Dragon Monarch System

121 [Bonus chapter]Chapter 121

This chapter is dedicated to the readers [Tom_Breitenborn], [EnergyDao] and [Brandon_Brisco] for gifting this novel with two ice cola and an Inspiration capsule.

Thank you very much to the readers [Tom_Breitenborn], [EnergyDao] and [Brandon_Brisco]. Your gifts are my driving force.


“Nothing major happened in the young master’s absence. Maybe one or two exceptions. The Nyland King has suddenly fallen ill which has created a tense situation in the Nyland kingdom. Yet the next ruler of the Kingdom has not been decided yet. All the princes of the Nyland Kingdom are doing their utter best to gain more political power so that they can rise up to become Kings. In fact, all the princes have secretly sent letters to the young master, the Istarin King asking for political support.”

“What did you do with the letters?” Aditya couldn’t help but frown. The last time he saw the Nyland King, the old man looked very well and healthy. What could have possibly happened that has made the King fall ill?

“I read the letters. I replied that currently, his Majesty is cultivating closed doors. His Majesty has asked no one to interrupt him.”

“Nicely done, Watson. We need to handle the matter of Nyland Kingdom with utmost care. We will have to remember that our interest comes before anyone.” Watson nodded his agreement.

“Young Master, do you have any plans of starting a war with the Nyland Kingdom in the future?” Watson can never guess what his King is thinking. To him, Aditya is always unpredictable.

Aditya did not reply immediately. Watson continued to follow Aditya in silence. After about an entire minute of silence, Aditya finally opened his mouth. “For now, I will take a neutral stance in this throne succession fight. We will continue to treat them as allies. But this alliance might get broken if the old king’s successor turns out to be an idiot.” When a new ruler takes over the throne, new reforms, new rules, and a new taxation system are introduced. The new ruler might not share the vision that the old king had. This is what exactly concerns Aditya.

According to the rumor, none of the old King’s sons has the quality to become a wise kings. His sons are either too greedy or too bloodthirsty to expand their territory. Aditya is sure that when a new king takes over the throne, there is a 90% chance that the new king might set his eyes on the Istarin Kingdom.

Right now while the Nyland Kingdom is considered the strongest Kingdom in this region, it was the Istarin Kingdom that had the largest land under its control. The bigger the land was the more resources that land will have. In the future, it is guaranteed that the Istarin Kingdom will grow stronger than the Nyland Kingdom given the large number of resources they have. There is no way the new king would let one of its neighboring kingdoms become stronger than its own Kingdom.

“Unfortunately, I don’t think the old King’s successor will follow the Old King’s vision. While the current Nyland King formed an alliance with my kingdom especially after knowing our potential, his successor might have a different approach on his matter.” The reason why the current Nyland King did not attack the Istarin Kingdom was because of the political instability in his Kingdom. Another reason was that he needed a strong ally to fight off against the powerful Kingdom that lies on the northern edge of this region. That Kingdom connected the Eastern region of the continent with the northern region.

“Your Majesty, should we start sending more soldiers on our borders?” Watson worriedly asked.

“No. I don’t think there will be any conflict in the next few months. While the old king is alive, I don’t think he will allow his successor to even think of harming the Istarin Kingdom. But that might change when the Old king dies.”

“So in this time, we will have to increase our military strength to match the Nyland Kingdom.” Aditya was not sure how many 4th-order cultivators the Nyland Kingdom had. It was rumored that the Nyland Kingdom had only one 4th-order, but Aditya is beginning to feel that this rumor was fake.

“Your…young Master, are you planning on turning more of our soldiers into Dragonians?” This was the fastest way Watson felt they can increase their military powers.

“I have few plans that will quickly improve our military strength. By the way, can you please prepare me something to eat? I am starving.” Watson nodded with a smile. This all started when one night Aditya come and asked him for dinner. Since that night everything has been changing for good. Even though Watson does not know what exactly changed Aditya, he was very happy with Aditya’s changes.

“Your majesty, while you were away, we have to kill a few corrupted officials who secretly was selling sensitive information to one of the neighboring Kingdoms. I have to admit, that Nathan’s assassination skills are top-notch. In a single night, he managed to kill all the corrupted nobles.”

“Good job. This should also serve as a good example. Anyone who betrays the Istarin Kingdom is to be killed.” Aditya did not have any mercy for those who betrayed him and his Kingdom.

“Do you have anything else to major to report?” Aditya asked as he sat at the dining table. While Watson began to prepare the leftover food for Aditya. The Dragon King did not care what he ate. He was alright having leftover food.

“I don’t know if this is important or not, but recently the Nepoca Kingdom’s King has ordered a new batch of siege weapons. At first, I also assumed that the Nepoca Kingdom is getting ready for war but they stated that these siege weapons were ordered to increase their defense.”

Aditya smirked and coldly asked. “And you believed in their words?”

“Young master, even a child knows which kingdom is currently stronger. Our military power has been almost tripled in these one and half months’ time. It would be extremely foolish of King Ethan if he decides to wage war against us. I don’t think that King Ethan is that stupid.”

“Watson, what if they have some other kinds of plans?” Hearing Aditya’s words, the butler went quiet. He and Aditya shared a look of silence.

“I guess we will have to look deeper into this matter.” Watson also nodded his head in agreement.

“Did anything else happen?” Aditya asked while pouring himself a glass of water.

“Well…..some of our soldiers have spotted some weird movements near the High Tide Harbor City. Some of our soldiers were even injured. I am not sure what exactly happened as I have yet to send an investigation there. This incident happened yesterday night.”

“Don’t worry, I will personally look into this matter.”

“What about the slaves?” Aditya asked.

“I made them live in the castle for now. I have been giving them 3 meals and pills that will restore their malnourished bodies.”

“Good. What about Leo and his little sister?” Last time, Aditya had sent Leo and his sister along with some other children to the Istarin Kingdom. He had met the brother and sister pair when he and Julia were traveling to the Nyland Kingdom to use the teleportation array.

“Surprisingly Leo is very talented. In such a short time, he has managed to reach Peak 2nd-order.”

“So how is his character? Aditya asked.

“The kid is cold. I can’t imagine what he had to went through to become this cold. I can sense his hunger for strength. It seems he has a backstory. I tried to make Leo open himself which did not happen. The Kid always kept a distance from everyone. Fortunately, his little sister has a lively personality. If not for him, I am afraid Leo would have been totally consumed by darkness.”

Aditya and Watson continued to chat about various things for the next two hours. Aditya realized that he needed a few hours of sleep especially after flying for 14 hours. So the meeting came to an end.

The next day, before the morning sunlight could fall on the Istarin Kingdom, the Istarin troops were already awake. Even in Aditya’s absence, the seven generals kept on with their training. Every day they and the soldiers would wake up at 5 in the morning. If any soldier was late for training, that soldier would be punished severely.

“Bro, wake up already otherwise we will be late for the training.” Inside one of the training camps, in one of the rooms, 3 soldiers looked at the 4th soldier who was lying on the bed and sleeping without a care in the world.

Zzzz! Zzzz! Zzzz!

“What the hell?” The second soldier whose name was Green felt his blood boiling. This was the 3rd time in a month that they were late all because of this snoring pig.

“Let’s pour water on his face. I don’t want to be punished because of Ewan.” The Green also nodded in agreement. In this half-month time, their team has been punished 3 times because of pig Ewan. And each time the punishment only gets severe.

The training camp was separated into 7 parts. Right now the training camp had over 21,000 thousand recruited soldiers who were currently training under the 7 generals. Aditya had built the training camp with the capacity to hold well over 50,000 soldiers. Each part of the training camp was headed by one of the generals who were known as captains inside the training camp.

Ewan, Smith, Green, and Carlos all four were all part of the fifth division. Amber had made the 3,000 soldiers under her into 4 man team. Each room had four beds. The recruits were required to share the rooms. If a single recruit from a room was late, then his other three roommates would also be punished. Amber made this rule to make sure that no recruit is late for training.

“Let me wake him up.” Green and Smith moved out of the way to let Carlos the third soldier wake up Ewan.

Carlos felt anger seeing his snoring face. Without any hesitation, he condensed mana in his right fist and punched Ewan’s stomach.


All the recruits in the fifth division heard a painful scream. They looked at each other in a mix of confusion.

All the 3,000 recruits of the fifth division stood in formation. Amber, the golden fox queen as usual came 9 minutes late. As Amber walked in front of all the recruits, many males gulped seeing the famous fox queen. Almost all of the recruits in the 5th division had a crush on Amber. Even the recruits from other divisions couldn’t stop themselves from falling for the 5th division captain.

Amber looked at the faces that she has been seeing for the last one and half months. By now she had memorized all of their faces.

“Was anyone late today?” While asking that Amber’s eyes fell on Ewan. She had punished this man 3 times this month. Because of him, his roommates were also punished.

Another fox woman stood behind Amber. This fox woman was the vice-captain of the 5th division. Amber had chosen someone from her race to be the vice-captain. She did not care if she was being criticized for being biased. Her name was Ella.

Ella had bob-cut blue hair. Although Ella was not beautiful as Amber, she also had a fair number of fans in the training camp. What attracted the male’s attention was her big bouncy mountains that giggled every time she took a step.

“No, one was late today.” Hearing Ella’s words, Amber was slightly relieved in her heart. She wanted discipline from her soldiers. Discipline was more important than anything.

“Alright, let’s start today’s training. Let’s start with warm….Captain His Majesty has asked for your presence.”


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