"Since we are letting the Deep Sea Palace Empire join our Alliance, on that note, why not let The Storm Isle Dynasty and The Thera Kingdom join the Alliance? I mean way before The Triumvirate Alliance was even made, I had formed an Alliance with them. It wasn't just a simple Alliance rather we signed an FTA between our borders to facilitate trade and eliminate trade barriers."

"The Triumvirate Alliance was made between the Empires of the Northwest region. It's about time we changed that status. The Triumvirate Alliance won't be just an alliance between the Northwest region but would also include other Kingdoms and Empires from other regions and continents." Aditya suggested this change.

"Then we would need to change the name of our Alliance as well." Daxton and Aidan were with Aditya in this change. Letting more members join the Alliance wasn't going to harm their Empires in any way.

Even before The Triumvirate Alliance was a thing, The Storm Isle Dynasty and The Thera Kingdom had already been good friends with Aditya's Istarin Empire. In fact, they liked the idea of the alliance so much that they had sent formal letters asking if they could join in. But Aditya had a lot on his plate and couldn't give them a clear answer right away. He had been swamped with other big tasks and just didn't have the time to focus on expanding the alliance.

Just then, the huge metal doors of the meeting room creaked open. All eyes turned toward the entrance as Laura, the Empress of the Deep Sea Palace, made her way in. She was about to become the newest member of this growing alliance, and the room seemed to sense the weight of the moment.

Following behind Laura was Watson, the top butler in the Istarin Empire. Aditya had told Watson to guide Laura to the meeting room and make sure she felt comfortable. Watson did his job well; he walked her over to her seat and then moved the chair back so she could easily sit down.

Watson's manners were perfect, as always, and he made a small bow before stepping back to let Laura take her seat. With her arrival, it seemed like the alliance was truly entering a new chapter, one full of new friends and bigger opportunities.

"Let me introduce you all to our newest member, the Empress of the Deep Sea Palace—Laura," Aditya announced, sweeping his hand in her direction. As he said her name, every head in the room turned toward her, and polite nods were exchanged.

Aidan found himself especially interested as his eyes met Laura's. Truth be told, he was still a bachelor, mostly because running a kingdom kept him too busy to find a queen. But as he looked at Laura, he felt something stir inside him. 

She was breathtaking. Laura had deep blue eyes that seemed like they held the mysteries of the ocean. Her long silver-white hair cascaded down to her waist, framing her face perfectly. A few stray bangs covered her forehead, adding to her allure. Her ears were adorned with blood-drop earrings, enhancing her already captivating appearance. Dressed in a long white gown that enveloped her entire figure, she emanated the grace and allure of a mature woman, commanding attention without demanding it.

At that moment, Aidan couldn't help but consider what his life could be like with someone as striking as Laura by his side. He caught himself thinking, 'Could she be the one?' For the first time in a long while, the concept of marrying for love, and not just alliance or convenience, crossed his mind. With her entry into the alliance now made official, who knows what possibilities the future could bring? 'Perhaps...' Aidan mused to himself, his eyes still discreetly fixed on Laura.

"Hello, everyone. I'm truly honored to now officially be part of the Triumvirate Alliance," Laura spoke up, her voice imbued with a gentle confidence. Her words seemed to flow like a melodious song, and she had this aura of power around her that was impossible to ignore. Even as she moved or spoke, there was a certain grace about her, an elegant softness that was captivating. Everyone in the room felt instantly drawn to her; it was as if she had some kind of special charm.

"My friends, Laura and I go way back. I had the chance to visit her empire just a few months ago," Aditya chimed in. He wanted to emphasize his friendship with Laura. The point was to let Aidan and Daxton understand that Laura was not a pushover; she was someone to be respected, especially because she had his backing.

Aidan, who had been particularly enchanted by Laura, saw this as an opportunity to chime in. "Your Majesty, I've heard a lot about the Deep Sea Palace and always wanted to visit. Maybe now, with this new alliance, I'll finally get the chance," he said, a noticeably warm tone to his words.

It was clear Aidan was more than just a bit interested in Laura. The way he spoke, the change in his body language—all signs pointed to an increased level of enthusiasm when it came to her. His shoulders seemed less stiff, and his eyes held a certain sparkle as if he was truly excited by the prospect of getting to know her better.

Laura noticed Aidan's overt interest, and while it was flattering, she had to manage his expectations. "Your Majesty, I must apologize. I've only recently taken on the role of Empress, and there are many issues back home that I need to settle before I can extend an official invitation to you."

Aidan, though visibly disappointed, tried to mask it with a courteous smile. "That's completely understandable, Your Majesty. The responsibilities of ruling are never-ending, aren't they?"

Even as he said this, Aidan couldn't help but try to keep the conversation going. "If you don't mind me asking, what's it like, ruling an underwater empire? The concept is so different from anything we have on land."

Laura picked up on Aidan's attempts at small talk, but she wasn't interested in prolonging the chat for its own sake. However, she remained polite. "Well, the dynamics are certainly different, but the essence of leadership remains the same — to govern wisely and justly. The ocean has its own set of challenges, as I'm sure the land does too."

Aidan wasn't easily discouraged. "Certainly, I couldn't agree more. Governance is a heavy burden, no matter where you are. Maybe once things settle down, you could educate me on marine governance over dinner sometime?"

Laura heard the invitation but had no intention of making commitments. "That's a kind offer, Your Majesty. I'll consider it once things are more stable in my Empire."I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

She answered more out of diplomatic courtesy than any real interest. Her focus was on the matters at hand — the new alliance and the welfare of her people. Aidan was polite and engaging, but her priorities were clear. Even in the midst of royal alliances and diplomatic talks, she remained steadfast, her attention never straying far from her ultimate responsibilities.

While Laura acknowledged Aidan's good looks and royal status — traits that many women might find alluring — she held herself to different criteria. She was, after all, the Empress of the Deep Sea Palace, a position that came with its own set of requirements for a life partner. Laura was a proud woman. She wanted her husband to be equally intelligent as her.

As charming as Aidan might be, he just didn't check off those boxes for her. More than that, the idea of 'love at first sight' seemed like a fairytale she couldn't afford to indulge in.

Her gaze discreetly shifted to Aditya, the man who had been her pillar of strength during some of her weakest moments. He had been there for her when she felt vulnerable, offering support and companionship. There was an emotional connection with Aditya that she hadn't experienced with anyone else, and it made her heart waver.

As her eyes met Aditya's, a stream of thoughts rushed through her mind. 'Aditya already has many wives; there's no room for me in his life. And even if there was, what would become of my own empire if I left to join his? Our responsibilities are too big, our worlds too different. He can't abandon his empire and his many commitments for me, just as I can't leave my people and my position behind for him. These feelings I have for Aditya, they'll have to stay locked away, deep in my heart, unspoken and unrealized.'

Laura shook off these thoughts, reminding herself to stay focused. Now wasn't the time for what-ifs; it was a moment for diplomatic decisions and alliance discussions. But even so, the unspoken emotions lingered in her heart, adding a bittersweet undertone to the meeting's proceedings.

"Let's get back to business, shall we? Laura, you're not the only new face we're welcoming today. We've got plans to add a couple more kingdoms to our Alliance," Aditya announced. Laura felt a momentary jolt of surprise but kept her face calm and simply nodded in response.

"We're also going to need to come up with a new name for our Alliance," Aditya continued, "since there'll be more than three members now."

The meeting went on, stretching for another few hours. Points were raised, discussions were had, and decisions were taken. Finally, as the clock signaled that they had been at it for almost four hours, Aditya wrapped up the session.

"Alright, everyone, let's call it a day. Tomorrow, we'll be having another meeting to officially bring the Thera Kingdom and the Storm Isle Dynasty into the fold. We'll also finalize a new name for our Alliance then. As for today's developments, including Laura's joining, we'll keep it under wraps. We'll make a big public announcement tomorrow when the other kingdoms are officially part of the Alliance too." Feeling the weight of the day's discussions slowly lift, everyone got up from their chairs. The day had been long, and tomorrow was going to be just as important.

"Your Majesty, I must be going now," Daxton said, getting up from his chair. Without waiting for a prolonged farewell, he headed out of the room, his steps echoing softly as he disappeared down the corridor.

Aidan, however, lingered a bit longer. Turning his attention toward Laura, he offered her an inviting smile. "Your Majesty, we wrapped up the meeting a bit earlier than expected. Since it's about time for lunch, would you be interested in coming over to my kingdom? We could have a meal together, and I could give you a little tour."

At this, Aditya, who was about to make his way out, paused in his tracks. He felt a twinge of discomfort at Aidan's attempt to cozy up to Laura. Instead of exiting, he decided to stay a bit longer to hear what Laura would say.

Laura picked up on the tension in the room, but her face remained impassive. "Your Majesty, I appreciate the invitation. However, I've already made some plans for lunch today," she replied, her tone full of grace but firmly declining the offer. She didn't elaborate further, letting her polite but clear refusal hang in the air.

She didn't want Aidan to misunderstand and think that just because she was being polite, she was interested in him. 

Aditya, who had been silently observing, couldn't help but feel relieved at Laura's response. Though he didn't show it, he just left without saying a single word. 

Aidan looked slightly disappointed in hearing Laura's comment. But he didn't think too much about it. After all, it was very possible that a busy person like Laura already has made other plans. 

ραndαsnοvεl.cοm "Then we can try tomorrow or maybe next time." Hearing this Laura's right eye twitched. For a second she doubted if this man was an idiot or too innocent. She clearly told him through her actions that she wasn't interested in him. 


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