Eternal Thief

Chapter 185 - Flame Library

After making sure no one can hear them, Alvin instructed while using the slave contract, "First, if you find any kind of changes occurring to yourself, you'll immediately report them to me. 

"Second, never told Lan anything if he ever summoned you and report this back to me nor should you ever revile your identity to anyone! 

"Third, you'll have to study the skill I gave you for ten hours a day and report the results of it after a week to me, as for the remaining day, you're free to do anything besides revealing anything about element physique.

"Fourth, don't try to cultivate until I give you the order and remain low-key…." 

Alvin carefully impart many instructions to Finn while using the slave contract power, so Finn could not breach them. He didn't do it in front of Lan because he can't afford Lan's suspicion at the moment. Not until he can go back. 

Lastly, Alvin has some personal thoughts about Finn's physique because it was of the wood element, and he also has the wood element. 

That's why he wanted Finn to awake some unique ability and see if he could get Finn to teach him. After all, an ability from a legendary physique will cause a storm anywhere. 

Finn's eyes showed no emotion and nodded impassively in recognition of Alvin's every command, "YES!" 

Alvin nodded in satisfaction and stop using the slave contract, and Finn's eyes returned to normal. 

"Good, I'll take my leave then. If you have any problem, my courtyard is right next to you, and if someone bullies you, just tell them who your elder brother is." Alvin chuckles and collected the formation barrier in the formation plate that he uses to soundproof the room.

"Sure." Finn nodded following ecstasy in his voice. 

Alvin's smile wider when he saw Finn didn't seem to remember anything he imparted on him. 

A seven-star slave contract has this kind of power that the slave never even knows what their master has imprinted on them or told them to command as long the master didn't want to. 

Furthermore, unknowingly to slaves, these imprints automatically stopped them from doing these things they were commanded to, and they never even know they were doing it.

That was the scariest part about a powerful slave contract and the command imprinting was just the tip of the iceberg of what a high-grade slave contract can do. 

As for how Ace was so easily able to turn Finn's eyes listless it was very simple, he just had to stop controlling the mask, and Finn's face would become like a corpse. 

Ace just has to do it at the right moment and Alvin would never suspect a thing, like what happened just now.

He could tell Alvin was going to use that communication formation to contact his clan and didn't seem to be too concerned about Finn anymore after he turned him into a slave. 

This was just the thing he needed to become free and practice his abilities, and seemingly he achieved it!

He followed Alvin who seemed to be in a good mood after what happened in these past three hours and bid him farewell. 

Now only the powerful female flame guard, Grey remained who was looking at him with her inquisitive eyes. 

"Come inside." Ace said to Grey, now that Alvin was finally gone, and he was free of constant martial sense monitoring, and he wanted the information that only Grey knows since she's the personal guard of Elder Lan.

How he was going to fish out that information was entirely a different story, though.

Grey didn't reject the offer and entered the spacious lounge with Finn. 

"Where are the servants?" Grey asked in confusion. 

"Oh, Flame General think I don't need them, and he's right, I like it alone." Ace chuckles as he sat on the set comfortably. He was telling the truth though. 

Grey on the other hand found something has changed about Finn, and he didn't seem to be afraid of her despite being an insect of Qi gates realm. 

"Can I ask you, someone, if you don't mind? You don't have to answer if you don't want to." Now that she was finally alone with Finn, Grey finally couldn't hold back her curiosity. 

"You can, but in return, you'll have to answer one of my questions as well." Finn nonchalantly put his demand.

"I accept." Grey quickly agreed while thinking, 'Just what can this brat ask? 

"Ask then." Ace said with a rapturous expression. This was his chance. 

"Why are you wearing this mask? I can sense a gloomy aura from it, is it a Slave item?" Grey asked the obvious. 

She could tell Finn's mask was a slave item, but what truly bothered her was if he was just a slave, then why is he getting VIP treatment to this extent?

Finn impassively answered, "I join the organization, and you could say this slave mask was the price I paid for it." 

Grey eyes narrowed, she didn't believe him because this reason was ridiculous, and a slave don't get this kind of treatment. But Finn was a VIP, so she could not force him. 

"It's my turn, right?" Finn said with emotionless eyes.

"Yes." Grey nodded stiffly.

"Good. Can you tell me about those buildings outside the Flame Palace?" Ace asked because he was very inquisitive about those four pavilions and especially about that white pagoda!

Grey didn't seem to mind this question and informed him, "The four pavilions are Contribution Pavilion, Mission Pavilion, Treasure Exchange Pavilion, and Medicinal Pavilion. 

"The white pagoda is the Flame Library which has thirty floors and each floor contains information, skills, and techniques. The floors' allocation is solely depending on one's rank and if someone wants to learn a skill or technique, they have to spend contribution points while the information is free."

Ace's eyes shimmered with ecstasy when he heard about the Flame Library and quickly asked, "Can I gain access to the Library with that golden VIP token?" 

He didn't forget about that token Lan promised him and by Lan's words, this token can let him go anywhere. 

Grey answers in a slightly dissatisfying tone, "25 Floors!"

"Oh, how many floors can you enter?" Ace asked with great interest. 

Grey eyes turn cold and said darkly, "25…" 

Ace was astonished because Grey was a very high-rank person here, yet she has the same clearance level as him. This means Lan didn't treat him badly at all. 

Grey didn't know what Finn was thinking, but she took his silence for an act of provocation and scoffed, "Don't celebrate too early you still have to pay for skills and techniques!" 

Ace could sense he hit a nerve somehow and blurted, "I understand, please don't take it personally. Look even if I can go to 25 floors what can I learn with my insignificant cultivation?" 

"Hmph!" Grey didn't answer this time, but the anger in her heart eased a bit. She didn't want to offend Finn since he seemed very important to Elder Lan and Flame General. 

That's why she was even talking right now, or she won't even glance at someone like Finn.

"Your turn." Ace didn't want to get on Grey's bad side, so he quickly changed the subject.

Grey ponders a bit and asked with some hesitation, "W-what is your relationship with Elder and Flame General?" 

Finn impassively answered, "Same as you, I guess. But for some reason I'm important to them even I don't know why." 

'Is he mocking me?' Grey eyes turn cold because this answer wasn't an answer, and she simply thinks this Qi gate junior was playing with her but alas she can't do anything. 

Ace felt Grey's stony gaze and knew he was just making things worse, but he was only following Alvin's commands. 

"I know you're not satisfied with my answer, but it's true, you can ask Elder Lan or Elder Brother Alvin if you wanted to know about me. But I can't tell you anything that I don't even know myself. I only know; I don't have permission to revile my background to anyone. So, don't ask these questions I can't answer." Finn emotionlessly stated.

Grey eyes gleam in astonishment when she saw this boy with a Slave item can talk so casually about Lan and Alvin. Which also reviled he wasn't completely restraint by the slave item since he can talk like this. 

"My apologies." Grey didn't press the matter anymore, since Finn seemed to tell the truth, and it was hard to detect any kind of emotion from him.

"Thank you for your understanding." Finn faintly nodded.

Ace was relieved seeing Grey was quite considerate. 

"If there is nothing else, I'll take my leave now. If you need anything, I'll be outside, guarding the door!" Grey decided to leave Finn alone and do her duty.

She had no more questions since Finn can't answer the ones she was truly interested in.

"Oh, I have some other questions actually, if you don't mind me asking." 

Ace would not let this chance pass so easily!

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