Kane was taking a big risk by doing it. If his Kingdom fell into the hands of some evil or corrupted King, then the economy of his Kingdom would only get worse. This is not what Kane wanted in any situation.

One of the reasons why Kane approached the Istarin Empire is because these days the name of the Istarin Empire was almost everywhere. Everyone knew how in less than 5 months, the Istarin Empire went from being the smallest Kingdom to the biggest empire in the Eastern region. Also, after extensive detailed research on the Istarin Empire, Kane started to feel that he can trust the Istarin King.

So far even though the Istarin Empire has become the strongest Empire in the Eastern region, the Empire has never used its power to bully any of the neighboring Kingdom. However, that did not mean that the Istarin Empire was weak. The Empire has completely destroyed anyone who tried to attack them or even think of doing any harm to them.

From these facts, Kane can some idea of the type of man Aditya was. Aditya is a vengeful person. Even when the Istarin Empire was just a weak kingdom, Aditya dared to fight the Zulux Dynasty and defeat them.

Even if the Southern Fire dragon Empire tried to oppress or bully the Sky Line Kingdom, Kane was sure that Aditya won't just remain quiet. He was not that kind of person.

Aditya was also a great King. Under his rule, the Istarin Empire reached its peak. He took a dead, poverty, and hunger-filled Kingdom to become one of the strongest Empires on the whole Continent in less than 6 months. "I want to sell the Sky Ling Kingdom for a fair price."

Aditya did not reply instantly. Aditya would have spent a few more days in Azure city before heading to the southern region but the sudden letter from the Sky Line Kingdom's King made Aditya come here immediately.

After reading the letter, Aditya couldn't understand what could possibly make a king give up his own Kingdom and the place where he was born. What can possibly force a man to give up everything that he has? What could possibly make a king write a letter to another King about selling his own Kingdom?

Before coming here, Aditya obviously had learned many things about this Kingdom from the spies that Watson had sent to different empires, Dynasties, and Kingdoms. Although the condition of the Kingdom was not that good, it wasn't bad enough to force a King to give up his land and his Kingdom. The reason why Aditya came here is to know exactly why the Sky Line King was willing to sell his own Kingdom.

At the same time, it made Aditya wonder if Kane was plotting something. Aditya decided to come here today with two plans. If the Skyline Kingdom's King did plan to harm Aditya, the whole Sky Line Kingdom would suffer from the wrath of the Dragon Monarch.

Aditya kept staring at Kane for a while. This made Kane feel awkward. Despite Aditya being almost 2 decades younger, when being stared at by Aditya, Kane felt as if he was insignificant. The Aura around Aditya makes others feel as if this man was above all. Aditya had this Aura around him which made it hard for people to just ignore him as a background character.

In fact, Kane would even go on to argue that Aditya had more strong presence than the Black Dragon King did. There were many differences between both Great Emperors. In fact, Kane felt he can write an entire book about it.

For example, The Black Dragon King is cold, arrogant, cruel, and power-hungry. The Black Dragon King was ready to do anything to gain power. As for Aditya, from what Kane has heard about Aditya and from their brief interaction, it seemed Aditya was someone who was calculative, cunning, and can become the most ruthless man on the planet when necessary. Aditya wasn't exactly righteous or heroic. He was a man who put the interest of his Empire above all. Aditya was neither a villain nor a Hero.

"Why?" Even though Aditya just uttered a single word, Kane instantly understood what Aditya meant to ask. Even though Aditya had asked only a single word from Kane, the word of the Dragon Monarch seems to have put pressure on Kane.

Right now, the way Aditya was looking at Kane was making him feel as if he was some insignificant ant. It wasn't that Aditya was looking down on Kane or anything. Aditya's eyes were crystal clear and there was no contempt or ridicule for Kane. When looking at those crimson eyes that seem to reflect the millions of beings that he has slaughtered, any man would feel insignificant.


Kane sighed while relaxing his shoulders. He realized that there was no point in trying to hide this from the Dragon Monarch himself.

Kane looked at Aditya while holding his knees. "The truth is I am dying."

Aditya noticed that Kane's complexion didn't look too good. His face appeared slightly pale. For a beginner 3rd-order cultivator and for a King, his body was too skinny and skinny. So Aditya didn't suspect that Kane was lying when he said that he was dying.

"What happened to you?" There were no emotions in Aditya's eyes. It was difficult to know what he was feeling at this moment.

"Years of negligence toward my health have finally left a deep mark. I probably don't have much time in this world. I have used a large sum of money to call many famous and popular healers and alchemists but none of them was able to heal the diseases that have been killing me." Kane rubbed his head with a bitter smile. Aditya can see that he was tightly clenching his fists. Right now Kane was fighting to not shed tears in front of Aditya.

"I have a beautiful and sweet wife and a daughter who is only 3 years old. I know that if I die, then my wife cannot handle all the pressures. The Southern Fire Dragon King will probably try to take advantage of this and try to bring the entire Sky Line Kingdom into the southern fire dragon Empire." From what Aditya has heard of the Black Dragon King, Aditya wouldn't be surprised if that man tries to take the entire Sky Line Kingdom.

"I have dedicated my whole life toward this Kingdom yet I failed to achieve anything praiseworthy. In my final times, I realized while trying to become a good King, I have ended up becoming a bad husband and a horrible father. I don't want my family to be pressured because of all these politics. Hence I have decided to take them away somewhere very far away."

Seeing Kane's entire body trembling, Aditya understood this decision wasn't easy for Kane. "Let me correct you on something. While in your eyes you might think that you haven't achieved anything praiseworthy for this Kingdom, in my eyes, I feel that without you, this Kingdom would have become a thing of the past. Kane, sometimes it's not just about accomplishment. The fact that you have taken all the bullying and still kept standing is praiseworthy." Right now Aditya was being honest as he can tell that this brother here needed to hear these words more than anything.

Just as Aditya said those words, Kane couldn't control himself anymore. His vision became blurry all of a sudden. His body wouldn't stop shaking. Right now all he can do was to try wiping his eyes and make his vision clear again.

Kane wasn't a weak heart man. But after years of enduring all those pressures, bullying, and oppression, the man had finally reached his limit. Kane needed to let it out.

"So...Sorry, I think something just entered my eyes," Kane said while wiping his tears.

"That's alright. Take your time."

Just as Aditya finished saying those words, he sensed someone entering the meeting room. The person who entered the meeting room was a little angel. Aditya's eyes were instantly drawn to her. The little girl was very beautiful. She had long light pink hair that reached her feet. She was wearing a beautiful long dress.

With her light purple pupils, the girl curiously looked at Aditya before looking at her own father. Looking at her, Aditya can finally understand why Kane was willing to sell his own Kingdom. Even though Aditya hadn't become a father yet, looking at this little girl, he had the urge to hug her and protect her. If a stranger like Aditya wants to protect this child, then one can only imagine how much a father can love his daughter.

The little girl, seeing her father crying ran up to her father. The girl then started patting Kane's head. "Dad, are you alright?" Kane who was already emotional, couldn't hold it anymore. He picked up his daughter and then started crying while hugging his daughter.

While holding his daughter, Kane couldn't help but regret it. He was a horrible father. He rarely spent time with his daughter. Now in these final remaining days, Kane's biggest wish was to see his daughter grow up. He wanted to make up for being a horrible father. He wanted to shower his daughter with endless love.


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