Doctor Player Chapter 395

Realizing that the situation was not serious, Lawrence stiffened and took a step back.

“Absolutely not. Rodani. How dare you accuse me of such nonsense... … .”

But there were only cold eyes.

Peian VII commanded.

“Immediately arrest that terrifying villain!”

“Honorable name!”

“Let go! Not me!”

Lawrence was desperate, but the knights did not care and arrested Lawrence.

Lawrence cried out to Peian VII.

“No, Your Highness! Don't you know me well? It's all a misunderstanding!”

“… … Lawrence.”

Peian VII let out a deep sigh.

Lawrence was the son of Peian VII's closest brother. That is, he was a nephew.

I have cherished and believed in it for a long time. But to do something like this


Lawrence screamed in a fit of rage, then realized that it was all over and changed his mind.

“Because you were powerless! I was just trying to find my rightful place! I did this because you didn't have any power... … !”

Then a sharp voice interrupted Lawrence.

“shut up.”

“… … what?”

Lawrence put on a blank expression.

It was Raymond!

Thanks to the ‘truth countermeasure', he spoke in an unusually harsh voice.

Lawrence's truth level was ‘above devil'.

“Don’t think of making excuses on the subject of a terrible demon.”

“… … !”

Raymond remembered what ‘Lord' Lawrence had done.

From the first Droton Kingdom.

That guy has done a lot of terrible things.

No matter how much Raymond was a money-loving snob, thinking about the people who had been sacrificed in the meantime, I couldn't help but get angry.

‘To see such an ugly figure without the slightest reflection after letting so many people die.'

In fact, if he was a person who would reflect on himself, he would not have committed such terrible things in the first place.

Raymond was reluctant to have a longer conversation.

Lawrence will be executed anyway.

But before that, there was something to check.


“Yes, I will check. This is what I specialize in.”

Raina approached Lawrence.

Lawrence hesitated as a beautiful woman with blood-red hair approached with her eyes terrifyingly shining.

“What is it?”

“Your Highness Lawrence. No, there is no need to give the title of Highness to a bug or something.”

Rina smiled and did something unexpected.


He grabbed one of Lawrence's fingers, which were bound behind him, and broke them!

Lawrence screamed terribly.


“Are you sick?”

Rina said with a smile on her face.

“What? I haven't even started properly yet. You didn't think you could do such a thing and die comfortably, did you?”

Lawrence made a face of fear.

“But there are ways to lessen the pain. If you answer my questions obediently, I will avoid unnecessary torture as much as possible.”

Lawrence swallowed.

Raina asked with a smile on her face but with a cold gaze.

“How could a lowly bug like you do such a thing?”

“… … !”

Rina said coldly.

“Tell me who is behind you.”

Raina had been suspicious of it from before.

I wonder if Rod is really behind all of this.

‘Considering the scale of what he's done so far, it's impossible for Lawrence to do it alone. It's true that there must be a bigger background.'

Lawrence was nothing but powerless royalty.

Of course, they built their own forces, but they were not strong enough to be classified as a weak force even within the Peninsula Kingdom.

But have you ever done such a thing?

how? by what means?

The back and forth didn't match.

There must have been someone else behind Lawrence ‘Rod'.

And the one behind it must be the true shadow behind all of this.

“What are you talking about… … .”

“oh. Amazing.”

Rina laughed even more.


She is the heretic judge of the Mage Tower.

He was good at punishing and interrogating the wicked.


“I never thought I would have such a podium. I was a little surprised by this linea. Then let's see how much longer you can hold out.”

Raymond broke into a cold sweat when he saw Rina's terrifying appearance.

‘… … It's scary.'

Surprisingly, the others didn't even blink an eye.

Gideon said to Lynah:

“Leave your limbs intact.”


“This bastard’s limbs will be harvested by Gideon himself.”

Gideon lost a leg because of this incident.

So he would cut off Lawrence's limbs himself!

“eww… … eww… … .”

Lawrence trembled.

Finally, unable to hold back the fear and pain, he began to open his mouth.

Having lived a comfortable life all his life, he did not have the pulpit to withstand such an interrogation.

“my… … behind me... … .”

But the moment you say so.

Another terrifying thing happened!

“Gagging gagging!”

Lawrence collapsed clutching at his heart!


“I am watching! Disciple Linden, CPR!”

Raymond and others hurriedly ran, but to no avail.

Lawrence shuddered once and then slumped.

It is dead.

Silence fell in the hall for a moment.

“This… … .”

“… … yes that's right.”

Raina nodded heavily.

“As expected. Lord Lawrence was also banned. It's the same as hanging on a magician back then.”

“… … That means.” “yes.”

The meaning of Lawrence's death was clear.

Raina mentioned that fact heavily.

“Road is not the end. There is a real backstory.”

* * *

‘Anyway, it's finished.'

Raymond let out a sigh of relief.

Lawrence's mouth didn't reveal the true culprit, but there was no need to be disappointed.

We have secured clues to guess who is behind it!

“There are communication points left.”

Raina looked at the communication tools found in Lawrence's residence.

These were the secret communication tools he used as a rod.

“These are telecommunications ports that have been specially processed to prevent eavesdropping magically… … The record was immediately erased as soon as Lawrence died.”

“Then isn’t it useless as a clue?”

“no. It's the opposite.”

Lina laughed bitterly.

“A communication tool that prevents magical eavesdropping and erases all records as soon as the user dies. Especially so that no trace can be estimated. How many wizards in the world can produce such a high-level communication tool?”

“… … !”

“It is definitely a high-ranking Arch Mage. And those high-ranking Arch Mages leave traces when they use magic. It is like a fingerprint.”

According to Raina's explanation, even if the record of the communication tool is erased, the traces of the magic used to erase the record will remain.

“of course… … It's a very faint clue. As it is, you won't be able to figure out whose magic it is just by looking at the traces.”

Raina unfolded the wrapping cloth.

“It’s a different story when there are so many communication channels.”

More than 10 communication outlets appeared.

“If you dig closely into the magical traces left in these passages, you might be able to figure out which wizard was doing it. Then we can find out who is behind it.”

Raymond nodded.

‘So I have nothing to do now? The Mage Tower will take care of the rest.'

It was a thousand times fortunate.

Raymond wanted to slip away now.

‘… … It's just not my nature to fight villains.'

Even when I fell into the trap of the villa and was threatened with my life, the will to fight soared... … Again, he is a timid man.

Fighting directly was scary.

Fortunately, even if he didn't step forward, it seemed like the Mage Tower would take care of everything, so I was relieved.

“But can you find out for sure?”

“Your master will investigate the communication port himself, so you don't have to worry. It will take some time as the traces are so faint.”

Ryan's teacher.

As a 3-line arc mage, he was one of the most skilled in the Mage Tower.

If someone with that level of skill comes forward, we will definitely be able to find out who is doing it.

‘If the culprit is revealed, it will be a feat for the Crusader Alliance Empire... … Anyone will be finished.'

You've done all sorts of bad things up until now.

They will be a tribute to the entire Crusade Empire.

So, once they were revealed, no matter how great their identity was, the end was over.

‘Let's get ready to make money. It's time to live a happy life.'

He said it with that heart.

“I'm going to elect the emperor.”

“The election of an emperor?”

“Yes, the conversation with the Saint Rosette Kingdom side has already ended. We have decided to step forward for the future of the Crusader Alliance Empire.”

Of course, that's just a superficial reason, and the real purpose is to throw the throne and make money.

However, Raina showed a rather curious reaction.

“iced coffee… … Amazing too. great. Also, His Highness... … .”

His voice trembled, but he was more moved than usual, so Raymond tilted his head.

‘Why are you here? Well, the election of an emperor is a big deal.'

Raymond thought so, but there was another reason why Raina was moved.

‘You guessed that they were behind the Kingdom of Gears, and you're trying to confront them. iced coffee. What the hell is Your Highness' light?'

In fact, Raina guessed what was behind them.

Gears Kingdom!

Judging from the scale and level of what they have done so far, such a thing is possible at the national level. That's because there are only 3 kingdoms.

However, it was certainly not the kingdom of Alpenser, Rina's motherland.

It will not be the kingdom of Saint Rosette, which has always pursued justice. There's no reason to do this.

All that was left was the Kingdom of Gears.

The kingdom of Norgian, the ruler of the Crusaders, is openly revealing his ambition to devour the Empire!

Because if it was the Kingdom of Gears, it could have planned something like this.

It was clear that Raymond had guessed that too and was about to elect the emperor!

‘As expected, light and light. You guessed it before I even told you and tried to come out like a light. How the hell is that person's light so brilliant.'

“As expected, Your Highness. Your Highness is the light this Raina truly admires.”

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