Chapter 559:- Trial

Amelia was seated on a plain wooden chair, her arms resting on the side supports. On her head, she wore the regal crown that symbolized her rule over the Celestial Terrain Empire.

The crown is intricate and delicate. It shines with a light blue and silver glow, much like a frosted winter morning. The design looks like fine lace made from silver, with elegant curves and swirls that come together to form the shape of the crown. In the center and scattered throughout are round pearls and crystals that resemble tiny, delicate ice droplets. At the heart of the crown, a larger blue gem catches the eye, sparkling like a star amid the silvery frost. Tiny beads and smaller blue gems branch out from it, looking like a frosty explosion of ice crystals.

Amelia was dressed in a long, white dress with sleeves that went all the way down to her wrists. The silver of her crown and the white of her dress made her look like a real goddess who had come down from the skies. She was so pretty it took one's breath away. But despite her beauty, she wasn't smiling. Her face was indifferent. Her face lacked enthusiasm and the interest that it usually had, but if one looked closely into her eyes, one could see she was feeling a bit sad and disappointed.

"Your Majesty, the council members have arrived," A maid whispered quietly to Amelia. Surrounding Amelia were 11 other simple wooden seats. Six were arranged to her left and five to her right. Aditya took note of the fact that these 11 seats were a bit shorter than the throne Amelia was seated on.

The difference in the height of the chairs was a way to show who was in charge. Amelia's chair was not just taller, it also had fancier carvings and more details to stand out, fitting for the ruler of the Celestial Terrain Empire. In contrast, the seats for the council were more basic and didn't have decorations.

Normally, there would be an even number: five chairs to her right and five to her left. However, because Amelia's sister, Seraphine, was not just any council member but a special one, there was an extra seat added just for her.

Riya was dressed in a special outfit that made her stand out. She wore a long dress that flowed down gracefully, colored in rich shades of brown with golden accents that caught the light with every movement. The dress was adorned with intricate golden designs and gemstones that shimmered subtly. Around her shoulders, a cape the color of sunset draped elegantly, its edges fluttering softly. Her hair was framed by a hood that matched her cape, and her face was accentuated with delicate jewelry that highlighted her features.

Riya's presence was striking, and her attire gave her an air of sanctity and innocence. A light touch of makeup enhanced her natural beauty, giving her a radiant look. Despite her efforts to stay composed, the hints of nervousness could be seen in the tightness of her brow and the slight quiver of her lips. Aditya, standing close by, could feel the tension in her. With a gentle and understanding gesture, he reached out and took her hand into his. The moment their hands touched, a sense of peace washed over Riya. Her nerves eased. Riya and Aditya looked at each other. Aditya nodded his head with a smile. Riya felt courage having him by her side. The group of Elders walked in, with Seraphine at the front. She wore a small, gentle smile. As she made her way to the chair meant just for her, she gave a small nod to Amelia. Amelia looked back at her without any clear feeling showing on her face and kept watching until Seraphine took her seat.

They were all gathered outside for the trial, surrounded by big, strong trees. The tree branches above were so thick that no sunlight could reach the ground where they were. Every now and then, a soft wind would blow, moving everyone's hair and clothes lightly. This place was chosen for a reason; it had a history of hosting trials like this one. Amelia had picked this spot in the open air on purpose because the place meant something important.

The Elders couldn't help but look at Aditya for a moment because they had never seen him before. But Aditya didn't pay them any mind; he was focused on helping Riya stay calm.

Once every Elder had found their seat, it was time to start the trial. "Bring him here," said Amelia firmly.

Not long after, two Elves with pointy ears brought Cassian to stand in front of the Elders and the Empress. His hands and feet were bound with dark, shiny chains. These weren't ordinary chains; they seemed to have a power that stopped Cassian from using his own, leaving him without any strength.

Unfortunately, Amelia didn't allow Cassian's daughter to attend the trial. Amelia knew that Cassian's daughter would most likely plead or beg for her father. Amelia didn't want that. Only certain members can come to this trial ground. And Nienna was not one of those members. "Let's start the trial," Amelia said, keeping her voice even and giving nothing away about her thoughts.

"Cassian, who used to be a commander of the Celestial Terrain and then later became the instructor of the training academy, you are here because you took the lives of 4,300 people who were protesting. Out of these, 3,400 were humans, and the others were creatures from different races who had come to our lands to make a living. You've also hurt more than 5,000 of our soldiers and caused trouble and worry among the people of Eldoria with what you did. You didn't listen to the Empress's commands and you ended the lives of 4,300 people who were there to protest peacefully. What do you have to say?" Asked the judge.

All this time, Cassian had been silent, his head down. Not a word had come from him since he was captured last night.

But when the judge finished speaking, he lifted his head and his eyes met Amelia's. "The ones I killed weren't innocent,"

Amelia lost her calm hearing his response. "Even if the people that you killed were not innocent, that didn't mean you had the right to end their lives. It's me who gets to decide how I am going to punish them. And it's not even proven if these people were the murders of the 31 elves, to begin with. What made you believe that these people killed 31 elves in the first place? Have you become so dumb Cassian?" In the end, Amelia felt nothing but disappointed in Cassian. "Then what about these heavy rumors that have spread around the Capital? How do you explain this? There is no smoke without fire." Cassian argued back.

"This whole thing wouldn't have happened if you had been more strict towards the protestors in the first place. These protestors wouldn't have dared to take over the streets of the capital if the Empress of the Celestial Terrain had been a little bit more strict with her policies." "I admit that I made a mistake but that does not justify your actions. To find out the true culprit, I ordered this whole case to be investigated so that no innocent person would be wrongfully punished." Amelia felt that there was no use in arguing with Cassian anymore. This whole matter had gone past that. Right now Amelia was more than just disappointed. She couldn't believe that Cassian would make such a dumb decision. "Cassian, you have broken the law. Regardless of how much you have done for this Empire, you will be punished accordingly." But then Seraphine interrupted Amelia. "If I may speak." Amelia wasn't pleased that Serahpine interrupted her at the crucial moment.

Seraphine walked in front of him, everyone. She stood between Cassian and Amelia. "My apologies for interrupting you but there is something very important that I would like to talk with everyone." Seraphine looked at Amelia with a small smile. "Big sister you're unfit to become the Empress of this Empire." "I agree with Elder Seraphine." All the elders stood up to show their support to Seraphine.

"Me too." Another elder agreed. "From now on, The Celestial Terrain Empire is going to have a new Empress. And the new Empress is going to be none other than Seraphine." Elder Lunaria Zephyra Skye announced. Seeing what was going on and hearing what all the elders including her aunt were saying, Riya felt like she had been hit by a lightning bolt. She was extremely shocked at this moment. However, Amelia didn't look that shocked. She looked like she had expected this kind of outcome. ----------------


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