Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 556:- Disappointment

Chapter 556:- Disappointment

<nulli>Next morning____

Early in the morning, Aditya woke up. Waking up, he felt a little bit empty and lonely as he usually Alicia or Julia would be sleeping with me. But today he was alone. Since Riya and Aditya hadn't taken the final step yet, they didn't start sleeping together. Besides, Aditya was sure that Amelia wouldn't allow them to sleep together.

From Riya, he heard that even though Amelia and Riya had their own separate rooms, Amelia always slept with Riya. Amelia just cared about her daughter too much.

After washing up, Aditya went to the living room. He found Amelia was already awake and was making breakfast in the kitchen.

Seeing him, she nodded her head. "Good Morning, Aditya. I hope you slept well." He instantly saw that Amelia wasn't looking good. Usually, she would be full of bright and positive energy but today she looked very serious and looked as if she had something on her mind.

"Good morning, Aunty. Did anything happen?" Aditya asked as he walked to the kitchen.


Hearing this, Amelia sighed.

But just as he stepped inside the kitchen, Aditya suddenly felt his lower body twitching as he looked at her. Aunt Amelia was wearing a dark red silk nightgown. There weren't any problems with her dress. But it was just that the dress was tightly clinging to her body. Especially from behind, the view was very naughty.

Her ass was perfectly sticking out. Not to mention her long pair of white legs and her thighs. Seeing this Aditya was having a hard time controlling himself. Knowing that being in the kitchen would only bring him trouble, he turned around and left.

Aditya didn't think that even she realized how seductive she looked in that dress. Fortunately, she was wearing an apron that covered her top.

"Actually, last night, 31 Elves were killed." Hearing this Aditya became serious. He turned around to find Amelia cutting tomatoes as she spoke.

"How did this even happen?"

"Everyone is saying that the 31 elves were killed by the protestors. Their houses were burned down and their bodies were burned to death."

"But Aunty, you feel that this wasn't done by the Protestors?" Hearing this Amelia stopped and looked at Aditya and just nodded her head with a troubled look.

"I am not sure whom I should believe in this situation. But I have a feeling that this wasn't done by the Protestors. After all, there have been protests in the past as well but no one was killed or even harmed in those protests. I don't see a reason for the protestors to suddenly become so violent and even kill the citizens of My Empire." Amelia honestly shared her worries with Aditya.

For some reason, she felt that she could share her worries and her troubled thoughts with Aditya. Maybe it was because of the deep conversation that they had yesterday in front of the lake. Or maybe because Amelia sees Aditya as someone who is equal to her status. She feels that with his sharp and clever mind, Aditya would be able to give her a solution to her problems. And talking to Aditya has proved to help her.

"Now the Elders are pressuring me to use violence against the protestors. What do you think I should do in this matter?" Amelia honestly asked. If this was before then she would've listened to the advice that the elders and her sister have given her. But due to yesterday's meeting, Amelia's trust in the Elders and her Sister was kind of shaken. She couldn't bring herself to completely believe in their advice. So instead, she asked Aditya for advice.

"Aunty, my suggestion is that don't take any actions right now. Right now it is not clear who is the main culprit behind this. This whole incident could have been preplanned and could have been done purposefully to put the blame on the protestors. Or Maybe this was done by one of the angry protestors. Without proper investigation, I don't think it would be a wise decision to take any action right now."

"Alright. I will follow your suggestion." Amelia smiled at Aditya.

"You know, I've been doing this job for close to a thousand years," Amelia said, letting out a sigh. "Sometimes I can't help but think about how much longer I'll have to keep ruling. Riya isn't prepared to take my place yet. And if she ends up marrying you, I might have to keep sitting on the throne for many more centuries, maybe even another thousand years, until I find someone else who's fit to take over."

"Then what about Thalos, Aunt Seraphine's Son? Technically, Thalos is part of the Royal Bloodline and if Riya does not become the Empress then he deserves to sit on the throne of this Empire." Aditya asked testing the water.

"A male can never sit on the throne of the Celestial Terrain Empire. After all, our elven society is ruled by Female Elves, not male Elves. This goes against our norms and tradition. And even if we ignored the rules and social norms for a second, Thalos really isn't suited to be the Emperor anyway."

"How should I even put it... Thalos is still his Mama's boy. Despite being over centuries old, he still listens to his mother's words in the letter. Being a Mama's boy isn't a bad thing but he is over centuries old and he is still living in the shadow of his mother. This shows that he isn't responsible. I can only imagine what would happen if someone like him sat on the throne." At the end of her sentence, Amelia chuckled.

Aditya, who had been pondering something ever since he arrived, spoke up. "Aunty, there's something I don't get."

Amelia looked at him, curious. "Go on."

"Why can't Riya be the Empress here even if she marries me?" Aditya questioned. "I don't see any rule saying she can't do both."

Amelia paused, her eyes widening in surprise. A thought crossed her mind: 'Why didn't I think of this before?' Indeed, there was nothing stopping Riya from marrying Aditya, who would be the Emperor of the Istarin Empire, and still be the Empress of the Celestial Terrain. They were both powerful cultivators, not bound by the usual rules that limited regular humans. It was a perspective she hadn't considered, and it opened up new possibilities.

For an entire minute, Amelia kept quiet and didn't say a word. In her mind, Aditya's words have opened a new world full of possibilities.

"I don't think Riya can do both of her duties. She wouldn't have time to do both. As her husband, I don't think you would want your wife to stay away from you. But as the Empress, she can't stay away from her duties either. She will have an extremely difficult time doing both at the same time." Besides, Amelia knew that her daughter wasn't the type who wanted to become the Empress. Since she was young, no matter how much she tried she never was able to make Riya interested in becoming the Empress.

Her mind was filled with the idea of becoming Aditya's wife.

"I think it's possible to do both and have time for her personal life as well," Aditya replied.

"How?" If Aditya was saying that it was possible then there must be a way. That's what Amelia believed in her mind.

"It's really not that complicated," Aditya began, eager to simplify what seemed like a daunting task for Riya. "First off, Riya would need a right-hand person, someone like a Prime Minister. The empire doesn't have a Prime Minister right now, which is why you're swamped with all kinds of work that a Prime Minister could easily handle. This person would step into your shoes, doing most of the tasks you currently have to manage."

Amelia listened intently, absorbing Aditya's words. She never thought of having a prime Minister before.

"The idea is that the Prime Minister would take care of day-to-day business. Then, every so often, Riya would sit down for a meeting with this person. They'd go over everything that's been happening, and Riya would share her thoughts on how she'd like things to go. For instance, they might discuss how much money should go to schools, or how much should be spent on public services. The important decisions would still be discussed and finalized with Riya, but the lesser issues would be handled by the Prime Minister and other elders during their own meetings."

Aditya paused for a breath before continuing, "And don't forget, this Prime Minister wouldn't be alone. He or she would have helpers, like secretaries, to make the job easier. These people would sort out all the little details, and Riya would just get a short summary of what was talked about in each meeting. That way, she's still in the loop but not weighed down with every single decision."

This was Aditya's way of reassuring Amelia that becoming the Empress wouldn't overwhelm Riya, especially if they found the right support staff to help her.

about the engagement.

Just like she expected, the elders were pressuring her to take action against those Amelia felt that his mind was always full of ideas. 'It's no wonder why the Istarin Empire rapidly grew under his rule.' Amelia thought in her mind.

"Talking to you has really opened my eyes. Once I am done with this current situation, I am definitely going to implement your ideas. That way I will have more time for my daughter. Thank you, Aditya."

"There is no need to thank me for such a small thing. I just shared my thoughts with you." Amelia's way of thinking was traditional but Aditya's way of thinking was very different. Since he was from a different world, his way of thinking was different from hers.



<nulli>Scene change_____

Following the conversation that Amelia had with Aditya, right after having breakfast she and the elders had another meeting. Although the relationship between them had become stiff and strained, everyone went smoothly. No one mentioned anything about the engagement.

Just like she expected, the elders were pressuring her to take action against those protestors. Some of them even went as far as to demand that all the protestors should be executed publicly.

However, Amelia did not change her mind even when all of the elders including her own sister were telling her to take action. Amelia ended the meeting telling them that she was going to start an investigation on this whole matter.

However, her decision did not seem to satisfy anyone. This once again greatly disappointed her knowing that none of the Elders and even her sister did not trust in her judgment and her decision-making ability. At the same time, she was starting to have some thoughts of replacing all the elders from power.


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