“If you were the Houston Kingdom Army, how would you prepare?”

“We will focus on defense by repairing the walls and preparing equipment for siege warfare.”

“Yes, that is the normal way.”

Dulac blew smoke. Cigarette smoke drifted in the rain.

“We will go the other way.”

“… … What do you mean?”

“If you knock on the strong fortress from the outside, it will only cause useless damage. On the contrary, we attack the inside.”

“… … !”

The subordinate general opened his eyes wide. He understood the meaning of Dulac.

“Bioton Castle was originally the castle of our Droton Kingdom. Even now, people of the Droton Kingdom live there. I will mobilize the people inside the castle and destroy it from the inside.”

‘Raymond, no matter how genius you are, you won't be able to stop this ploy.'

Dulac was certain of the operation.

It was natural.

This is because it is impossible for even the greatest genius to win back the public sentiment of the people in a short period of time, which is only a few days.

“The moment this rain stops. I will capture the castle in conjunction with the people of An. to prepare.”

“Yes sir!”

Dulac dropped the cigarette on the floor and trampled it with his shoe.

The lives of his two children hang on his shoulders.

so i couldn't

* * *

Raymond left the clinic late in the evening when everyone else was asleep.

‘I don't think there's a need to be noisy and attracting attention.'

But I came out secretly, and Elmude followed me.

“I will go with you too, Master!”

“Are you okay?”

‘How did he know and follow me? Could it be that you haven't slept yet? Guarding the treatment center?'

Raymond made a puzzled face.

He asked Elmud to guard the treatment center. It was a mission entrusted without much thought, but Elmude followed Raymond's words by dedicating his body and mind like a paladin coming to the holy war.

‘You don't have to work that hard. Is it better for me to go alone now?'

Moving alone is less noticeable than two people.

“are you okay. I’m just going to get some fresh air, so I’ll go and come alone.”

“That can't be! I don't know what danger there may be, so I will protect you!”

‘No, you really don't need it? why can't you understand me? It's a sweet potato!'

A sigh came out.

This guy was really a sweet potato guy.

“Actually, it’s because I secretly went there. Does it stand out more when the two of them move?”

“Oh, if that's the case!”

Elmude was colored.


Elmud's presence disappeared. It was a stealth trick!

“… … .”

-This is the ‘silver screen', the vision of the Marquis Aris to protect the lord from the invisible place!

“… … Yes, do as you please.”

-thank you!

It was a happy answer.

He shook his head like a puppy that found a way to be with its owner.

Afterwards, Raymond headed to the residence of the Maryson Street girl with Elmude.

‘Isn't this home? hall?'

It seemed that the house was burnt down during the battle and shelters were set up in a hall or similar place.

“Hey Healer!”

It was the girl I saw earlier. As if waiting impatiently, he hit Raymond with red eyes.

But it wasn't just the girl who hit Raymond.

As a temporary shelter, there were quite a few people staying.

“Who is it?”

“This is the Healer I mentioned earlier! You really came to treat my mother!”

“Houston kingdom army?”

Tension and fear appeared on the faces of the shelter residents.

because it's an enemy

In particular, since they are in an occupied position, they have no choice but to be wary.

‘hmm. There's no need to be afraid.'

Once I felt the need to relax.

“I did not come to the Houston Kingdom Army. He is a healer who came as a private person to treat patients.”

“… … .”

Still, it was not easy to let go of the boundary.

Everyone wondered if Raymond had any intentions behind him.

So, what the occupiers would do. Violence, looting or something like that.

At that time, Raymond took off the cap of the robe he was wearing. Then, someone who recognized Raymond's face asked in a trembling voice.

“A graceful appearance. emerald eyes. Ho, by any chance, are you Mr. Raymond?”

“Do you know me? Yes, I am Raymond.”

“Huh! The light of the Houston Kingdom!”

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