After breakfast it was time to decide when we would make our way back to Dunshelm. It was Lillia that brought up the topic as the waitress came and cleared our table.

"I was thinking about checking at the guild desk about the availability of a carriage back to Dunshelm. I don't know if we will be able to catch one today or whether we will have to wait until tomorrow. What are everyone's thoughts, if we have a choice?" Asked Lillia.

"Well, it will take at least two days by carriage. If we have the chance to leave today, I'd prefer to do that. I have things to attend to back at home and would be happy to return earlier." Answered Serin.

"I'm not particularly bothered either way." Replied a now perkier looking Altria.

"I suppose it doesn't make much difference to me. It's not Like I have much I need to return to back there." I offered.

"I'd personally like to return as soon as possible. I want to report what happened to our guild branch. So, if no one objects, I'll try and arrange our transport for this afternoon." Suggested Lillia.

No one objected.

"So, you'll all be leaving soon? Well apart from getting injured, I've enjoyed our time together even if it was a little short." Siofra said a little wistfully.

"We'll see you again Siofra. I won't leave it as long as last time, but you'll need to let me know if you move again!" Lillia said.

"I will, and you know if you all need an extra party member for one of your expeditions. Feel free to ask me."

"We will, thank you… Okay, I'm going to check with the clerk at the desk. The rest of you may as well wait here. There isn't any point in getting ready to leave until we know what's going on." Lillia told us as she got up from her seat.

Lillia left us and went to speak with the girl at the desk. While we waited for Lillia to return, the rest of us stayed at the table and chatted away.

"So, what will you do once we've all left Siofra?" I asked.

"What I've always done. Take quests and kill monsters, I've got to make a living after all. Why, are you going to miss me?" She replied with a chuckle.

"Yeah, of course. We've been through a lot in a short time and I doubt we would have gotten through it so well if it wasn't for your help. You know, it's been fun."

"Maybe I'll come to Dunshelm and visit sometime."

"I'd like that."

Lillia returned from talking to clerk and sat back down with us at the table.

"What did they say?" Asked Serin.

"I've booked us places for this afternoon. It leaves in an hour. It isn't much time I know, but it's enough to get ready. Probably a good idea if we went and packed now."

We all started to get up from the table except for Lillia who was still sat there. Siofra looked as if she was going to head upstairs with us all until Lillia called her back.

"Siofra, please stay and talk with me for a moment. I'd like a little time alone with you. If you don't mind?"

Siofra looked a little disappointed but stopped and walked back to the table.

"Sure." She replied.

If I had to guess, Siofra was planning on coming back upstairs with me before we left. I wouldn't have minded, but we were short for time and if Lillia kept her busy, that would make things easier for me.

As it was, I was heading back downstairs again within thirty minutes. On my way out of my room I ran into Serin and Altria. The pair had both gathered their things and were also on the way back down to the guild hall.

"Are you sure you've picked up everything?" Asked Altria's voice from behind me as I locked the door to my room.

"Yeah. It's not like I had much to collect. Pretty much everything that I have was already in this bag." I answered as I turned to face them.

"Good. There won't be a chance to return once we've left."

"Even if I did leave something, it would be a piece of gear. It's not like I have any possessions that I treasure. I was brought here with nothing. I suppose the closest thing to something I wouldn't want to lose is my sword and I have that. Even if I did lose it, I guess I could always ask Beth to make me another one."

"That's quite a sad thing to hear." Noted Serin.please visit

"Well, it's not like there is nothing important to me in this world. Just not my possessions. It's kind of refreshing. Where I came from there was so much stuff it was almost overwhelming."

"What have you got here that's important to you?" Serin asked seemingly not having caught my meaning.

"You guys of course." I answered.

"Well… That's kind of sweet."

"I still feel sorry for you." Laughed Altria.

The three of us made our way back down to the guild hall. There was no sign of either Lillia or Siofra when we got there. The pair must have either gone to Lillia's room to continue talking or Siofra had left already.

I kind of hoped she was still here. I had to admit when I first met her, I found her a little overconfident and pushy, but she seemed like a nice girl at heart. I'd feel a little bad if we left without having a chance to say goodbye.

"Well, it looks like Lillia is getting ready. We may as well go and drop our key's over at the desk while we wait." Altria suggested after scanning the room.

"Sure." Agreed Serin.

This place being as quiet as always, it only took us a couple of minutes to hand back our keys. There was still no sign of Lillia coming down from her room.

"Do you think we should go and check up on her?" I asked.

There was probably only about twenty minutes left until we were supposed to leave now.

"No, there's no need. She won't be late." Answered Altria.


"Why don't we go and sit out in the fresh air while we wait? It is a nice day out." Serin suggested.

"Sounds good to me." I answered.

"Why not. That way we can keep an eye out for the carriage as well." Agreed Altria.

The three of us stepped outside onto the tall steps that lead down from the guild's entrance. Serin was right, it was a nice day out. The sun was shining and there was barely a cloud in the sky. We dropped our bags and took up seats at the side of the steps. Looking over the small plaza down below.

We had been sat there for about fifteen minutes when the doors opened behind us and someone stepped out.

"So, this is where you all are! I've been looking for you everywhere." Lillia complained finding us all sat on the steps.

"Ah Lillia, just in time. The carriage looks like it's just pulling up. Where have you been?" Altria asked with a laugh.

"Looking for you! Never mind… We should head down and chuck our stuff onboard."

Siofra was with Lillia, I was glad that she had stayed to see us off. The five of us took our last walk as a party down to the carriage that was waiting on the square below. After we had finished loading up the carriage with our stuff it was time to say goodbye to Siofra before we headed back for Dunshelm.

The girls all hugged her goodbye. Lillia looked especially emotional, even if she had spent the morning saying goodbye to her old friend. The others were all a little sad, but we all knew that this wasn't goodbye for good. After they had finished it was my turn.

I was always a little awkward with this sort of thing, so I offered up my hand to shake. Siofra grabbed my hand and pulled it towards her. She pressed it against her breasts and went in for a long kiss.

"What? You didn't think I'd let you go without one last taste. Don't let the other girls wear you out or kill you by doing something stupid. Remember to keep an eye out for Lillia's family and their representatives at the guild. I'd like to see you again and for everything to be in one piece when I do." She said finally letting me go.

"I will try my best. Don't worry." I told her semi reassuringly.

"Good. I'll hold you to that."

After our few brief words the girls and I, except Lillia climbed on board the waiting carriage. It was another couple of minutes before Lillia joined us. We could all see when she got on, she was upset to say goodbye to her old friend again.

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