"Over the years, both brothers had tried various indirect methods of bringing the other's Empire down. But nothing worked. In the last 100 years, both brothers had remained quiet. But a few days ago, the White Dragon Emperor attacked the territory of the Black Dragon Emperor which started this war which has been anticipated for 500 years now."

Aditya raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Why would the White Dragon King suddenly attack the Black Dragon King after so many years?"

"To be honest, no one really knows why the White Dragon King suddenly declared war against the black Dragon King. The White Dragon Emperor did not give any proper explanation. When he declared war, he said it was time for him to take back what rightfully should have belonged to him."

Aditya frowned hearing Watson's words. Why did the White Dragon Emperor wait 500 years to attack the Black Dragon Emperor? No matter how Aditya tried to look for a logical explanation, he couldn't come up with any.

"This entire matter is more complicated than we think." Watson silently nodded his head in agreement.

"Your Majesty, this matter should be taken very seriously. The Southern region is the biggest supplier of Mana stone to our Istarin Empire. More specifically speaking, 80 to 90 % of our Empire's total mana stones came from the Northern Frost Dragon Empire and the Southern Fire Dragon Empire." The Northern Frost Dragon Empire was ruled by the White Dragon King while the Southern Fire Dragon Empire was ruled by the Black Dragon King.

Although in terms of land, the Istarin Empire was really big. Almost equal or slightly bigger than the total land area of the Northern Frost Dragon Empire and the Southern Fire Dragon Empire combined. But Unfortunately, unlike the southern region, the eastern region wasn't blessed with that such resources. Now that Aditya had built Teleportation arrays, defensive barriers, and other types of formations using his knowledge of runes, Mana stone is required to run to those formations and arrays.

Although the Istarin Empire has a few Mana stone mines, compared to the total consumption, the mana stones that are mined in those mines are not enough. Meanwhile, the southern region was blessed with Mana stone mines.

The rest of the Dying Isle continent got its supply of Mana stones from the Southern region. It wouldn't be wrong to say that one of the reasons why the Northern Frost Dragon Empire and the Southern Fire Dragon Empire are so rich and powerful is that both Empires possess around 80 to 90 % of all the mana mines. All the money that both Empires earn from selling Mana stones is spent to develop their military and their cities.

"Your Majesty, now both Empires are looking for powerful allies. The recent rise of the Istarin Empire has attracted a lot of attention. We're in a situation where the option of remaining neutral is not available to us. If we say that we are taking a neutral stance, then I am 100% sure that both Empires will temporarily cut off all the Mana stone supplies to the Istarin Empire."

"At the same time, I am sure both Northern Frost Dragon Empire and the Southern Fire Dragon Empire will ask for a helping hand from other powerful Empires in the Dying Isle continent. Those who chose to remain neutral won't be sold any mana stones which would put the security of those Empires at risk. So in that case, the Istarin Empire and those Empires who have taken the decision of remaining neutral will have no choice but to look for another source of Mana stones."

Making sure that Aditya and others were following what Watson was saying, the old butler paused to take out the map of the Dying Isle continent. Watson showed the map of the Dying Isle continent.

"If the Southern region stops selling Mana stones we will have to look for another source in other continents. In that case, the seller would take advantage of this entire situation to increase the price of the Mana stones. In the end, we and the Empires who have taken a neutral stance will have no choice but to buy Mana stones at a higher price to ensure the safety of our Empire. This is where our main problem comes in."

"What Problem are we talking about?" The Goddess of alchemy asked curiously.

"Unlike other Empires which have existed for more than 100+ years, our Istarin Empire has recently become a 5th-tier powerhouse. Almost all of our income was invested in developing the newly added Istarin territories; especially the northern and the northern-west region."

"For us buying mana stones at a higher price is not possible." Julia and Amber then realized the problem they were in.

"In that case, we have no choice but to join the war." The fox queen Amber tightly clenched her fists in anger. The Northern Frost Dragon Empire and the Southern Fire Dragon Empire were clearly using their monopoly over Mana stones to control the Empires that were heavily dependent on their Mana stones.

"That isn't necessarily true. At the present situation, we do have some other options."

Seeing everyone looking at him, Aditya decided to explain a little. "My trip to the Westnia continent was not just a vacation." Aditya specifically said these words for Julia. Even though the Goddess did not show any jealousy, Aditya knew that deep down Julia was jealous that he went to Westnia with Alicia.

"Due to some incident, currently I have half-ton mana stones in my storage ring." Watson, Julia, and Amber widened their eyes while looking at Aditya in shock. What sort of incident did Aditya have which gave him a half-ton mana stone? Everyone wondered in their minds.

"Your Majesty, with half a ton of mana stone, we won't have to worry about buying mana stones for the next 2 to 3 years." Watson couldn't help but smile. For several days Watson has been having a headache trying to come up with a solution to the Istarin empire's mana stone storage. Aditya just solved his biggest worries.

"Even if I didn't have half a ton of mana stones, we can still buy mana stones at a cheap price with Alicia's help." Given how close Alicia and Aditya had become in this week, Aditya was sure that in the Istarin empire's tough time, she would help him out.

Speaking of Alicia, Aditya felt a little guilty about not responding to her feelings.

"What is the current situation of the southern region?"

"Right now, the entire southern region is divided into two parts. Every single Kingdom and dynasty was forced to choose a side. Meaning the whole southern region is involved in this war. Around 3 days ago, The Northern Frost Dragon Empire's troops attacked a small city of the Southern Fire Dragon Empire. The Northern frost dragon Empire's troops did not stop there. They went on to attack two more towns."

"In response to the Northern Frost Dragon Empire's attack, the Southern Fire Dragon Empire attacked the ally Kingdom of the Northern Frost Dragon Empire. The last thing that I heard from our spies is that both the Northern Frost Dragon Empire and the Southern Fire Dragon Empire are using their connections to call out their allies. It seems both Empires are preparing for a head-on clash."

"Actually from what I have heard from my father, it seems both the Northern Frost Dragon Empire, and the Southern Fire Dragon Empire has asked the Echo Dominion Empire for help." Just a few hours ago, Julia got this news from her father. Adam had sent this news to Aditya fully knowing that the Istarin Empire might be forced to enter this war.

"Really! What was the Emperor's response?"

"The Emperor hasn't sent out his response yet. But according to my father, the Emperor is planning on giving an excuse and not joining this war."

"The Goblin invasion has damaged my Empire's military power. Right now the Echo Dominion Empire cannot help anyone. I bet this is what the Emperor is going to say in response." From their past interaction, Aditya knew that the Echo Dominion Emperor only cared for his own gain, and joining this war would not gain him anything.

"Your Majesty, what are you planning to do in this situation?" Watson asked.

"This is not the Istarin empire's fight. The Istarin Empire won't participate in this war. This would be our official response to both the Northern Frost Dragon Empire, and the Southern Fire Dragon Empire." After saying these words, Aditya closed his eyes for a moment. Everyone looked at Aditya in silence; waiting for his next words.

"I will be personally heading to the Southern region in secret." Aditya's words shocked, Watson, Julia, and Amber who were in the throne hall.

"Your Majesty....."

"Watson, This whole thing might be an opportunity for the Istarin empire. I have always wanted to expand the Istarin Empire beyond the Eastern region. Besides, I feel that something is not right in the southern region." Aditya didn't just want to stop here. He wanted to continue expanding his Empire. Aditya felt he can take advantage of this entire situation to expand the Istarin Empire.


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