After failing to notice and appreciate Eva's 'innovation,' Ace knew he was in a lot of trouble.

He quickly pulled a flattering smile and said, "Oh, I was just thinking of that; how extraordinary. You really left me miles apart in thief name, I suddenly feel ashamed."

"Oh, really?" Eva narrowly smiled, clearly not believing him.

"Ahem, how could I have compared with your innovative mind?" Ace coughed with a righteous expression and quickly tried to change the topic, "I've heard that you'd been to the imperial palace and almost betrothal to the idiot second prince?"

"Hehe, something like this indeed happened." Eva smiled mysteriously.

"That idiot really doesn't know his limit, did he?" Ace sneered coldly, "After he failed to get his hands on his brother's fiancé, he quickly set his eyes on Evie, who is even more talented than Riana. It's all about politics and the throne within the imperial family."

Eva's eyes brightened as she sensed something, "It appeared you have some personal dealing with the imperial family? What happened?" Her gossiping spirit was instantly aroused.

Ace security sighed in relief when he sensed the danger was passed and quickly began to tell her what he did after parting with her.

When Eva heard how he tricked the second prince and then robbed the golden lands of the imperial family, she couldn't help but laugh. But she was astounded when she heard about Ace's adventure with the imperial princess afterward and the secret of the Ancient Sky Battlefield.

"Hmph, so you were having a blast with another woman while I was working my ass off for you? How very daring of you!" Eva coldly uttered.

"What? It's not like this!" Ace quickly explained, "Don't you get the part where that princess ran off without even keeping her promise? You think I'm so fickle?"

"Who knows?" Eva snorted unhappily, "Still, since you admit your wrong I'll forgive you."

'When did I admit my wrongdoing?' Ace was flabbergasted but decided to remain silent on this.

"These mystery plains are really not simple. You should probably hear about what happened with the Heaven Reaching Devil Staircase, right? Evidently, this staircase was also found in Devil Mountain, one of the three mystery plains, and when I reached the top, I also found a treasure: Flaggy! The Heaven Reaching Devil Staircase was a test created by Flaggy to find a master!"

Ace was surprised before he confusingly asked, "Flaggy?"

"You darn girl, I've told you to call me Lord Flag!" The Heavenly Devil Soul Flag's exasperated voice rang in Eva's head, "And why are you telling him this? Aren't you afraid he'll get jealous and try murdering you? When it comes to treasures like me, there is no love or family. A heart of men…"

"Shut up!" Eva coldly yelled with killing intent in her eyes; she would stand anything but someone slandering Ace or doubting his love for her. Even if God told her this, she would spit on their face.

Ace was shocked when he heard Eva suddenly yelling 'shut up' and killing intent flashing in her eyes. His eyes narrowed. He knew her killing intent was not towards him, and it was probably this treasure she was just speaking about.

"Is it a spirit treasure?" Ace asked. Since he found the Violent Ocean Sword in the Ancient Sky Battlefield core, then this treasure from Devil Mountains might be the same.

Furthermore, this treasure was probably even more powerful than the Violent Ocean Sword since it could create the test like Heaven Reaching Devil Staircase, and from all the records, he knew how difficult this test had been, and no one was able to clear for hundreds of thousands of years.

But now, seeing Eva's killing intent, Ace felt this treasure might not be as good as the Violent Ocean Sword, and his guard was up. He won't let any harm come to Eva.

Eva calmed down her killing intent under Ace's worried gaze and snorted, "It is, and this weapon spirit is an egocentric idiot who doesn't know anything better to do but to sow discord. Its name is Heavenly Devil Soul Flag, and its previous master seemed to be killed before it ended up within Devil Mountains. Although it didn't tell me the whole story, there seemed to be some war millions of years ago.

"Flaggy is currently damaged and needs many materials to recover, but it is still powerful enough to deal with anyone in the Mortal Sky Heaven. Tell me if you need it; if it refuses, I'll throw it in a feces pool."

"You ungrateful little!" The Heavenly Devil Soul Flag or Flaggy seemed to be gritting its teeth as this was its first time suffering such a humiliation. Its origin was earth-shattering, yet this little girl has no respect for it; if not for Eva's potential and some resemblance to its previous master, he might've already broken the bond!

"Women are really blind when they fall in love. Just don't come cry to me if this man of yours one day turns against you because of his jealousy!" He sorted and then began to ignore her.

"Hmph, don't worry if such a day comes. I'll make sure to seal you in a fecespool!" Eva retorted as she didn't take its word seriously at all. She would rather believe that the world will end tomorrow than believe Ace would betray her one day.

Ace was astounded when he heard Eva's overbearing words, and he couldn't help but think, 'Is this Flaggy a pushover, or she just conquered it like this? Should I try being overbearing with treasure spirit next time?'

"Just be careful. You don't need to take risk for me. Don't hesitate to tell me if you sense something amiss with this treasure, and I'll take care of it." Ace sent a mental transmission so Flaggy wouldn't hear it.

Although he wasn't confident in handling a spirit treasure, he still had the system!

Eva smiled sweetly, "Don't worry, it's under control. It's just like to spout nonsense, but I can sense it didn't have bad intention." But she didn't say it out loud just in case Flaggy became happy.

Ace was somewhat relieved, "These mystery plains are indeed a treasure trove, but their backgrounds are unclear. So, we should avoid them if we don't have another choice. Oh, and see if it has some use for you."

Flipping his hand, a meter in diameter spherical pitch-black crystal appeared in Ace palm emitting ghastly killing intent, this was the Devil Core of Eight Eye Dark Devil!

Eva's eyes widened when she laid her eyes on the devil's core, and she felt as if she raced and a strange desire aroused from the depth of her bloodline, and she directly wanted to devour it.

The devil's core suddenly trembled when it sensed Eva's gaze as if it had encountered its nemeses!

"It's the core of an abyss being and has such a powerful killing aura and abyssal essence! Did you find it in the Ancient Sky Battlefield?" Eva quickly asked as she had already taken the devil core from Ace's hand.

Ace was surprised by Eva's reaction. Although he knew this might be helpful to Eva, he didn't think she would show such a reaction.

"Indeed, it was the reason for the entire killing intent on the battlefield. I found it at the core, and the Violent Ocean Sword was suppressing it all these years, stopping it from coming back to life. What is the abyssal essence?" Ace asked.

Eva suddenly hesitated at this moment before Flaggy's solemn voice rang, "Don't tell him about the abyss; he's too weak, and it will only bring calamity. Since you have been hiding it till now, it means you know how dangerous it is to speak about the abyss. It is not time for him to come in contact with this information!"

"I'm sorry I can't tell you about it yet, but I promise I'll reveal it to you after you ascend. Just know that this abyssal essence is a heavenly cultivation resource for someone with an abyssal bloodline." Eva answered uncomfortably with clear guilt in her eyes.

Ace was surprised as it was his first time seeing Eva hiding something from him, and for some reason, she sounded just like the system.

'Is it related to the karma thing the violent ocean sword warns me about? It's probably related to her blood heritage.' Ace mused before he nodded, "Don't worry, I understand. You can tell me whenever you feel like it. Here I have more of these cores but they not at the same level as this one."

Ace handed her a storage ring filled with extra one-eye devil cores. Since he already had enough for Moira, he decided to give them to Eva since she could use them right now, and if he kept them, who knows when he'll be able to find another use for them? As for the law hidden within them, Ace didn't need them.

Eva received the ring, saw hundreds of thousands of devil cores, and felt warmth in her heart as she felt even more guilty about not telling me, and even her eyes became somewhat teary.

She pounced in his arms, "Thank you for everything."

Ace sensed her emotions and gently brushed her hair, "Don't worry, I'm not blaming you."

Eva suddenly looked up, and her appearance turned back, and she instantly kissed him… the night of passion was beginning to bloom…

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