Emperor's Reckoning

Chapter 1176 Are We Ready?

Chapter 1176 Are We Ready?

"Is she alive?" Lyon's question echoed through the night, a plea that reverberated in the hearts of those who listened. The past and present, entwined in a dance of fate, held their collective breath, awaiting Harvestasya's revelation that would shape the destiny of Lyon Torga and Maria.

Harvestasya provided a glimmer of hope. "She should regain vitality after the ice melted," she affirmed, turning her attention to the anxious Ice Spirit. The confirmation brought a wave of relief to Lyon and his companions, a promise that Maria's frozen slumber might soon come to an end.

The Ice Spirit, compelled to support the newfound optimism, stammered an agreement. "Y-Yes!! Absolutely, but she would need immediate care, otherwise, she would die of immense blood loss," it added, emphasizing the urgency of Maria's condition.

Understanding the gravity of the situation, Lyon wasted no time. His determination fueled each purposeful step as he turned away, leaving behind a whirlwind of emotions among his companions.

"Where are you goi—"Karina's question hung in the air, but Cecile, with a subtle shake of her head, conveyed the unspoken acknowledgment that words were unnecessary in the face of Lyon's resolve.

Without a moment's hesitation, Lyon leaped from the courtyard, soaring through the night air with the grace of a mythical being. His destination: the towering statue of himself, a silent sentinel overlooking Golem City. The descent was swift and precise, a testament to Lyon's mastery over both body and magic.

As he landed atop his own statue, the symbolism was not lost on those who witnessed the scene. Lyon, the leader, the protector, now stood elevated, gazing down at the city that mirrored his steadfast determination. The moonlight bathed him in an ethereal glow, casting shadows that accentuated the contours of his resolute features.

In the ethereal space where Lyon communed with the essence of his inner powers, a profound question hung in the air: "Am I ready?" Lyon's eyes sealed shut, a deliberate act to delve into the depths of his own being. The world around him shifted, and in that transformative moment, Shen, the True Dragon, manifested with an awe-inspiring presence.

Sun, the Devil Ape, joined the celestial assembly, embodying strength and ferocity. Following suit, Bapho, the Calamity Goat, entered the scene, exuding an aura of unpredictable chaos. Rui, the Moon Hare, hopped into view, bringing with it the essence of agility and intuition. Minx, the Sage Rat, materialized with wisdom and cunning. Lastly, Muspell, the Almighty Ox, towered in grandeur, radiating an overwhelming power.

Together, the six divine beings encircled Lyon, forming a harmonious ring of celestial energy. Each entity represented a facet of Lyon's formidable prowess, a culmination of his journey and growth. The True Dragon, Devil Ape, Calamity Goat, Moon Hare, Sage Rat, and Almighty Ox — all intertwined in an intricate dance of magical energies.


As Yala sprinted through the dense forest, her breath mingling with the cool air, the weight of her determination was palpable. The bow in her hand felt like an extension of her will, a tool to aid her in the quest to find her uncle, Lyon Torga, within the enigmatic Golem City.

Amidst the desolation of the forest, Yala, on her knees and teetering on the precipice of despair, was about to surrender to the encroaching hopelessness. Her heartache echoed in the silent expanse as she prepared to release a scream that would serve as her last cry for Lyon Torga's name. The weight of her desperation hung heavy in the air, a poignant melody of grief that seemed to harmonize with the melancholy of the surroundings.

However, just as the scream was poised to escape her lips, the forest was disrupted by an unexpected disruption. The sound, akin to the shattering of a colossal glass barrier, fractured the stillness. Yala's scream, caught between the realm of manifestation and silence, was abruptly stifled by the ominous crack that pierced through the air.

As Yala's eyes focused on the cracked space before her, a surreal scene unfolded. The shattered remnants of the metaphysical glass fell away, revealing a void that seemed to connect her to another realm. A gentle gust of wind, cool and invigorating, brushed through the fractured space, causing her hair to dance in its ethereal embrace.

Through the rift, Yala's vision expanded, and the once-muted sounds of the forest transformed into the dynamic cacophony of Golem City. The chaotic energy within the city manifested itself in the form of bustling activity, clanging machinery, and the rhythmic echoes of life in full swing.

The transition from the solemn quietude of the forest to the vibrant chaos of Golem City was both jarring and mesmerizing. Yala, caught in the midst of this interdimensional revelation, felt a mix of awe and trepidation. The juxtaposition of these two disparate worlds, separated by the fragile barrier that had just shattered, stirred a profound sense of wonder within her.

"HMM?!" Rakumtatak's reaction was immediate. The Orc Emperor, who was previously lounging beside his pond, abruptly stood up. A sinister grin carved its way across his face.

Rakumtatak's keen senses picked up on the disturbance, and his excitement heightened. The unexpected sound signaled a shift in the atmosphere, a prelude to something unsettling. His gaze bore into the source of the disturbance, a predatory gleam glinting in his eyes.

The crackling glass, an eerie premonition, hinted at a disturbance in the balance of power. The anticipation in the air was thick, and Rakumtatak reveled in the thrill of the unknown.

Rakumtatak, the formidable Orc Emperor, arrived at the scene with an agility that belied his massive stature. Stepping forward, he stood beside Yala, who remained on the ground, her eyes transfixed on the source of the chaotic power emanating from the statue of the Zodiac Emperor atop Lyon Torga's creation.

The Orc Emperor's imposing figure, adorned with tribal markings and emanating an aura of raw strength, cast a confident gaze upon the vibrant spectacle of Golem City. His crossed arms and the subtle smirk on his face revealed a sense of recognition—a familiarity with the essence that now pulsed through the city.

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