Doctor Player Chapter 422

His fingertips trembled.

Raymond glanced at the audience and said something shocking.

“This is not a murder case, it is a suicide case.”

“… … !”

“In other words, the treasurer took his own life.”

The unexpected story spread astonishment in the hall.

It was an unbelievable response. But Raymond calmly continued.

“I will now explain why this case is a suicide case. Look.”

When Raymond snapped his fingers, several images appeared on the podium with video magic.

The first was the body of a victim treasurer and footage of a staff member used as a tool for the crime.

“As you can see, the treasurer was hit in the buttocks with this staff and died. The blood on this staff proves that fact.”

Raymond pointed to the video showing the DNA test results.

“This is the result of analyzing the blood on the staff's head and the mysterious string taken from the treasurer's corpse. It can be seen that the forensic results are all consistent.”

At that explanation, everyone in the hall tilted their heads.

‘So what?'

I understood that by analyzing the arcane string, I could deduce who it belonged to.

And I know that the blood on the head of the staff belongs to the treasurer.

But isn't that the obvious fact?

Moreover, these facts proved more clearly that the treasurer had been murdered.

Raymond continued his explanation.

This time, it was an enlarged video of the staff's handle.

“As you know, this staff is a symbol of the empire, so only Her Majesty Catherine can hold it. Even the first witness, an Imperial Guard knight, said he hadn't touched it at all.”

Everyone knew that fact.

“But if you zoom in and look closely here, you can see that there are blurry bloodstains. I analyzed the mysterious twine left in this bloodstain and made a startling discovery. Look.”

It was again the result of DNA analysis.

“The left is the result of analyzing Her Majesty Catherine's mysterious string, and the right is the result of analyzing the mysterious string collected from the staff handle. It can be seen that the results of both analyzes are completely different.”

People were buzzing.

At first glance, the results of the analysis looked different!

Raymond continued.

“And take a closer look at the analysis results of the arcane twine collected from this staff. Isn't something strange?”

At those words, people tilted their heads again.

Someone who was watching Raymond's video in detail exclaimed in astonishment.

it is realized

“That one? if?”

“Yes, that's right.”

Raymond nodded heavily.

“The results of analysis of the Mystic Cord from the blood on the staff handle and the Mystic Cord of the sacrificed treasurer are exactly the same.”

“… … !”

Raymond concluded.

“In other words, the treasurer committed suicide by grabbing the staff with his own hands and striking his own head.”

* * *

‘Fortunately, it wasn't difficult.'

Raymond let out a sigh of relief.

When I first heard that the article in question was not the culprit, I was extremely embarrassed.

It's because you only have one day to go back to the starting point and find the culprit.

But it didn't have to be.

The DNA from the treasurer's corpse and the DNA from the staff's handle were identical.

In other words, this case was not a murder, but a suicide!

There was another reason to be sure.

Then Raymond heard a shout of repulsion.

“Don't talk nonsense! The treasurer committed suicide! Do not insult the deceased!”

He was a noble from the Kingdom of Gears.

Raymond frowned.

“Did you say blasphemy? Then what was this thing I checked at the treasurer's mansion?”

Why Raymond was convinced the treasurer's death was a suicide.

This is because he immediately investigated the treasurer's mansion and found a suicide note.

It was not exactly a suicide note, but rather a diary in which he wrote down his recent feelings.

Raymond recited the contents.

“According to the contents of this note, the treasurer committed a large-scale embezzlement at the instigation of someone. He promised to repay the family's debt if he framed Her Majesty Catherine for embezzlement.”

The starting point of this case was embezzlement committed by the treasurer.

The treasurer borrowed Catherine's name for embezzlement, and a quarrel broke out between Catherine and the treasurer, who were overlaid with false accusations of embezzlement.

After that, the treasurer died.

“But the man who instigated the treasurer did not keep his promise. Thanks to this, the treasurer was not able to pay off the family debt, but rather covered up the crime of embezzlement and took on a huge liability for compensation.”

This was the full picture of what happened to the treasurer.

The Kingdom of Gears instigated the treasurer to commit embezzlement, but he did not keep his promise to compensate.

So the finance minister fell further into the abyss.

on purpose.

‘Yes, that's what I meant. Let the treasurer be cornered.'

Raymond frowned at the viciousness of the Gears Kingdom.

“After that, those who instigated the treasurer made the devil's proposal. After a quarrel with Her Majesty Catherine, fake a murder and commit suicide. Then I promise to pay off all my debts. The treasurer reluctantly complied with this proposal and left all of this in his notebook in case it happened after his death.”

The hall became quiet.

It was a terrible thing.

Of course, not everyone readily accepted Raymond's words.

“That… … does not make sense… … !”

“This is bullshit!”

The members of the Gears Kingdom turned red and denied Raymond's words.

A cold voice crossed the courtroom.

It was Ludwig, Chancellor of Gears Kingdom!

“It's an absurd story.”

“It is not a fanciful story, but a record left by the treasurer himself.”

“It’s a handwritten record. However, even the saint of poverty knows that mere information written in a notebook is insufficient as evidence.”

When Ludwig, the real leader of the Kingdom of Gears, directly refuted, Raymond was stung for a moment.

But he didn't back down.

‘It's my step. No matter what happens to our relationship with the Kingdom of Gears in the future, we must win this trial.'

Only when Catherine is alive and well as emperor can she receive protection.

Raymond overcame his fear and continued.

Fortunately, with the help of the Iron Heart truth countermeasures, an infinitely powerful and heart-rending magnificent voice came out.

“As you said, the contents of this note alone cannot prove that this case was a suicide. But what about this one?”

Raymond uploaded another video.

“These are the identification numbers of 300 Hyphenas withdrawn from the Gears Kingdom account at Rydin Bank. It was used to pay off a debt owed by the treasurer's family the day before the incident.”


As a currency with enormous value, each had an identification number like a check.

So it could be traced.

The hall was agitated again.

Three million pennies flowed into the treasurer's family in the Kingdom of Gears.

What does this fact mean?

Ludwig twitched his eyebrows again.

But he pretended to be relaxed.

“I don't know why the hype flowed into the treasurer's family. It seems that there was some mistake on the part of the person in charge.”

“A mistake?”

“Yes, this murder case and the 300 hype have absolutely nothing to do with it.”

It was meant to be caught.

Certainly, just because the money was handed over does not become evidence in this case.

But that wasn't the end of the evidence Raymond had prepared.

“I don’t know if I can keep talking like that after hearing this.”

Raymond held out the last piece of evidence he had prepared.

It was an artifact.

Ludwig was stunned when he recognized the identity of the artifact.

“This is a very expensive artifact that has the ability to save human conversations.”

Aka Recording Artifact!

It was exorbitantly expensive.

The storage capacity is also small, so it is only possible to record a few conversations, but few people use it because the amount is enormous.

Surprisingly, the treasurer left it to his family after using this artifact when he had a last conversation with the person who had bought him.

He did not know what the Kingdom of Gears would look like after he died, so he prepared for the unexpected.

“Perhaps the treasurer did not trust the people who instigated him. Seeing the use of these artifacts.”

“… … !”

“Listen to what conversations are saved.”

“Oh no… … .”

Ludwig hurriedly shouted out in fear, but it was already too late.

-You die yourself and lay the blame for the murder on Catherine. Otherwise, the Kingdom of Gears will bankrupt your family and sell them into slavery.

The complexion of everyone in the hall turned white.

All the truth has been revealed.

* * *

The victim of this incident, the Treasurer, did not believe in the Kingdom of Gears.

He suspected that he might harm the remaining family members after he died, so he used these recording artifacts to leave evidence.

to protect the family.

The treasurer hoped that the family would have this recording as a last resort to defend themselves from the machinations of the Kingdom of Gears, but something was unexpected.

It was the resentment of the families left behind after his death.

The treasurer's family was greatly outraged and saddened by his death.

In particular, he deeply resented the kingdom of Gears, the true culprit that led to the death of the treasurer.

Then, Raymond visited the treasurer's mansion and they asked Raymond.

Use this evidence to avenge him.

“I checked and the voice recorded in this recording artifact was Count Ranger from the Kingdom of Gears. Do you have something to say?”

Count Leninger.

He was a representative of the Gears Kingdom faction active in the ecliptic.

He was also a person who assisted the saint of brilliance.

“I am… … .”

Count Leninger's complexion went pale and he stuttered.

Evidence that could not be removed or driven in came out.

“Do you acknowledge that the voice of this artifact is you?”

Count Leninger could not answer.

“Looks like a conclusion has been reached. I think we need to re-appoint the accused.”

The Duke of Talent, who played the role of the judge, bit his lip.

By the way, the Duke of Talent was also from the Kingdom of Gears.

Therefore, Catherine had to be convicted this time, but it was impossible.

‘No, now that it's like this, dethroning Emperor Catherine isn't the problem.'

The Duke of Talent swallowed his saliva as he imagined the repercussions of this incident.

‘At this rate, the Kingdom of Gears will overwrite all the sins.'

The whole empire is watching this incident.

But what if it is clearly revealed that it was the work of the Kingdom of Gears?

The image of the Kingdom of Gears suffered a huge blow, and that was never good for the Kingdom of Gears, which was trying to get its hands on the Crusader Empire.

However, the evidence was so clear that it was impossible to overturn anything.

“Please pass judgment.”

The Duke of Talent has no choice but to say this in the end.

“This case will be re-examined from the beginning and judged again. Confirm Her Majesty Catherine's innocence and change the count of Leninger to the accused's identity and put him in prison.”

Small cheers erupted from the courtroom.

It was the cheers of those who served Catherine.

After twists and turns, Emperor Catherine's innocence was confirmed!

Moreover, since all the evidence came out, the Kingdom of Gears took responsibility for this incident and suffered a great disgrace.

‘Earl Leninger is over. All those involved will be punished accordingly. The kingdom of Saint Rosette will not stand still.'

‘The influence of the ecliptic in the Kingdom of Gears will be greatly affected.'

With all the evidence secured, the power of Saint Rosette Kingdom was enough to punish those involved.

Count Leninger and those around him are the most important figures in the Kingdom of Gears within the ecliptic, so it will be a big blow to the Kingdom of Gears as well.

‘But Her Majesty Catherine was acquitted. What will become of the throne now?'

‘Is Her Majesty Catherine still on the throne like this?'

People made confused faces at the unexpected turn of events.

‘But will the Kingdom of Gears be so obedient? How the hell will it happen in the future?'

It was a time when everyone could not predict what would happen in the future.

Catherine, who had been silent, stepped forward.

“First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to the saint of poverty who relieved me of my injustice, and the emperor will tell you an important story today.”

Catherine said with a determined face as if she had promised something.

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