Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 583 583:- The Northern Region

Chapter 583 583:- The Northern Region

The whole Beast Continent is twice the size of the Dying Isle Continent. The Beast Continent is considered as The Mother Continent by the Beast race as it is believed that all Beast races originated from this continent. All beast races hold great value to this continent. Due to this sentimental attachment, the beast continent was never invaded. Even if it was invaded, the invaders were defeated by the beast race. When facing outside invader, all of the beast-race tribes put their rivalry and enmity aside and joins hands to fight the enemy. To this day, the Beast-continent remains the only Continent that has the least foreign influence.

While in recent years, the unity among the beast-races has worsened and this has allowed a few foreign Empires to colonize small pieces of the beast continent. But the beast continent is a land that held no value.

After all, 1/5th of the entire continent is a desert. The Beast continent has the second-largest desert in the whole world.

The whole continent is divided into five regions. The Eastern Region, The Northern region, The Southern region, The Western Region, and The central region.

Currently, Aditya and the girls are in the Northern region; at the very edge of the Northern region would be more accurate. The Savannahclaw city that was left behind is located at the very northern edge of the Continent, near the sea. The Northern region where the second largest desert in the world. This region is also the least densely populated region within the Beast continent. Only a very few tribes manage to survive in this harsh weather. And those tribes that do live in the desert, live close to the coastline. They rely on fish and harvest rainwater to survive.

These tribes are the only tribes within the beast continent that consume fish. Their diets are mostly fish-based. It doesn't mean that these tribes don't eat meat or vegetables. But Fish was more available and a much cheaper option for them. The beast-folks loves eating meat and vegetable but when it comes to consuming Fish, they are a bit hesitant and would avoid eating it if possible.

In a way, this separates the beast tribes of the Northern region from other regions of the Beast Continent. In the summertime, the northern part of the Beast Continent becomes incredibly hot. It's the hottest place in the entire region. The amount of rain it gets goes way down, making it drier. The heat is so intense that a normal person can't stay in the desert for more than an hour without risking their health.

When winter comes, the nights turn really cold, making life very hard. More people in the north lose their lives because of the freezing cold than from the heat or lack of water. In fact, the number of people dying from the cold is about four times more than those who die from the heat and thirst.

Every year, these extreme weather conditions in the northern region cause a lot of problems. The heat in summer and the cold in winter are both dangerous in their own ways, making it a tough place to live. The drastic change in weather from one season to the next makes it a challenging environment for the people who live there.

"I heard that a long time ago, the Northern region was where all the troublemakers and bad people from other parts of the continent were sent against their will. But instead of dying in that tough climate, they found ways to live through it. Over time, more and more people were sent there, and the population grew," Alicia shared.

"That's quite fascinating. I didn't know you were interested in history," Riya commented as she sat down next to Alicia. They were all gathered in the living room of the ship. The room had clear glass windows through which they could see where the ship was going. If there were any things in the way, they could easily steer the ship in a different direction right from the living room.

"Well, I like history a bit. One of my team members who helps me with work is from the Beast Continent. She's told me some stories about its past," Alicia explained, reaching for the glass of cold iced tea Aditya had made for everyone. The conversation was casual and relaxed as they all enjoyed the comfort of the ship's living room, chatting and looking out at the passing scenery.

"After a while, people realized that sending criminals to the Northern region wasn't killing them, so they stopped doing that. Now, I've heard that many tribes in the north have a tougher way of dealing with criminals. They chain them up and leave them in the desert, telling them to try and survive for three days. But without water, surviving in that desert is pretty much impossible. In the end, those people don't make it, and wild magic creatures in the desert end up eating them," Alicia explained, taking another sip of her delicious iced tea.

"That sounds really harsh," Julia remarked.

"It is, but it's usually for people who have done something really, really bad, something that can't be forgiven. Instead of just cutting off their heads or hanging them, they're left in the desert. It's a way of making sure they get punished," Alicia added.

Aditya turned his attention to Lara, showing his care for her. He gently placed his hand on her forehead, feeling for any sign of fever or sickness. Lara, being a normal vampire, didn't have the same strong health as the others, and Aditya wanted to make sure she was okay during their trip.

"Husband, Lara is doing well now," Lara replied, her voice filled with appreciation for Aditya's concern.

Aditya, wanting to keep her comfortable, used his knowledge of runes, to create a special device. These devices would take in the hot air and make the room cooler than normal, ensuring Lara wouldn't feel too warm.

Hearing her response, Aditya let out a relieved sigh. "That's great to hear," he said, happy that Lara was feeling fine. His efforts to make the journey comfortable for everyone, especially Lara, showed his caring nature.

Julia looked at Aditya, curious and impressed. "Aditya, how did you make these cold drinks? They're really delicious." She took another sip of the iced tea, clearly enjoying it. Aditya was surprised that this might be their first time trying iced tea.

"I'll show you how to make it sometime soon," Aditya replied with a friendly smile. He sat down beside Lara and gazed out of the window to see the landscape they were passing through.

Lilith, with a smile on her face, joined the conversation. "Aditya, this iced tea could become my second favorite drink," she said cheerfully.

Aditya had a feeling that asking about her favorite drink might lead to a cheeky response. Sure enough, Lilith playfully said, "Of course, my favorite is Aditya's milk."

Cough!!! Cough!!!

At her answer, Aditya suddenly coughed, almost choking on his drink. He tried to regain his composure, coughing loudly.

Hearing Lilith's words, everyone was left speechless. All the girls suddenly turned to Aditya who was coughing loudly.

Julia and Alicia instantly understood what Lilith meant. After all, the two girls were experienced players. However, even then, hearing her words, they blushed furiously. Riya and Sasha did not understand what Lilith meant by Aditya's milk but seeing Aditya's reaction, both girls also understood what Lilith meant. Riya's face instantly turned red. Sasha was even more embarrassed. She glared at her mother for saying something so vulgar. "Husband....husband...!!!" Lara innocently pulled Aditya's sleeve.


"What is it, Lara?" He asked. "Husband, can Lara also drink your milk?" Lara innocently asked. "....Aditya was left speechless hearing Lara's words. Meanwhile, all the girls glared at Lilith. Everyone knew that Lara was too pure and too innocent. Seeing everyone glaring at her, Lilith looked away and began to whistle. She pretended to not notice anything. Sigh!!!

Aditya sighed before he rubbed Lara's head and then said with a forced smile. "Lara, Lilith is just joking. Forget what you heard. Men are not capable of producing milk." "Okay." Lara nodded her head. "Hehe!!! Of course, men could produce milk." Lilith giggled and said a in low tone. Hearing this Aditya and the rest of the girls glared at Lilith. Seeing this Lilith covered her mouth and looked away. Fortunately, since Lara was a normal Vampire, her senses weren't as sensitive as everyone's so she couldn't hear what Lilith said in a low tone. "Husband, Lara is feeling sleepy. Lara wants to sleep." Lara already had been awake for 5 hours now. Even if she wanted to stay awake, she wouldn't be able to do it because of her illness. "Alright. I will take you to your room." Aditya picked Lara in his arms. ----------------

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