Dragon Emperor, Martial God

Chapter 647: Embarrassed by Ling Yun!

Chapter 647: Embarrassed by Ling Yun!

“Explain what?”

Ling Yun sat there without moving. The edges of his lips had a hint of a smile. Staring at the raging Miao Xiaomiao and miserable Xue Meining, he asked this lazily.

He used his divine sense to monitor the floor below. He knew that the last ten patients had already left. Sun Yujiao had already changed and went to have a meal. Now, Miao Xiaomiao brought Xue Meining to seek justice.

Yao Rou continued massaging Ling Yun attentively. She lowered her eyes and invested all her focus, not saying a word.

For the past month, Yao Rou had been on good terms with this pair of sisters. However, this depended entirely on who she was with. In a conflict, no matter who it was, even if it were Yao Rou’s best friend or her closest family member, she would take Ling Yun’s side.

Miao Xiaomiao was completely set off. She wanted to release Little Gold to give Ling Yun a huge bite. Her face turned red from rage, and she said angrily, “Aren’t you asking the obvious? After your clinic opened, have you ever treated patients for the entire day? Isn’t it operating only because Ning Er and I have been here? Every day, Ning Er spends her effort to treat those patients. Even if you’re not rewarding her, you should acknowledge her! How can you bullying her like this!”

Ling Yun laughed easily. “Aren’t you the ones who volunteered to help out? I don’t remember hiring you here at all... anyway, since when did I bully Ning Er?”

At this moment, Xue Meining was crying so hard that tears wouldn’t stop running down her face. She was so frustrated that she was sobbing soundlessly. Seeing this situation, Miao Xiaomiao got angrier. “Hmph! After your clinic opened, there hasn’t been a single doctor employed here other than yourself. If we don’t come, are you going to just leave it barren?”

“Since when did you bully Ning Er? Don’t you have any idea at all? After you came, all you’ve done is eat, drink, and have a massage. You’re having the time of your life while we’ve been treating patients on your behalf, on an empty stomach. We haven’t even had time to drink a sip of water. What did we do to you in your past life? You’re full and satisfied now, but you haven’t even offered a single word of concern to us. Instead, you come straight up here. If this isn’t bullying Ning Er, what is!”

Miao Xiaomiao was completely enraged. She had never met someone as ludicrous as Ling Yun!

Staring at Xue Meining sob heavily, he laughed quietly. Spreading out both hands, he said, “If you’re hungry, you should eat. It’s nearly three in the afternoon now. Isn’t it about time for lunch? I took my employees out for a meal. What’s wrong with that?”

“As for you guys, I see that you’re busy treating patients, curing illnesses, and tending to small wounds. I didn’t want to disturb you. I was worried that your medical heart of gold would be interrupted. So, I left the decision to eat with you guys. Sorry about that...”

He didn’t memorize thousands of scripts for nothing. Now, Ling Yun didn’t even have to think to mock someone.

“Didn’t I mention that anyone who wanted to eat should come along? If you choose not to come, what can I do? Is that called bullying?”

With Ling Yun’s words, Miao Xiaomiao was thoroughly speechless. She said angrily, “You...”

Ling Yun chuckled. “What about me? Am I wrong? I’m speaking nothing but the truth!”

Ling Yun’s words were indeed the truth. Miao Xiaomiao had nothing to say in response to that.

“But, there were still 30 patients in the clinic. Are you telling me to leave them?”

Thinking for a while, Miao Xiaomiao finally found the crux of the issue and asked this immediately.

Ling Yun said in confusion, “Hospitals have their hours of operation too. Why would my clinic treat patients 24/7 and spend all day and night doing that?”

Pointing to the floor below, Ling Yun said, “Those three nurses there are here to work for me, they’re not here to sell their lives. Even if you guys want to maximize your good deeds by treating as many patients as you can, have you thought about them? They’re human too. They need rest and food, too, don’t they?”

Ling Yun intentionally used his Mystical Dragon Howl. It was loud enough for Li Jinlian and Shang Xiaomeng to hear from the first floor. Once they heard this, they couldn’t help but exchange looks, celebrating quietly.

A boss like this was something one couldn’t even find in the heavens. This job was way too comfortable...

Miao Xiaomiao was tongue-tied. With Ling Yun’s words, she was left speechless again.

Stunned, she continued, “But we’re doing this for your clinic! What kind of clinic doesn’t want to treat more patients?”

Ling Yun chuckled. “Thank you so much for thinking about my clinic’s well-being. But, this isn’t what I want!”

“Treating colds and headaches? Weak stomachs and constipation? Small cuts and wounds? Do you think that my Healing Talismans can be made without a price? I would rather turn away patients like these!”

When he was at lunch, Ling Yun heard Shang Xiaomeng say that Xue Meining had used a Healing Talisman to treat a child that cut his hand with a knife by accident! Hearing that, he was absolutely enraged!

That was a Healing Talisman, not a piece of paper that was worth a dime a dozen! If this continued, he would suffer from horrible losses!

“Including Yao Rou and the nurses, you’re working so hard that you’re about to puke blood. You don’t even have time to eat. And you’re working an entire day for a mere 3000 or so yuan?

“If I treat a single person, it’ll be worth 300 thousand. It’s equivalent to you working like this for three entire months. Do you think I’d be satisfied with that?”

Ling Yun began to retaliate. Once he started, he didn’t hold back at all!

“Hmph! You’re crazy over money. By treating whoever you want, you’ll earn 300 thousand. On what basis!” Miao Xiaomiao said with disdain. She was absolutely enraged, her beautiful eyes burning with anger.

Ling Yun was very calm in contrast. He replied casually, “I think the two of you are mistaken. I didn’t open this clinic for the purpose of treating illnesses, I did it to save lives. Why don’t you tell me? Whose life isn’t worth 300 thousand? Is it actually a high price to pay?”

“My Ordinary People’s Clinic only treats illnesses that others can’t treat. It’s for treating terminal illnesses, not these small illnesses!”

Xue Meining finally stopped crying. Opening her large, red eyes, she stared at Ling Yun pitifully as she bit her lip without saying another word.

Staring at her, Ling Yun couldn’t help but feel his heart ache miserably. However, he continued ruthlessly, “I’ve opened a clinic, not a charity. I don’t need to take so little money to earn a simple word of praise. No matter who it is, anyone can spend 50 yuan to treat most illnesses. Anyone who praises someone like that is a complete fraud. I, Ling Yun, refuse to acknowledge something like that!”

“Everyone’s energy has its limits. You guys aren’t an exception. Even if you have unlimited energy, your time is limited, right?

“Just for this, to satisfy your own hearts, you’ve spent so much precious time on something so meaningless. This is something only the two of you would do! It’s not only foolish, it’s complete stupidity!”

Ling Yun’s words were very heavy. He didn’t hide anything at all. He was treating the problem in Miao Xiaomiao and Xue Meining’s hearts.

“With all that time, where would Ning Er’s Spirit Potency Art have been by now? How much would her Nine Needles of the Spiritual Pivot have improved?

“And you, Miao Xiaomiao. Aren’t you going to cultivate anymore? Oh, your medical skills are good, so you’re going to open a clinic and act as if all the patients in the world are yours? Let me tell you, the world will continue to spin even if you’re not in it. Without the Ordinary People’s Clinic, the world will function normally. Mankind isn’t going to go extinct without you!”

This was something Ling Yun understood far too clearly. He would never exaggerate. Towards such a problem, he felt absolutely cold and detached. That was because he had seen this far too many times.

“With an IV drip, a hospital can treat lots of illnesses. But you guys are working your a**es off here. There are so many patients in Qingshui City. Are you really intending to treat every single one of them?”

Ling Yun left Miao Xiaomiao absolutely speechless. With a cold grunt, he continued, “And there’s one last important thing. You guys don’t even know medicine.”

“No matter what illness or injury a person has, this is related to an individual’s biological system. This isn’t fake at all. But you’ve neglected what’s behind a person’s illness and injury...

“And that’s a person’s daily habits and attitude towards life...”

Ling Yun’s expression turned impossibly serious.

“Have you thought about why a person’s stomach isn’t well? A large part of it is because of their daily habits. Coming here, they realize that it can be treated so easily. In that case, would they still take care of their dietary habits? They’d continue to eat and drink however they want. They’d think that any problems with their stomach can be treated as long as they come here!

“When a little kid was hurt by a knife, he didn’t have to pay a price. After he came here, you treated it with a Healing Talisman. In the future, do you really think he’ll stop playing with the knife? The next time it happens, what if he stabs his eye, who’ll be responsible for that?

“If a person doesn’t pay the price to get what they want, the world will turn into a messy place...

“That’s why I’m saying that I’m not being harsh or greedy. It’s all because I understand human nature all too well. With 50 yuan, they can treat any illness. Don’t you think that they’ll come up with any sort of illness just to see if you can treat it?

“And, Ning Er, don’t blame me for getting mad. The Nine Needles of the Spiritual Pivot that I’ve taught you isn’t that cheap!

“Those Healing Talismans I’ve given you aren’t for you to treat small cuts from a blade either...”

Miao Xiaomiao was speechless. She had the words completely taken out of her mouth. Xue Meining lowered her head guiltily. Even though she wanted to say something, she couldn’t say it. She knew where she went wrong.

The method to treat illnesses and patients was something very different in Ling Yun’s perspective. He spoke every word with conviction and logic, leaving others completely speechless!

Seeing that both the beauties had given up, he felt like it was about time. Leaning onto the sofa, he said directly, “From now on, no matter who comes for treatment, the treatment fee will be 300 thousand!”

Miao Xiaomiao was left speechless from Ling Yun’s words, but she still felt like there was something wrong with what Ling Yun said. However, at this moment, she couldn’t think of the right words to refute his “logic”.

Thinking for a bit, she said angrily, “Hmph, do you think anyone would really pay such a high price to get treated?”

Ling Yun chose not to say anything, electing to just show a sweet smile on his face.

Miao Xiaomiao hadn’t even finished her sentence when she saw Shang Xiaomeng rush up the stairs. Her large breasts bounced as she breathlessly said, “B-Boss, someone’s here for treatment!”

“Did you tell him the fee?” Ling Yun smiled as he asked.

“I’ve told him. Three hundred thousand dollars. Without saying another word, he paid up immediately...” Shang Xiaomeng’s excited voice was shaking.

“Even without opening for a single day of business, I can earn my keep for three years with one customer. My hands feel a little itchy today. Let’s go! We’ll treat the illness!”

With that, Ling Yun stood up proudly. Without sparing a glance at Miao Xiaomiao, he brushed past her and walked down.

Miao Xiaomiao’s jaw dropped. She was so shocked that she couldn’t even say a word for a long time.

After the longest time, she couldn’t help but mutter in disbelief, “I can’t believe there’s a person who’d want a person like him to treat them. Was it someone he hired...”

Suddenly, she lifted her hands and clasped her cheeks. She felt like her cheeks were a little hot...

She was embarrassed by Ling Yun!

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