"Leo, you have changed." Aditya, seeing the fragile, weak and malnourished looking boy whom he had taken under his wing grew up this quickly. The Leo of the present looked nothing like his past self. He had grown a little taller. He no longer looked malnourished or skinny. Instead his body was showing signs of developing muscles. Even though he was only 14 years old, he looked like he was around 16 or 17 years old.

"Your Majesty, welcome back." Leo got on his one knee and lowered his head to greet his King. After getting dragon bloodline, Leo had completely submitted himself to Aditya and considered him as his King.

"Get up. Where is your little sister?" Aditya thought Leo's little sister would be with Leo.

Leo was about to reply but Watson replied first. "Your Majesty, I have sent all the children to school. Leo's sister is also currently attending School."

"Hmm. Good Job. Leo, why are you not going to school?" Aditya asked. Before leaving to meet Julia's parents, Aditya had spent a few days making plans to build public schools all over the Istarin Kingdom. As someone who was from the 21st century, Aditya felt that every citizen needed to have writing and learning skills.

Not just writing and learning but also basic mathematics and other basic subjects. In this world, schools and education were only reserved for the rich and the noble. Aditya wanted to change that and set a system where everyone had equal rights of education. Even though he can't bring the concept of equality to a world where the weak became the victim while the rich and powerful were untouchable; at least he can give everyone an equal start. By knowing how to write and read, ordinary people will have more career options in their lives.

Not only that, the increase of literacy rate in the Kingdom will improve the economy, will create more jobs, promote gender equality, build self-esteem and improve overall quality of life.

Around 20 days ago, the Istarin King had announced a new rule. That is every child from the age of 7 to 15 must go to school and complete their basic education. When the ordinary people learned that their children can go to schools for free and receive basic education, they were more than happy to send their children to schools.

But not everyone in the Kingdom saw this as positive news. Some middle class and lower class families thought that going to school was a waste of time. They thought it would be better for their child to spend time working instead of going to school. To change the minds of these people, Aditya had to run several campaigns; public awareness events.

"Why should I go to school? I already know how to read and write. I just want to focus on cultivating." Leo coldly replied.

"I see. What is your current cultivation rank?" Aditya curiously asked. Aditya did not force Leo to go to school. Since Leo already knew how to read and write, it was enough. It was not like Leo was going to become a royal official or anything.

Leo showed a proud smile as he released a bit of his Aura. "I have reached Peak 2nd-order. It will take a few months to reach beginner 3rd-order."

"I see, Good job. If you need anything then don't hesitate to ask Watson."

After leaving Leo's room, Watson who was following Aditya couldn't help but ask. "Young Master, why didn't you order Leo to go to school?" In these past 10 days, Watson has been trying to make Leo go to school but the boy was hell bent on cultivating and did not want any distraction.

Watson felt a child of Leo's age should go to school.

"Given his cold personality, I don't think any of his classmates would want to even approach him. Even if I send him to school, he will end up feeling more lonely and isolated."

"That's true." The only thing that was keeping Leo sane was his little sister's lively personality. It wouldn't be wrong to say that the siblings were totally dependent on each other. Neither can live without each other. Leo wanted to become strong to protect his little sister while his sister's love is what worked as his driving force.

"Watson, Leo is someone who has the eyes of vengeance. When I met him that day, his eyes had the hunger for strength. I am sure he wouldn't hesitate to even trade his soul to the devil for strength.



"Your Majesty, what are you doing here?" Currently Aditya and Watson are in a large circular room. The room was more than 20 meters in size. The floor of the room was made from black marble. The walls were painted white.

"You're me calling Majesty again?"

"I apologize, but it has become a habit. I like addressing the young master as his Majesty. As the Dragon King, the young master deserves to be called his Majesty."


"Fine, have it your way."

"I am going to make a personal teleportation array."

"Teleportation array? Don't tell me...?"

Aditya chuckled seeing Watson's reaction. "Yes, now I can make 3-star rune spells. I am going to make two teleportation arrays." The materials that Adam gave Aditya were enough to make two teleportation arrays.

"Your Majesty, what did you mean by personal teleportation array?"

"This teleportation array is going to be personal to the King and the people close to the King. I don't even want anyone other than the people living in the Castle to know about this teleportation array."

The main reason to build this personal teleportation array was that he wanted to make things easier for Julia. Before leaving, Aditya has convinced old man Tobias to make a similar teleportation array inside the castle. In the future, Aditya was also planning on making similar teleportation arrays in all of the Istarin cities. This will connect the entire Istarin kingdom. Within a day, Aditya would be able to teleport anywhere in the Istarin kingdom.

"Let's start" Since this was Aditya's first time making an actual teleportation array, he was slightly nervous. This was not training. Making even a small mistake wasn't an option. Even a mistake would make the teleportation array not functional.

Aditya took a deep breath as he took a few steps forward while Watson closely observed his Majesty. But then someone comes with a piece of news.

"Your Majesty." Both Watson and Aditya turned their heads to look at the black haired maid.

"What happened? Can't you see that his Majesty is currently in the middle of doing something very important?" Watson slightly got angry at the maid.

"My apologizes." The maid hurriedly bowed his head. The maid's body slightly trembled in fear. She has heard that even a small mistake could end up with her life being taken away. She was afraid if his Majesty was also going to do the same.

"Watson, there is no need to be angry. It's not like she knew what I was going to do." Hearing Aditya's words, the maid sighed in relief.

Watson nodded back at Aditya. "Tell me what happened?" Watson asked in a stern tone.

"Master, the head of Deep Sea merchant are here for your audience."

"Bring them to the living room. Tell them, I will there in a minute." The maid simply bowed her head and hurriedly left the room.

"What happened?" Aditya was curious about this Deep Sea merchant group. He never has heard of his name before.

"It's nothing important. After His Highness left, a new merchant group came to the Istarin kingdom. At first, I had no problem with the Deep sea merchant group but a few days ago, I found that the Deep sea merchant was using soldiers to attack other merchant groups. Not only that but also the Deep sea merchant group had over 10,000 troops which also violates the laws of the Istarin Kingdom."

Aditya had made new laws and reforms to his Kingdom. One of those laws was that a merchant group cannot have more than 5,000 troops. The law also stated that fights between two merchant groups are strictly forbidden. The merchant groups had to solve their matters in court instead.

In this age and this world, it was not uncommon when two big merchant groups fought. But whenever a big fight between two big merchants happened, the people also suffered as a result of it. Aditya wanted the merchants to solve their problems peacefully or through the royal court.

"As a result, I had sent Tyler to kill some of their troops and caught the rest of their troops. I also had ordered the head of the head deep merchant group to come and give a proper explanation. Based on what the deep merchant group was going to say, I was planning on giving them a big fine and some penalties."

"Let's go then. I am curious to know why the deep sea merchant group has the courage to openly break one of my laws?" Watson and Aditya went to meet the head of the deep Sea merchant group.



Sitting in the living room, two people were waiting for the unofficial prime minister. "Young Master, please restrain your anger in front of the prime minister. I heard that the prime minister has almost the same power as the Istarin king. If we want to keep our business running in the Istarin Kingdom, then we cannot afford to offend them."

"Hmph! That old man is just an unofficial Prime Minister. I am not afraid of the Istarin King. So why I should feel afraid of that old man? Today I will also let the Istarin Kingdom know the consequence of messing with the Deep Sea merchant group."

"Young Master, please don't do that. We're here to complete our mission. I think it would be bad to expose our identity. Our whole plan could end up failing."

"So what?"

"I am well aware of the current military strength of the Istarin Kingdom. We can crush this Kingdom within a few days."


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