Emperor's Domination

Chapter 2719: Divine Mountain

Zhao Zhiting found Li Qiye’s line of thinking to be unprecedented. She has always taken cultivation step by step, relying on the methods passed down by her master.

In fact, these methods have been passed down for generations as unending dogmas.

“Not only are you stupid but your master is also idiotic beyond cure too. I can smell the rot of this teaching method from far away. So many years yet still adhering to old ideas, resulting in stagnation. The merit laws passed down by the ancestors are meant to be improved or changed by the new generations.” Li Qiye didn’t hold back.

Zhiting smiled wryly and didn’t dare to respond. Commenting on one’s master was considered extremely disrespectful in Mountguard.

“Try and comprehend this with your heart and mind while abandoning dated beliefs.” Li Qiye shot out a tiny law into her brain.

She became startled after finding out that this law pertained to fire mastery. Li Qiye didn’t teach her how to cultivate the Encroaching Flame Scroll, only a few profundities regarding fire mastery.

She looked conscientiously at it and became shaken. These methods of fire mastery perfectly fused with what she had learned in the past. It boosted her current abilities in such a smooth and flawless manner.

“Thank you, Young Noble.” She bowed deeply towards him and didn’t garner a response. Nevertheless, she was more than satisfied already.

Jiahui returned and found out a bit later. She became pleasantly surprised.

Sure enough, Zhiting broke through the bottleneck that has been plaguing her in no time at all. Her cultivation soared at an unprecedented rate.

Moreover, she seemed to understand everything from the Flame Encroaching Scroll. Today, she realized that the methods passed down by her master were inefficient and blind.

Li Qiye’s guidance opened numerous illuminated paths for her. A feeling of elucidation made her think that one dao could reach the myriad laws.

She gained a deeper appreciation of his unfathomability, perhaps stronger than anyone else in Mountguard. After all, her seniors didn’t have a way to help her while Li Qiye’s few words were more than enough.

The duo resumed their duties in taking care of him, not knowing when he would wake up again.

They also didn’t dare to let anyone else know since it was better to be prudent. First, others might have nefarious ideas towards him after finding out. Second, they didn’t want to offend him. A master was always impossible to predict so they wouldn’t do anything without permission.

Taking care of him didn’t slow their cultivation rate at all since they trained skillfully and easily.

Today, Jiahui took Li Qiye out for fresh air again. She gazed at the divine mountain for a long time, completely immersed.

This mountain was visible in any location inside Mountguard. It looked to be right in front of any spectator despite being very far away.

“Is reincarnation really possible?” Jiahui curiously wondered.

She has heard many legends about the divine mountain after joining Mountguard. Plus, there were yearly ceremonies to worship Everlasting Forefather.

Her seniors told her that their sect’s purpose is to protect the divine mountain and any reincarnated form of their forefather.

Though the cycles of reincarnation stopped and the sect started to decline, they have never forgotten their purpose and the creed of their founding patriarch.

“Will the progenitor return in the Immortal Demon Grotto?” She rested her chin on her hands while ruminating and staring at the mountain. Its peak was shrouded by clouds and fogs so she couldn’t see the legendary cave at all.

According to the legends, their forefather always returned inside that cave. The sages of Mounguard would then greet him afterward.

“But no one can climb to the peak now in our sect. We wouldn’t even know if the forefather had reincarnated.” She murmured.

Because of the current state of declination, not a single member of Mountguard was capable of reaching the top of the divine mountain, let alone entering Immortal Demon Grotto.

Ascension required overcoming an immense pressure. This force gradually increased as one climbs higher - not something they could handle or resist. At a certain level, the climbers would be crushed into streams of blood.

A very long time ago, they had ancestors capable of entering the cave. Alas, after the last sage passed away, not a single newcomer could accomplish this task.

Of course, great masters have tried in each generation. This only resulted in failure. Later on, their descendants had no choice but to give up, realizing their lack of abilities.

“Reincarnation won’t happen again.” Li Qiye’s voice lingered by her ear.

“Young Noble!” She didn’t expect him to wake up at this moment and became excited.

Li Qiye ignored her and stared at the mountain. His eyes became profound, perhaps capable of peering through the boundless realms.

For some reason, she suddenly felt sad, perhaps influenced by Li Qiye’s mood.

“Old man.” Li Qiye gently sighed and said: “There’s no doubt that you’re a son of a bitch but I can’t deny your distinguished accomplishments as a pioneer.”

Everlasting Forefather and Li Qiye had a complicated feud in the past. Alas, he was dead now so animosity no longer existed.

“Few could persevere on this path. The most brilliant and the strongest have tried but a majority usually fell into temptation, unlike you. A son of a bitch worthy of respect.” Li Qiye said.

The death of Everlasting Xiao wasn’t the death of an enemy to Li Qiye, only the death of another adventurer on this path.

This arduous path winded forever and the travelers could die at any moment, or worse - sinking into depravity.

Pain and agonies tormented his eras but Everlasting Xiao still didn’t give up even when everything else has turned to ashes.

He searched for possibilities and methods. For example, this system was one of his experiments.

He tested with the samsara cycle in order to accomplish the impossible. That’s why he came to Three Immortals, hoping for both an answer and finding the things he wanted.

Unfortunately, Three Immortals didn’t have them, so he had to leave for his own world. That’s why the reincarnation cycles stopped in the divine mountain.

Finally, Everlasting Xiao went all out just once. The result was obvious - absolute failure and destruction.

Luckily, this system in Three Immortals could still be considered as his legacy.

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