An extremely beautiful woman with long silver hair was sitting on a chair and looked focused on drawing a painting. As the woman moved the painting brush to add final touches to her painting, a few strands of her silver hair fell over her golden eyes.

With her slim and soft other hand, the woman gently moved the few strands of her silver hair behind her ears and continued to add final gentle strokes to her painting.

The woman was very focused on painting. It was as if while painting she had forgotten about everything else around the world. Her beautiful face looked really serious. She had forgotten about all of her worldly worries and matters. Each of the painting strokes was very gentle and very elegant. 

One would feel themselves at ease seeing her paint. Her strokes were so smooth that they gave others a sense of peace and calmness. 

Around an unknown amount of time later, the woman was finally done with her work.

"Finally done....." The woman murmured these words while staring at her painting with a satisfied look. 

The painting that the woman had finished drawing was a painting of herself sitting on the throne of the Celestial Terrain. Staring at the painting, a beautiful smile appeared on her face which made her look even more charming. Her eyes were full of obsession and desire as she stared at her own Portrait sitting on the throne.

" dream will come true....!!!" The woman murmured these words while staring at the painting. 

Knock!! Knock!!!

Hearing the knocking sound that seemed to have interrupted her private time, a frown appeared on her beautiful face. She gently put the painting on the table and then snapped her fingers. 


With the snap of her finger, two green veins rose from the ground and opened the door. As soon as the door was opened, the green veins went back into the ground like they never existed in the first place. 

"Mother.....!!!!" The woman's frown deepened as she saw Thalos, her own son walking into her room with a panicked look. Seraphine had never seen her soon looking this panicked. He looked like he had experienced his own death. 

Seraphine's room was very simple. It was a simple bedroom with a large bed and a small table. There was a bookshelf on which there were many different kinds of books. One thing that made her room very unique was all the paintings that she made herself and was hanging on the walls around her room. 

If someone walked into her room, that person would think that they had mistakenly come to a painting exhibition. Each of her paintings was more beautiful than the other. If someone was told to pick one of the paintings of their liking from this room, that person would never be able to pick a painting from all the paintings collections in her room. 

"What happened Thalos?" The Seraphine asked her son in a cold tone. Her expression had undergone a drastic change. Her golden eyes were extremely cold and were slightly glowing dangerously. The gentle Aura around her seems to have changed completely. 

Seeing this Thalos gulped in fear and took a step back. Facing his own mother, he felt like he was standing in front of the Empress. Yet he knew that his mother wasn't the empress. Rather she was a special member of the Elders that advised and controlled various affairs of the Celestial Terrain. 

Seraphine was wearing very revealing clothes. She was wearing a see-through baby doll. Her modest-sized breasts were in full display for Thalos to see. Yet he feared his own biological mother so much that he didn't stare at her body with any nasty or bad thoughts. If Thalos became a little bit bolder then he would be able to see her pink mini mountains that can be seen through the silver see-through babydoll. 

Seraphine didn't care if her own son saw her like this. She felt comfortable wearing this kind of clothes. Fortunately, she was wearing a silver color pany which matched the color of her babydoll. 

Seraphine's body was perfectly toned. She was extremely sexy. She was considered to be the 3rd most beautiful woman in the Celestial Terrain after Riya and Amelia. As for the first and second spots, there always has been confusion about it. Riya and Amelia looked like they were twins. The only area that Riya lost to Amelia was when it came to her boobs and her ass. 

"Mother, I have been bullied." Thalos looked like a child who had been bullied by bad boys at school and now he was complaining about it to his mother. He was on the verge of crying. But he held it back knowing that his mother hated a man who cried easily. 

Seraphine had manipulated Thalos since childhood to trust her more than anyone else in the whole world. She had manipulated him to become extremely dependent on her. Whether it was any emotional or physical aspects of Thalos's life, he always had been independent of his mother. She had manipulated Thalos so much that if she told Thalos to attack Amelia, he wouldn't hesitate to do it.

So when Aditya pressured Thalos with just a tiny fraction of his killing intent, Thalos had come to his mother to seek advice and hoping that his mother would give him a solution. 

Thalos hated Aditya. He hated the fact that the woman whom he had grown to love was engaged to Aditya. He was extremely happy and overjoyed when he learned that the engagement had been broken and Aditya had been exiled. 

Thalos had been completely relaxed thinking that it was inevitable for Riay to become his wife. But things took a worse turn when one day Riya found Aditya and since then she has been staying with him. Thalos and Seraphine have tried many indirect methods to pressure Amelia and make her bring back Riya. 

When Riya did return to the Celestial Terrain, she had to return with Aditya. And today seeing them hugging had infuriated Thalos to the point that he felt his blood boiling and his eyes burning in rage. Unfortunately, he couldn't do anything as Aditya is strong. Aditya is strong enough to even kill a Peak 6th-order cultivator. 

The news of Aditya killing a Peak 6th-order cultivator had reached Seraphine, Amelia, and other Emperors and Kings ears around the 6 continents. 

"Speak clearly. Tell me what happened?" Seraphine asked Thalos in a cold tone. 

Hearing his mother's cold tone, Thalos shivered for a second before replying. "I have been bullied by Aditya." Thalos proceeded to tell his mother what had happened. He told his mother how Aditya bullied him for no reason. 

Of course, Thalos had changed the whole story slightly bit in his favor to make himself appear as the victim here and make Aditya look like the villain in his story. 

But Seraphine was able to guess that her son was making himself appear as the victim. But she didn't point it out or expose her son. Aditya has been like a fishbone that was stuck in her throat. He was a fishbone that she could neither swallow nor spit out. Aditya was the biggest obstacle in her path.

And when it came to Aditya she felt very helpless as there was no way to defeat him or take him out. 

Once Thalos ended his part of the story, Seraphine stood out and stretched her body. As she did, Thalos lowered his head because he didn't want to stare at his mother. Ignoring Thalos, while swaying her large round ass, she walked towards her bookshelf. She took out the books with a red cover. She opened the book and took out a neatly folded letter from her book. 

She threw the letter at Thalos. The letter was perfectly carried by the wind to Thalos's hand. "Deliver this letter for me. As for Aditya, I have the exact plan for him." 

"As you wish mother." Thalos didn't dare look at Seraphine. He left her room as soon as possible. 

Once Thalos left, the whole room fell into silence again. Seraphine sat on the edge of her bed and gazed at the ceiling of her room. 

Seraphine's husband had passed away a long time ago. Just when Thalos was born, her husband had been killed. To this day, no one knows that it was Seraphine herself who had ended her husband's life and made it appear that he was assassinated. 

Her husband was nothing but trouble for her. Seraphine only got married to have an heir which she did. And once her husband fulfilled the role, she saw no reason for him to stay alive. If he stayed alive, then he would only hinder her plan that she has been carefully crafting for ages. 


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