Mid night___

"Aditya, are you not going to sleep?" Julia asked.

"Are you girls done?" Aditya wanted to sleep with Julia if possible. After losing his virginity last night and getting a taste of his wife's body, Aditya wanted to sleep with her regularly.

"We're pretty much finished." Hearing this, Ronny, Noah, and Thomas all stood up, preparing to head back to their bedrooms.

After everyone left, it was only Julia and Aditya. Aditya pulled Julia's right arm and made her sit on his lap. He then wrapped his arms around his waist and then gently kissed her nape. The goddess's entire body shivered for a brief second.

"What are you doing?" Julia asked in an angry tone. But Aditya knew that his wife was only masking her shyness with an angry face.

"I am kissing my wife. It's not like I am having an affair." Julia felt to feel something very hard and warm under her butt. This thing seems to be poking her crotch. Realizing what Aditya wanted to do, Julia's face turned red as her heartbeat increased.

"We can't. At least not tonight." The goddess shyly replied in a low tone while weakly struggling to get away from Aditya. Even if Julia doesn't admit it out loud, deep down, she was wanted to sleep with Aditya but obviously, she is too embarrassed to say it. Besides, tonight she was going to sleep with her two other sisters.


Aditya felt disappointed. He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself. He knew that he was being too greedy. "Alright." Julia could sense Aditya's disappointment. So, To make up for it, the goddess took the initiative to give Aditya a french kiss.

After spending some time kissing, Aditya went to the guest room where he had previously stayed. Meanwhile, Julia, Riya, and Alicia were going to sleep in the same room.

After laying on the bed, Aditya stared at the ceiling. "Once you taste the immortal fruit it's impossible to not become addicted to it." Aditya couldn't help but feel that being Dragon also had its disadvantages. Especially the high limbo that he had given him trouble in every situation. If Aditya didn't have the ability to suppress his bloodline which also kind of kept his limbo under control, he would have already attacked every beautiful woman.

After an hour, Aditya finally managed to fall asleep. Meanwhile, the girls were not asleep. In fact, they were having a deep conversation.

"Say, Julia, why don't you share your experience with us?" Riya looked very curious. Alicia didn't look that interested but she was paying attention to the conversation.

"What experience?" Julia innocently asked back.

"Your first night experience?"

"Why would I talk about something like this?" The goddess was too embarrassed to share anything with anyone. Just the fact that Riya mentioned this made her very embarrassed.

"Come on. We can learn many things from your experience."

"I don't need such knowledge. I already know enough." Alicia preferred to stay away from such conversations. Having been raised in a traditional family, Alicia just like Julia was very reserved in these kinds of matters and preferred not to talk about them.

Riya rolled her eyes at Alicia. She can see that Alicia listening to their conversation. In the end, the nature goddess decided not to say anything. Instead, she turned to Julia.

"Julia, we're sisters, right? Just share your experience with us." Just the thought of sleeping with Aditya turned on the nature goddess. Of course, she would not tell this to anyone.

Seeing that Riya isn't going to drop this matter, Julia sighed and decided to tell her something that she learned from her first night. "Listen, just don't think too much about it. Everything will flow naturally. Besides, that scoundrel is already experienced so he will guide you." Hearing this, Alicia who has been secretly listening to their conversation decided to sleep. Alicia heard that the first night is supposed to be painful but seeing that Julia is not even mentioning anything about pain, she dropped the matter, leaving everything in Aditya's hands for the future.

However, Riya looked like she wanted to know more. She wanted more details. But sadly, Julia wasn't willing to say anything. The goddess lay in the middle and closed her eyes. Having no other choice, the nature goddess also lay next to Julia and decided to sleep.



Next morning,

Today history was going to be made. A new page of the history will be marked. It was the day when the crown prince of the Ethereal Empire will marry the 1st princess of the Edrinia Dynasty which is the southern edge of the central region near the pearl river. Today, the royal family and all the nobles from the Edrinia Dynasty have come to the capital to witness the marriage that would bring the Ethereal Empire and the Edrinia Dynasty together.

Today the capital of the Ethereal Empire was filled with people. Millions of people have to the capital to celebrate the wedding of the crown prince. Everyone in the capital today looked very happy.

At the royal palace, the entire royal palace today was filled with people. All the nobles of the Ethereal empire were invited today. All the close allies of the Ethereal Empire were also invited. All the guests were interacting with each other.

"It looks like all the guests have arrived." Aditya was currently in Noah's bedroom. A few maids were helping Noah get dressed and fix his hair.

"How are you doing Noah?" Aditya can that Noah looking pretty nervous which is kind of normal in this situation.

Today Aditya was wearing traditional black Kimono. Aditya would have preferred to wear pants and a shirt but Alicia told him to wear a Kimono. Everyone in the Osburn family was wearing Kimono.

"Yeah....I am doing pretty well."

Aditya walked up to Noah and then patted his right shoulder. "Why are you so nervous?"

"Today is one of the most important days of my life. I don't want to mess up. But I constantly keep having these negative thoughts."

"Just be yourself. I am sure everything will be fine." Noah stiffly nodded his head.

"Alright, I will be back shortly. Don't go anywhere." Saying that Aditya left his bedroom.

After a short walk, he arrived at the garden to meet a certain person who might become his prime minister. Alicia has arranged this meeting for Aditya. Arriving at the garden, he found a young man sitting under a tree and reading a book. He was so immersed in reading that he didn't notice Aditya's presence until Aditya stood right in front of him.

The young man raised his head and looked at Aditya. "I apologize if I have made you. My name is Aditya. What is your name?" The young man instantly straightened his back seeing Aditya. He closed the book that he was reading and turned his full attention to Aditya.

"Hello! My name is Spencer Newman. I am the third son of Newman's noble family. It's very nice to meet you."

From what Alicia has told Aditya about Spencer, he is 34 years old. His talent in cultivation is average but his knowledge of geographic politics is very frightening. Spencer can remember anything that he reads or writes. Over the years, Spencer is rumored to have read countless books from many different regions. Spencer loves accumulating knowledge. He is obsessed with knowledge.

Spencer has black long hair that reaches down his waist. As for his cultivation, he is still a Peak 2nd-order cultivator. Newman, who is Spencer's father is a Viscount of the Ethereal Empire. In terms of looks, Spencer has an average-looking face. Overall Spencer was a nerd. In his 34 years old life, Spencer never had any girlfriend. He was still a virgin even though he can sleep with almost any woman in the Empire given his power as the son of the viscount.

Aditya took out a wooden chair from his storage and sat opposite Spencer. "Spencer, what do you know about me?"

Spencer stared at Aditya's face for a second before replying. "You're the husband of the goddess of wealth. You're the founder of the Istarin Empire. Without you, the Istarin empire couldn't have expanded this quickly and risen its strength. Your advanced knowledge of geopolitics always has kept the Istarin Empire always a step ahead of its enemies. It's not your strength that makes you dangerous, rather it's your frightening ability to predict the enemy's moves."

"What do you think of the Istarin Empire? Do you think there are chances that in the near future the Istarin Empire will be invaded by a foreign power? If so, how can you tell?" The more Spencer spoke the more Aditya was beginning to like this guy.

"Personally I think under your leadership the Istarin Empire has the potential to become the number 1 Empire of the Dying Isle continent. The influence that the Istarin Empire currently has outside the Dying Isle continent is on a frightening level. However, the game that you're playing is quite risky. One mistake, one loss, one defeat, one blow, will leave the Istarin Empire destroyed." Aditya's lips curved up slightly as he understood what Spencer was talking about.

"I don't know why you invaded the Southern Fire Dragon Empire but your actions will have a big ripple effect. The conflict in the southern region already involved many big empires. Now that you have conquered one of the biggest and strongest Dragon empires and have taken control of a huge reserve of Mana stones, the other Empires won't just sit still while you steal the candy that they were also eyeing."

"The peace and the joy of victory won't last more than a few months at most. At that time, the Istarin empire will find itself attacked by multiple Empires." Spencer spoke in a stoic tone which made it hard for Aditya to see through him.

"Interesting! What would you do if you were in my position to resolve this issue? What advice would you like to give me?"

Spencer merely shook his head and replied. "I am not qualified to give advice to the Great Istarin Emperor. If I were in your position, the first thing that I would do would be to approach the former allies of the Southern Fire Dragon Empire and try to befriend them through various promises and benefits. I am 90% sure that the former allies would instantly accept the alliance and would help out the Istarin Empire."

"Honestly, the future might be entirely different. Right now, I don't have much information on how the Istarin empire managed to take over an entire fucking Empire within a week's time. I refuse to believe that the Southern Fire Dragon empire is weak. This part of the story still confuses me. How did the Istarin Empire gain such a frightening military power? But even with all that military power, the Istarin Empire cannot take on multiple strong Empires at once." Due to the limited resources and powers, the amount of information that Spencer was able to get was very limited.

'Spencer is kind of right.' Aditya wasn't arrogant enough to believe that his military can fight multiple empires' military forces at once. However, Aditya was sure that he can overcome that challenge as long as he is given enough time and information to prepare.

"Honestly at this point, I wouldn't be surprised if the Dragon King manages to create another miracle and win the upcoming war. The Istarin Empire is a pandora's box full of miracles and surprises." Spencer deeply admired Aditya. In fact, it was he who wrote a letter to Alicia and asked her to tell Aditya about him. Spencer knew that the Istarin empire needed a Prime minister and he was more than willing to do the job.

In fact, in the past many Kings and empires, even Alicia's father has invited Spencer to become their personal advisor or even become the Prime minister. But Spencer refused their offers as he found them lacking in something. It's not that Spencer looked down on them, rather he found it uninteresting to follow them. But ever since Spencer started hearing the things that Aditya has been doing for the Istarin empire, he had made up his heart to become Aditya's subordinate no matter what.

For a moment Aditya didn't reply. He instead closed his eyes. After a few seconds of silence. Aditya opened his eyes and asked. "Spence if you're going to become the Prime Minister of the Istarin empire, then you must be prepared to become one of us." Aditya hoped that Spencer would understand what he was hinting.

Spencer did not disappoint Aditya as he understood what Aditya was hinting at him. "I am ready. My other brothers are going to take my father's place. I want to follow my heart."

"Good. Spencer, you're hired."


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