Eternal Thief

Chapter 257 - Kill Him!

"Fine, I let you go since I don't want those pests from White Crown finding trouble with me after your death, but only after you let me use 'Soul Search' on you!" 

Gordon wore an ambiguous smile as he stated his condition. 

'After soul search, you'll be turned into a retard, so I naturally let you go and let you live a life worse than death, this will be your punishment of destroying my cultivation clone.' Gordon thought maliciously without showing it on his face. 

Soul search was a special technique of investigation that anyone could use after reaching Qi Soul or Soul Embryo realm. This technique can forcibly extract memories of another, whether or not others like it. 

But this force extraction of memories can cause massive damage to others' minds and as a result, the victim would become either retard or even die an agonized death. 

That's why the soul search was forbidden by every race, it can only be used on extremely cruel criminals or as a last resort. However, this rule was only placed for not using the soul search openly, and as long as no one leaves any evidence behind they can use it on anyone! 

Gordon deemed, Ace doesn't know about soul search and its terror, that's why he put this condition as an act of 'mercy' in front of him. From the start, he was planning on using soul search on Ace. 

He won't believe him even if Ace told him the truth, he wanted to see his memories himself, so he could find out about the 'secret' his parents left on him, that help him grow so much and even white crown was 'after' it. 

However, Gordon knew Ace had many tricks up his sleeves, although Ace possess no threat to him, Gordon didn't want to accidentally kill Ace or push him to the brink of death. It would be a huge loss if Ace die before he gained his secrets.   

That's why he was planning to give away his real identity from the start to intimidate Ace, but he never thought Ace already knew about the cultivation clone and even took him for his real body as a misunderstanding. 

Things tuned out better than he imagined, and that's why he struck while the iron was hot and pretend to be intimidated by the White Crown and bring up soul search like it was something trivial. 

As long as Ace agreed to soul search, he would acquire everything he needed and leave Ace to live like a maniac for the rest of his life. 

Ace was deep in thought, standing in his place, everyone was waiting for his answer. They all know he couldn't escape someone from royal lands. 

But some of them frowned when they heard Gordon plan on sparing Ace after conducting this mysterious soul search on him. 

Especially the golden family, their expression was hideous and pale. They knew Gordon tricked them, and they will die one way or another. Even if Gordon didn't take any action against them, Ace would not spare him if he leaves alive this time around. 

But no one dare to make a sound, this matter was already out of their reach, and they were all ant trapped in Gordon's layer now. Whether they live or die was on Gordon's whim now. 

Gordon also didn't hurry Ace, as he coldly watched him. He knew everything was under his control and he'll soul search Ace one way or another no matter what. He just wanted to end it easily. 

As for others who were watching all this, he already considered them corpses long ago! 

Ace finally spoke with a hint of hesitation in his voice, "Fine, senior can use this soul search, but you have to give me that treasure mountain first. I know someone like Senior status didn't consider those scraps, treasures, at all. You only need me, and if you don't agree to this condition, I'll instantly self-destruct!" He smiled wryly. 

Gordon frowned ever so slightly, hearing Ace's condition and threat. 

Although Ace was right, he only considered these treasures, scraps, and normal stone. But Ace greedy demand puzzled him, and he even wanted to kill himself because of treasures. 

'What this brat up to? Even in these circumstances, he's thinking about treasures? Are treasures more important than your life?' 

However, before he could probe Ace's true intentions, a pleading shrill voice rang in the silent vacancy, "Lord, you have to kill him, you can't let him escape what if he comes after you when he becomes as strong as you!"

Everyone looked toward this gutsy person, who dare to speak this boldly in front of a royal land personal!

Gordon and Ace also looked in the direction, especially Ace, his eyes suddenly emit killing intent when he heard this voice, how could he forget this voice, even if he forgets everything he will never forget this hateful voice. 

Everyone saw a blonde hair girl with bloodshot eyes and a twisted face filled with hatred and madness, looking at Ace like she wanted to eat him alive. Who could this be but Dulce! 

"Hoho… look what we have here, I almost forget, you were the one who torture my clone and then even poisoned him. Then you destroyed his family and city as well. You're even more guilty than little pup Ace, and now you even dare to interrupt in my matter!" Gordon's voice turned icy, "So, tell me how would you want to die!" 

Golden King, Golden Queen, the crown prince, the second prince, the fifth princess, and Vance who just regain his wits, everyone in Golden Family trembled like leaves when Gordon's icy gaze landed on them. 

However, Dulce has already lost her reasons under the impeded death after learning about Gordon's real identity. She knew she was doomed today and fell to the pits of despair and her mind finally couldn't take it, and she lost her will to live. 

Dulce abhorrently screamed while pointing her shaking finger at Ace,

"Kill him first, or he'll hunt you down just like me.. He'll ruin your life and make it a living hell. Don't make the same mistake as I did last time, he's playing you, kill him before he escaped just like before!"

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