Doctor Player Chapter 376

The subordinates next to me said with nervous faces.

“Your Excellency. Looks like we'll have to hurry. The knights are coming.”

“You have to get away first.”

Marquis Rodrigo gnashed his teeth.

‘Damn it!'

Marquis Rodrigo hurriedly escaped with his aides.

Moreover, there was one more bad thing about Marquis Rodrigo.

Marquis Rodrigo made a face of disbelief.

‘For my father to come forward like this.'

His father was King Peian VII.

Surprisingly, when this incident broke out, Peian VII made a sudden move.

It was a completely different look from the usual benevolent appearance, and it caused a senile body.

There was a reason Peian VII moved.

‘My grandson doesn't spare himself so much for the sake of the Peninsula Kingdom, but I can't stay still.'

Peian VII, in particular, was gathering strength little by little without anyone knowing.

Secretly, he made contact with old nobles who had followed him in the past. To help Raymond spread his will even a little bit.

Thanks to this, as soon as this incident broke out, he was able to exert his full force, and Marquis Rodrigo had no choice but to flee in a hurry.


Marquis Rodrigo couldn't believe his situation of escaping like a pathetic rat.

He was clearly reigning as the second person in the kingdom until yesterday, but what the hell did this happen?

‘But it's not over yet. This Rodrigo will not die like this.'

He gritted his teeth.

It was only because of an unexpected blow that I ended up in this situation.

He was still the second-in-command of the Peninsula Kingdom. There were many nobles who followed him.

‘Now that this is the case, I will overthrow the palace.'

If he rallied the nobles who followed him, he could destroy the scarecrow royal family.

And he thought he would split the kingdom with Gideon into two.

‘Anyway, the royal family was only a fa?ade. Archduke Gideon will not refuse my offer.'

I ran with that heart.

how long did it run I was able to barely evade tracking and reach my destination.

“Earl Kasion will arrive soon.”

Rodrigo let out a sigh of relief.

Count Casion.

As one of his aides, he led a powerful knights' order.

He planned to raise a rebellion after joining his subordinates in turn, starting with Count Kasion.

“My throat is burning. Do you have any wine to drink?”

“Sorry. The alcohol... … I'll get you nearby.”

Marquis Rodrigo was annoyed at the reality of not having a sip of alcohol to drink.

‘Let's see, Raymond. If you take over the palace, I'll cut your head first.'

It was when I was grinding my teeth like that.

A cloud of dust rose in the distance.

“I am Count Casion!”

“I am coming with the Templars!”

It really was!

Marquis Rodrigo suddenly relaxed.

Once the crisis is over.

Now, by gathering the nobles one by one... … .

But as Count Cassio drew closer, Marquis Rodrigo's eyes widened.

‘That one?'

At this moment, a person who should never be seen appeared with Count Cassio.

It was Raymond!

He was riding a griffon and flying over the knights together.

‘Why is he over there?'

Marquis Rodrigo did not understand the situation and had doubts.

Or, in fact, you may have guessed it, but refused to accept it in your head.

Eventually, when they got so close that they could see each other's expressions, Raymond, who was gently closing his eyes like a hero... … Instead, Christine, who was sitting next to him, exclaimed fiercely.

“Capture the sinner!”

The knights following Count Casion raised their swords.

And he aimed precisely at Marquis Rodrigo.

“This is… … what.”

“It's over, Marquis.”

Count Kasion said coldly.

“Now we have repented of our sins and have decided to follow the generous Prince Raymond.”

“… … !”

Marquis Rodrigo made a ridiculous face.

But I realized it's true.

Count Casion has defected to Raymond's side!


Marquis Rodrigo sat down in his seat.

It was over.

* * *

Returning to the Peninsula Kingdom on a shuttle phone, Raymond immediately contacted the aristocrats of the aristocratic faction.

‘I have to make the aristocrats of the aristocratic faction my hukou!'

In particular, he contacted the closest aide to Marquis Rodrigo first.

If Marquis Rodrigo, driven into a corner, joined hands with them and raised a rebellion, it would be the end, so he had to stop it.

It wasn't difficult.

He had a whip and a carrot in his hand.

“The Marquis of Rodrigo is already over. Are you going to cover your sins together?”

Count Kasion swallowed his saliva.

“Drug distribution is prohibited throughout the empire. His Highness the King has already reported this matter to the Imperial Capital. All the kingdoms of the Crusader Empire, including the Kingdom of Saint Rosette, will not stand by and ignore the sins of Marquis Rodrigo.”

“… … .”

“So, at this rate, you and Marquis Rodrigo will be punished for your involvement in drug distribution.”

“… … I am not involved in drug trafficking!”

Count Casion exclaimed in surprise.

Although he was close to Rodrigo, he was never involved in drug distribution.

Raymond nodded.

‘Of course.'

Raymond also knows that Count Casion was not involved in drug distribution.

The reason Raymond approached Count Kasion in the first place was because Count Kasion was Rodrigo's aide, but his usual behavior was not bad.

However, it was intimidating to bring up such a story to the innocent Count Kasion.

“Of course I believe in the count's innocence. But maybe others do too?”

“… … .”

“At this rate, the count will be covered over for his unfair sins.”

Count Kasion kept his mouth shut.

Raymond was right.

When Marquis Rodrigo fell, it was obvious what would happen to those who were close to him.

together will be purged.

“… … But isn't there another way? When Marquis Rodrigo falls, we are doomed anyway.”

Count Kasion questioned heavily.

He had many enemies.

Not only Count Kasion, but most of the aristocratic aristocrats were like that.

Because the Grand Duke, the King, and the Princess were all their enemies.

When the noble faction is divided into quarters, they will be bitten to pieces.

However, Raymond told an unexpected story.

“I will protect you.”

“… … ?”

“Only if you swear to live the rest of your life for the people.”

‘Well, not all of Rodrigo's subordinates are bad guys. All those who have room for rehabilitation should be made into my hukou.'

Raymond thought to himself.

Just because Marquis Rodrigo was a bad guy didn't mean that all the aristocrats who followed him were bad guys.

In particular, there were many who had no choice but to swear allegiance to Marquis Rodrigo for trade with the Free Cities Alliance.

As Raymond and Rodin experienced, there were many cases where you couldn't do business in the Free Cities Association if you didn't follow Marquis Rodrigo.

Raymond was thinking of collecting those who could afford to look after them and turning them into hukou.

‘Of course, the bad guys should be punished.'

Of course, I didn't mean to take all of the aristocrats.

There were quite a few bad guys as well as Marquis Rodrigo.

Such people, along with Marquis Rodrigo, were often involved in illegal activities such as drugs.

I plan not to be lenient with them.

“Why are you showing us such mercy?”

Count Kasion asked in disbelief, and Raymond thought to himself.

‘Because everything has a reason.'


Absolutely not.

It was all because of money.

‘I'm going to make it into a hogu and suck your spine, so be prepared hehe.'

The nobles of the aristocratic faction are usually wealthy.

In particular, there were many who made a lot of money while running the upper ranks.

If he turns such rich people into hukou and sucks their spines, he will be able to earn unimaginable money.

Of course, he answered like this.

“It is for the people.”

“… … !”

Raymond held out his hand to Count Casion.

“I want to serve the people with you. If you regret your past and want to serve the people with me, please join my hand.”

Coincidentally, the ‘Prince of Light' effect was manifested, and Count Cassie felt as if a halo shone from Raymond's face.

‘iced coffee. this guy is real He's a real adult.'

Count Kasion couldn't help but be moved.

In the end, he knelt before Raymond in sincere admiration.

“This Casion. I will give my allegiance to Your Highness!”

Count Kasion was just the beginning.

Raymond met several recruiting targets and conducted a grand operation to make a hukou.

It wasn't difficult.

Because if I refused, the family would collapse.

In particular, Raymond gave them a reason to betray the Marquis Rodrigo with ease.

That's what it means for ‘the people'.

‘If you blindly follow me, I won't change my mind easily. But it's a different story if you have the cause that this is the right thing.'

Raymond made a sinister face.

In an aristocratic society, title is very important.

No matter how declining the situation is, it is an act worthy of criticism to abandon the lord who served in an instant, but if it is for the sake of the people, the story is different.

He could proudly (?) abandon Marquis Rodrigo and come to Raymond.

So many nobles swore allegiance to Raymond anew.

“Thank you for your mercy!”

“It's just for the sake of the people.”

Raymond received them with a solemn expression.

Of course, it was hard to hold back the laughter that burst out inside.

Each nobleman who bowed to him looked like a lump of money.

‘Now I'm going to use the free trade right to get my spine out!'

The aristocrats of the aristocratic faction are mostly the owners of a large upper rank.

So far, they have paid tribute to Rodrigo in exchange for a discount on customs duties.

Now Raymond will eat their backs.

‘Keuhehe, the Super Rich is right in front of me now!'

Raymond couldn't hide his happy face all day long, and many people admired and admired his appearance.

‘What a great saint. To be lenient even to the enemy for the sake of the people.'

‘And then you're so happy. He must be happy to be able to serve the people.'

‘How could he have such a large bowl?'

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