Dread Sovereign: Monster Girl Harem

Chapter 214 33: The End Of Calm Days

[???? POV]

"The target has just finished the fifth session of beast-like copulation, and the S-Rank danger target is now completely unconscious on the ground, convulsing."

"Requesting permission to engage the D-Rank special threat, Raven."

Squatting on a distant building, a woman watched Raven and Zeon's copulation, which had continued for more than four hours, quietly with her telescope, seeming to wait for this moment.

The voice on the other end of her phone remained silent while the wind violently blew her hat to the side, revealing a pair of sharp, black horns and a strange imprint in the centre of her forehead.

"Permission granted, Codename: Devil."

At last, she received confirmation, causing a smile to appear on her face.

The Devil jumped down from the building gracefully before landing on the ground without making any sound. Slowly approaching Zeon's nest, still squatting on the ground, a strange aura enveloped her body, removing all sound, scent, and vision.

She observed Zeon quietly, carefully analysing his situation as she walked closer and closer.

'Her condition is already very weak; I could kill her right now before she recovers.' She thought while licking her lips, 

'But that would be boring, wouldn't it? Besides, killing her now will not allow me to obtain any benefits; only Raven can give me what I want, so I must do it perfectly.'

"Mother, I will make sure you can return to the divine realm; loving my father is no reason for you to become fallen." She muttered while clenching her fist,

"I will bring him back for you; he should still love you even if it has been more than ten thousand years."

The Devil stopped around 30 metres from Zeon, quietly observing her condition with narrowed eyes before following the path Raven used to leave while naked.

'Why is he walking around with his cock out, damn orc? Is it because he's proud of its size? No matter how big it is, once he becomes impotent or is cut off, Isn't it just a heavy lump of useless meat?' Devil thought while shaking her head,

'Now, where did he go? A man like that, who loves fucking—why is he going into that alleyway?'


The sound of skittering entered her ears, but the Devil's glowing eyes couldn't see anything in the darkness but dark, mossy rocks with sharp edges and the occasional insect.

"Was it just my imagination? Or did the dragon make a disgusting sound?" Devil thought while narrowing her eyes,

Suddenly, an icy chill ran up her spine, prompting the Devil to look over her shoulder, but nothing but a few spider webs were falling from the ceiling.

"Tsk, fucking spiders."

The Devil rushed out of the cave into the narrow passage she saw Raven take, her hands grasping two small daggers at her waist, hoping to end it quickly with the anti-healing venom on her blades.

However, when she reached the alleyway entrance, Devil found Raven standing there silently, staring at her with a deep frown. His body was covered in black scales, but his damn meat still hung low, irritating her.

"Who are you?" He asked while raising his eyebrow,

"And why have you come here?"

The Devil remained silent while activating her unique ability, "Invisibility," allowing her body to blend into the surroundings, rendering herself completely invisible.

"Answer me!" Raven growled while releasing his aura, the vibrations of his shout causing her ability to be instantly broken as she looked at him with wide eyes, feeling that the information on the target was severely lacking!

'Where is this a fucking normal orc with a high sex drive!' Devil thought while panicking,

'His strength exceeds C-Rank, and he has many abilities! Why is he not a higher-ranked special threat? Where are my rewards?'

Raven stared at her suspiciously, wondering why she suddenly appeared out of thin air after disappearing, but he didn't attack her since he felt that this girl wasn't a threat and just wondered why she was watching him have sex all night.

The Devil remained silent, slowly retreating from Raven while cursing the organisation in her heart for their false information and vowing to seek compensation once she completed the mission.


She drew both daggers, their dark blades forged in venom shimmering in the moonlight, while Raven looked at her weapons curiously.

"What are you doing?" Raven asked,

"If you dare fight me, know I won't show you mercy."

The Devil ignored him, rushing forward while aiming both daggers towards his testicles, intending to castrate him and complete the mission successfully. However, Raven wasn't surprised by her sudden aggression and effortlessly sidestepped her attacks by frowning.

'How did he dodge that?' The Devil thought while looking at his cock swinging between his legs and grinding his teeth in irritation.

'He shouldn't be able to react so quickly!' 

However, Raven was moving too slowly as he casually dodged her attack before slapping her face with a powerful backhand. Since she attacked twice, he seemed to have gotten angry at her.

The impact caused her to smash against the huge wall, causing it to crack with a loud rumble. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she felt her organs shake, blood dripping from her mouth as she frowned and clenched her dagger tightly.

'This orc...his strength exceeds B-Rank!' Devil thought while coughing up blood.

'He's not a standard threat; how can they say he's only B-Rank?' 

Raven snorted while looking at the Devil with disdain, wondering why she suddenly attacked him despite appearing harmless earlier.I think you should take a look at

"You've made a mistake by attacking me; do you think I will let you live now?" Raven said coldly,


Raven opened his palm, intending to crush her head and end the battle, but the Devil wasn't afraid, activating another ability with narrowed eyes while pointing one dagger at his cock and the other at his face.

'Domain of the Fallen!' Devil thought while activating her unique ability,

Immediately, Raven froze, unable to move even a single finger, as his eyes widened in shock while the Devil grinned excitedly.

However, the next moment, a thick rope of white sticky webbing wrapped her entire body before glueing her to the wall behind her.

"W-what?" Devil mumbled while struggling,

'How can this happen?'

"Oh, Juniper, you finally showed yourself after stalking me for a month without showing your face."

'What is he talking about!'

Then she heard that quiet, skittering sound tapping on the rocks before a beautiful woman, or rather, Arachne, was hanging from the ceiling upside down, with her legs walking along both sides of the alley walls.

She had a huge black rump with a pink skull painted on it, while her sexy body was pure white, like creamy milk, and her crimson eyes stared only at the orc, not even sparing her a side glance.

"E-Embarassed..." An extremely husky but lovely voice sounded 

"Juniper, why are you naked then?" Raven asked the arachne who approached him, despite showing a fearful visage.

"W-Want R-Raven." Juniper stuttered cutely,

"Do not wear clothes... because you are embarrassed."

"So you're saying I'm the only man allowed to see you naked?" Raven asked while raising his eyebrow,

"And I'm the only man who can fuck you?"

Juniper nodded shyly, her long raven hair swaying like spider silk, causing the Devil to wonder why such a dangerous monster acted so cute and obedient!

'Who is this orc? This is another S-Rank danger: the Arachne Juniper is known to linger in the level sixty dungeons, killing all that lay eyes on her! We lost more than twenty agents to learn her name with Inspection!' Devil thought while gritting her teeth,

'Is Raven B-Rank? How can he tame these monsters so easily?'

"Good girl, Juniper; don't worry, you did well."

The moment Raven spoke less aggressively, Juniper's huge body almost teleported to his front, her soft lips kissing his neck before biting his neck with her sharp fangs and nibbling.

Yet Raven didn't seem affected by the venom that could kill a normal S-Rank adventurer who was only a human or elf.

Instead, his cock rose to full mast, smacking Juniper's fat rump while causing her to squeal cutely.

'Fuck, he needs to be made impotent.' Devil thought while rolling her eyes.

'Are his genes poison-resistant? That said, it's huge up close. Can orcs control its size?' Devil thought while narrowing her eyes,

'No, I need to escape first; I'll report him as SS-Rank for now.'

The Devil attempted to free herself, but Raven glanced at her and snorted before Juniper giggled jokingly. There was no chance that a speed-type fighter who couldn't use her blades could easily break through her sticky web.

"Juniper, what should we do with her?" Raven asked while smiling,

"Wanna we eat her?"

Juniper shook her head, clinging to his arm like a child while pouting.

"I want Raven," Juniper mumbled while rubbing her ass on his cock.

"Catch prey later. Fuck me now."

Raven gave a bitter smile while striking her smooth black rump, feeling the bliss it caused Juniper, who began to snuggle against him while licking his neck with her long, sticky tongue.

"Alright, Juniper, I'll fuck you now; stop teasing me." Raven chuckled,

"Let's go home; I'll punish you for stalking me all day."

Juniper nodded cutely, waving her hand at the Devil before sticking her tongue out mockingly as Raven climbed onto her huge rear, causing her to blush as his hands grabbed her human body from behind, his fingers sinking into her soft lumps of squishing flesh, her long spider legs trembling with each step as they disappeared into the distance.

'Eh, are they not going to kill me?' 

Suddenly, she noticed her daggers and wallet were gone from her waist.

Now, in the hands of Juniper, who sneered at her before putting up two middle fingers with her arms covered in a black exoskeleton that shimmered in the light.

"That fucking slutty spider! I had ten thousand credits in cash!"

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