Eternal Thief

Chapter 191 - A Golden VIP

Grey's eyes narrowed and said in a haughty tone, "This VIP wanted to use the library." She didn't even bother to correct Aaden and directly asserted her intent. 

"Hikk…you're not Magdalena…" 

Aaden's chubby old face redden a bit when he heard Grey's voice and knew he messed up and cursed, 'Damn it! It's all those old farts' fault to have women wear these armors and masks! At this rate, I'll never hook one!' 

On the side, Ace rolled his eyes. 

"This VIP wanted to use the library. I can always look for Craft Elder if you're feeling under the weather?" Grey repeat herself in a stern voice but also threaten him with Lan's name and there was a hint of disdain in her eyes. 

She knows this old man's character too well; he was infamous for harassing young girls who come in the library and other shameful things. He was a pervert! 

That's what she wanted to tell Finn before but refrain herself since it didn't seem appropriate to call an elder like Aaden 'pervert', but it appeared he didn't care about his image at all. 

Now, she was using Lan's name to keep him in check. Besides, she wasn't any weaker than him in strength nor rank. She didn't have to worry about offending him either. 

Aaden stiffly looked at Grey and knew she wasn't kidding around. He already has a terrible reputation and even got a warning from the flame palace after some female alchemists band-together to report him. Now, if Grey a flame captain report him directly to the Craft Elder, he will lose his post and might get punished!

He can't underestimate Grey since she was one of Lan's guards! 

"Ha…ha…ha, I was just muddle-headed for a moment, Flame Captain Grey didn't need to be so serious, I apologize." Aaden wore a forced smile on his face as he excused and finally looked at Finn with an ugly smile, "Esteemed guest, please go to the number-51 bookshelf, it's for VIP. Just place your identity token in the array engrave on the bookshelf, and you're ready. If you want to go on the higher floors please always look for the last number bookshelf there as well, and do the same to unlock the array protecting it. 

"But please keep in mind, you can't touch any other bookshelves, or you'll receive a terrifying backlash! In the worst-case scenario, it can even kill you!" 

"Only one bookshelf?" Finn gave Grey a puzzling look. He clearly remembered he has access to everything below the 26th-floor. 

But now Aaden was telling him, he can only unlock one bookshelf on each floor, how could he not be started?

Grey knew what Finn look mean since she has seen his VIP token. 

"Librarian Aaden didn't have to worry about this VIP protection, I'll be looking over him, just record our entry." Grey didn't tell Aaden about Finn's special privilege and told him to just do this duty as a librarian. 

Aaden was astonished, and this time he profoundly looked at Finn. It shocked him when he discovers he was just a fifth Qi gate junior and disbelief filled his eyes after noticing the slave item! 

'A slave VIP!?' Aaden thought in bewilderment. It was hard to believe that a slave had a VIP token and was even being protected by a flame captain! 

"Please place your token here." Aaden pointed at the counter where three different shapes of husks were and each was engraved with an array. 

Even though he was curious about Finn, he also knew Grey would never tell him. In the end, he was more interested in the book he was reading before, so he just got it over with. 

Grey place her silver token in the husks, which have the same shape as her identity token. The array lit up and after a moment the identity token stop glowing which mean it was done.

Ace do the same as he placed his VIP token in the third husk and after the array recorded his enter, he took the token back.

Aaden eyes flashed with incredulity when he saw the Golden VIP token in Finn's hand, but he said nothing.

Grey didn't want to linger anywhere near Aaden and took him directly to the second floor since on the first floor there wasn't anything good. 

Aaden watched them going on the second floor and mutter under his breath, "A slave, holding a precious golden VIP token and his guide is also that arrogant woman. Just what is going on?' 

He shook his head since it has nothing to do with him and read that book again with a lewd smile on his face!

"Why did he say I can only access one specific bookshelf?" Ace asked again. 

He didn't speak at that time, since Grey want to keep it a secret from Aaden. But now that they were on the second floor he inquiry again. 

Grey answer this time, "Your token is specially made at the order of Craft Elder Lan, and it's one of a kind. Normally, a Golden VIP Token can't be bought or made and only Silver and Bronze VIP tokens exist. Those have very limited functions like access to only the first two floors of the library. 

"Sir Black Fox golden token is the first one in a hundred years! Even a Golden Token can only grant you access to superficial information and you have can only purchase the most common skills or technique, and it only has five functions. But sir Black Fox golden token has seven and can give you access to everything here for free at that. Simply put, this benefit can only be granted to a Purple Grade Alchemist!" 

Ace was baffled by this information, he didn't think these golden tokens were so special, and he even got a unique one. 

"Please give my sincere thanks to Elder Lan the next time you see him." He told Grey. 

"Sure." Grey nodded and asked, "Where do sir Black Fox want to go?" 

"I want to look at finger-skills." 

"Finger type?" Grey pondered for a moment and her eyes brightened, "Please follow me I know where all the physical skills are stored." 

Ace nodded and followed Grey toward the upper floors. He could see every floor was about the same, but the people were getting lesser and lesser as they climb the stairways. 

They cross ten floors without stopping and Ace finally saw a change on the entrance of the eleventh floor, a light barrier was blocking their way. There were the same identification arrays like he saw on Aaden's counter. 

After they press their token in the husk, the light barrier lifted, and they enter the eleventh floor. It was also the same as the lower floors, but the bookshelves were only half of the number compared to the lower floors. 

He also saw a transparent light barrier dividing the other half of the floor and there were ten black bookshelves on the other side. 

"That the restricted area only for soul cultivators." Grey introduces. 

Ace's eyes shimmer with desire as he always wanted to get his hands on soul path skills.

After this brief stop, they found this kind of restriction and a restricted area for soul path on every floor. They both finally stopped on the seventeenth floor. 

There were twenty large bookshelves and eight black bookshelves behind the transparent light barrier. There were only six alchemists on this floor and for the first time, Ace spotted someone behind the light barrier! 

'A soul cultivator!' Ace's eyes narrowed. He could feel the atmosphere on this floor was heavy, and those three alchemists were on edge because of that one person. 

Grey eyes also contracted after seeing that figure, she said in a sibilant voice, "Don't stare as long as we mind our own business we're good." 

"The skills are here?" asked Ace. 

"Yes, this is the specific floor for physical skills, but all the skills here are a low-grade warrior at the minimum. With sir Black Fox cultivation, it is impossible to read them, so just tell me whichever you want, and I can copy it for you. Once you enter the Qi foundation building realm, you can easily learn them." Grey stated. 

Ace knew about these restrictions, but they didn't apply to him because of his heavenly cultivation. 

"You can rest for a while, I'll call you once I select the skill I needed." Finn nodded and move toward those bookshelves. 

Grey wanted to follow him but agreed in the end since he wanted to select alone. 

If Ace wanted, he could show off his ability to read these skills with no restrictions, since Alvin and Lan know he can do it after the element bath. But it will also drag Grey in it, and it wasn't matched with Alvin's command either. 

Moreover, he would take nothing from here, he was going to remember everything he needed and leave. 

If it was any other time he would love to take his time on every floor and read everything he could but after learning the importance of the golden token, and it would also draw too much attention he gave up the idea. 

However, this library was now on the theft list because of soul path skills and techniques!

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