This chapter is dedicated to the readers [ChaosMaster] and [Tom_Breitenborn] for gifting this novel with multiple ice colas.

Thank you very much to the readers [ChaosMaster] and [Tom_Breitenborn]

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Huge bolts of red lightning started joining together. At this moment hundred thousand had set their eyes on the sky. The people were trembling, praying to every god they could think of, running in every direction just to escape from this calamity. The situation was so worse that the soldiers, the guards, and even the criminal that previously said that they were going to offer their protection to the people were running away.

From the sky, the Dragon King could see ant size beings running here and there. Behind him, a thousand bolts of red lightning had started taking the shape of a dragon. The dragon's body looked like the body of a snake. The red lightning constantly created cracking sounds which were heard even in the neighboring Kingdoms.

The strong gust of air that blew from the east and the black clouds that had covered the sky of the Paladin Dynasty made the people think if the day of judgment had arrived. No matter where they run or how much they run no one was able to escape from the wrath of the heavens. No matter where they hide, even the most safest place in the capital felt unsafe.

The magical beast that was used for domestic purposes seems to have gone crazy. They shook their bodies. They desperately jumped here and there, trying to tear the rope that tied them and escape. The mighty and proud Paladin army that had the second most power after the King himself, was looking pale and weak in front of the wrath of heaven.

A few seconds later, a humongous size dragon was standing behind the Dragon Monarch. The dragon's entire body was made from crimson lightning that directly came from heaven itself. The dragon did not have wings rather it had the body of a snake. The crimson lightning dragon excitedly moved its giant and long tail as if showing everyone that it was alive.

[ From this day onward, there will be no more of the Paladin Dynasty. ] Everyone in the entire Paladin Dynasty clearly heard these words that seemingly have come from heaven.

[ This is the Wrath of the Dragon Monarch. ]


"Its' coming."

We're dead for sure."

The last thing that the people of the Paladin Dynasty capital saw was a crimson bright flash of light that blinded their sight for a second. In the next second, something hit them which had shaken the entire Eastern region of the continent.


The neighboring Kingdoms that shared borders with the Paladin Dynasty were the Iverian Dynasty, Driral Kingdom, the Thera Kingdom, and the Cura Dynasty, all four Kingdoms' people were able to hear the loud explosion. Iverian Dynasty, Driral Kingdom, Thera Kingdom, and the Cura Dynasty, the four kingdoms' land started shaking as if a great earthquake has come.

In a few seconds, the explosion reached the ears of millions of beings that lived in these four small kingdoms.

Meanwhile, the condition of the Paladin Dynasty was completely at the hand of nature. When the 1000 meters long giant crimson lightning dragon struck the capital city of the Paladin Dynasty, a loud thunderous explosion took place. Following the explosion, a huge mushroom cloud of smoke and dust rose in the air. The mushroom cloud was so big that even people from other Kingdoms were able to see it clearly.

The shockwave from the attack itself killed more than ten thousand. All the small villages and towns that were built within a 15 km radius of the capital were instantly destroyed by the shockwave.

�Ding! You have killed a Peak 2nd-order Paladin. Your experience points have been saved.�

�Ding! You have killed a Peak 2nd-order Paladin. Your experience points have been saved.�

�Ding! You have killed a Mid phase 2nd-order Paladin. Your experience points have been saved.�

�Ding! You have killed a Peak phase 2nd-order Paladin. Your experience points have been saved.�

�Ding! You have killed a Peak 2nd-order Paladin. Your experience points have been saved.�


Aditya simply ignored the constant messages from the system. He stood 1000 meters above the sky and coldly looked at the deep crater which used to be a big bustling city a few minutes ago. There wasn't any emotion on his face. The dragon Monarch killed the people as if he was crushing insects.

"There is no mercy in war. You did the same thing to my people. I just repaid the favor." Aditya was never a hero from the beginning. Being a politician, his hands were already dirty from the beginning even though he always tried to not involve the innocent. He was never trying to become the Hero. He was a selfish person who put his interest and his kingdom above all.

Before breaking through beginner 3rd-order and obtaining the divine bloodline, Aditya simply had no interest in attacking one of the 13 small kingdoms that lay beyond the Thera Kingdom. Aditya also wouldn't have touched the Nepoca Kingdom as he had given King Ethan his promise that he won't take any initiative to start a war against his Kingdom.

"I said I wasn't going to take the initiative. Knowing your character, I knew back then that you were going to start a war. This is the end of the Paladin Dynasty. 12....actually 15 more to go." Aditya included the Nyland, the Nepoca, and the Deep Sea Palace, all three forces in his hit list.



Scene change___

"Where is he? I can't believe he is making me wait 2 hours now."

"Milady, please calm down. I apologize on behalf of his Majesty. I think his Majesty must have a good reason to suddenly leave the royal palace without informing anyone." Watson tried his best to calm Alicia.

At this moment the Goddess of wealth did not look happy at all. The reason for her unhappiness was obviously because of her husband in name, the man who changed the entire Istarin Kingdom.

"Watson, do you even know just how valuable my time is? Kings will have to wait days just to get the opportunity to meet me. My time is extremely valuable." As the Goddess of wealth, Alicia valued every single second. Just to meet her for a few minutes, even 5th-tier faction leaders would have to wait for days. Yet this man named Aditya had made her wait for more than 2 hours.

Alicia was furious about it. She has never waited for anyone this long. If any of her business partners had dared to make her wait this long, she would simply cancel their deals and would never work with that party again. To Alicia, time is wealth.

"Milady, I once again deeply apologize. Please wait a little longer, I am sure his Majesty should return soon."

Alicia rolled her eyes at Watson. "You have been saying the same lines to me for the last 2 hours." Alicia clearly was dissatisfied. Even if the person that she was supposed to meet happened to be her husband in name, Alicia simply wasn't willing to waste that much time.

'What should I do?' Watson wiped the sweat on his forehead. Right now Alicia had tensed Watson so much that even a 3rd-order like him was sweating nervously.

"I am back." Hearing the familiar voice, Watson suddenly felt as if the weight on his shoulders have been lifted. He relaxed as he smiled looking at Alicia. His master was in charge of handling the goddess's anger. His duty here was done.

Watson silently without making even a little bit of noise left the living room while Aditya just entered the room.

"Mr. Aditya, you got some nerves making the leader of the Seeker of Impurity wait for 2 long hours." Looking at her cold smile, Aditya knew that he was screwed. Aditya had completely forgotten about the meeting and had left to take care of the Paladin Dynasty.

However, as a former politician, the Dragon King knew how to handle this kind of situation. He looked calm. He normally sat on the opposite couch while giving Alicia a gentle smile. "I apologize for making you wait."

"I wonder what sort of excuse you're going to give me for being late." Alicia knew that this man won't tell her where he had gone.

Aditya picked up the teacup after pouring himself a cup of tea. "My goddess, I had gone to Silver Meadow Grove to the miraculous heart-shaped herb that will make your heart only mine."


"Hahaha! Now that was actually a nice joke." The goddess could not stop herself from laughing. Without her even realizing it, the anger that she previously held against Aditya had vanished from her heart.

"What? I am being serious. I really went to find the Miraculous heart-shaped herb for my wife." This time Alicia froze. She stopped smiling and seriously looked at Aditya.

"I am not your wife," Alicia replied back in a cold and in a threatening tone.

Seeing the Goddess of wealth this serious, Aditya felt like rolling his eyes. He obviously was joking with her. "Guild leader, I never call you my wife. Besides, who would want someone like you as a wife? Don't misunderstand me, you really lack the feminine touch that a girl needs to have to attract men. My Julia is a hundred times better looking than you."

"" Aditya suddenly felt that he had said too much seeing the Goddess trembling while trying to hold her anger.


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