Six more months pass in a flash,

Ace remain enthralled in his training and he did not know what was going on in the outside world.

But in these six months, the Iron Demon City was not as peaceful as it was six months ago because of some shocking events.

The first event took place six months ago when the missing son of Golden Iron Demon Clan’s leader was found in Silver Iron Demon Clan’s First Miss room!

Rumor has it, the clan leader of Silver Iron Demon nearly killed his own daughter and Buck in a fit of rage and even spat mouthfuls of blood. If it wasn’t for all elders, stopping him, Buck and the first Miss of the silver iron demon clan would be chopped into eight pieces of this infidelity.

In the end, the city lord himself had to come and take away his son, while also compensating with a marriage proposal to the enraged Iron Silver Demon Clan for his Son’s ‘mistake’!

The Clan Leader had no choice but to take this action or the entire Iron Demon City would be turned into a mess because Silver Iron Demon Clan was about to go to war with Golden Iron Demon.

The Golden Iron Clan Leader Knew it was not worth it to engage in a war for his good for nothing son and quickly agree to the marriage of two ‘lovers’ even though he wasn’t afraid of war, but he was afraid of the Bronze-Iron Demon clan poking its nose in this matter as well.

This news naturally became the hot topic of the entire Iron Demon City and even spread to close cities of Ocean Demon Dukedom. As for why this become such a hot topic it was because the first Miss of the silver-iron demon clan was psychologically retarded, if not for her father doting on her because of his dead first wife, she would’ve been dead long ago or abandoned in some dumped.

No one knows what Buck Silver saw in her, but people could only lament while saying love is truly blind.

This shocking scandal was not enough. Another piece of news came from the duke’s city of Ocean Demon Dukedom, which was one of Demon Duke Livy’s subordinates who had become deserted and escaped with something very precious to Demon Duke.

Although the item was not made public, the culprit was a Night Demon, and a huge bounty was placed on her head and favor from Ocean Demon Duke Mansion, which stir those local bosses and bounty hunters alike.

However, these two events were nothing compared to the third one inside the Iron Demon City. This piece of information was a thief on loss inside the Iron Demon City!

First, no one took an interest in this thief because this thief victim was an insignificant character and those demons only think this thief will be confiscated eventually by the city guards. Besides, everyone thought this was just a random vagabond demon who was tired of living and stripping off trouble by stealing since this was not new.

However, everyone finally took notice when another theft happened and this time this thief robbed an extreme renewal merchant off his storage ring while cutting off his entire hand!

This time, the city guard’s post had to take this matter seriously as they started skimming through the city to find the daring thief. However, this was still not enough to arouse those big wigs’ interest.

Another thievery happened. This time it was the hand of the eldest son of the Bronze Iron Demon Clan’s leader!

This was the last straw that broke the camel’s back, and the entire bronze-iron demon clan denounce the vile thief and vow to chop his head and feed it to pigs. Even those personal guards of the bronze-iron demon clan got involved in the mass search for the thief.

However, not only did they not find the thief, but the robbery incidents also didn’t stop.

First, it was only one or two times a month when the thief strike, but as the time passed it became four or five times the next month as more and more hands were chopped off!

The Iron Demon City was finally thrown into turmoil and people started to vent their anger on the Golden Iron Demon Clan, who can’t even capture a mad thief and people didn’t feel safe on the street anymore.

Because this thief’s method was too frightening, as all of its victims could never see the thief’s shadow before their hands were chopped off.

No one knows where this thief come from, but it never killed anyone, and all of its victims were rich people of the Iron Demon City. People even called this thief ‘Hand Thirsty Thief’ since it always chopped off its victim’s hand.

Every person was now afraid of wearing a storage ring on their finger, and some started to even stop wearing them and hide them so the Hand Thirsty Thief won’t go after them.

However, the thieveries never stopped, nor could anyone identify the thief. The biggest commotion caused by this thief was when it chopped off the hand of an Elder of Golden Iron Clan!

This news caused a sensation and all the people wanted to see who this daredevil truly was, but alas, even after six months, no one could find this thief, and it was akin to a dark legend of Iron Demon City!

Inside a spacious room, many demons with different colors of skins and horns were sitting around a large triangular table.

One thing that was astonishingly common to these demons was that their expressions were gloomy and ugly, which made the atmosphere of this room strangling and dark.

Three tall and burly demons were sitting on each edge of this triangular table with grim faces as if someone had just murdered their fathers.

“We, the Silver Iron Demon Clan, purpose an entire city survey for capturing this bastard psychopath who loves chopping hands off innocents!” the burly demon on one edge of the triangular table with shining silver skin sternly spoke.

“Hmph! Uriah, do you think we didn’t think of it? Let me tell you when you guys were sitting over your asses, we, the Bronze Iron Demon Clan, already scan throw the entire city twice!” This time, the dark bronze skin demons sitting on the second edge of the table rebuke with a hint of fury.

“Heh, everyone here knows that Bronze Iron Demon Clan was the first one who start searching for this madman but failed miserably and even lose ‘Eighteen Hands’ in the meantime. I’m wondering if the Bronze Iron Demon Clan is even competent anymore.” Uriah scoffed disdainfully.

Uriah was the leader of the Silver Iron Demon Clan, while this bronze-iron demon was the leader of the Bronze Iron Demon Clan, Trey.

“Uriah, let’s get this over with once and for all!” Trey instantly shot up as his bronze old face was fuming with intense fury.

“Fine with me. I hate your bronze face the most!” Uriah also stood up as his intense aura intensified!

“Enough!” The demon with bright golden skin on the third edge of the triangular table finally spoke as a suffocating mountain-like aura released inside the room, “We’re here to discuss the matter regarding the mad thief and how to deal with it. If we keep fighting among ourselves, we’ll be just doing him a favor!”

This was naturally the leader of the Golden Iron Demon Clan, and the City Lord of the Iron Demon City, Elian Golden Iron!

Both the leader of silver and bronze didn’t have a choice, but to stop since Elian was telling the truth, and getting rid of this mad thief was more important than their personal vendetta at this moment.

Elian didn’t beat around the bush anymore, since he knew those two old demons have a deep grudge against each other for a long time, and they can’t stand the sight of each other for more than a few breaths before they start fighting.

He said coolly, “I know everyone has lost something to that mad thief, and he’s becoming bolder and bolder with each passing day. Just today, he cut off five hands of my golden iron demon clansmen not far from our territory.

“Now demons were afraid of even leaving their houses or opening their shops. The merchants also stop trading with our city. They called it too dangerous and doubt and question our credibility to provide a safe environment for their business.

“News of this has already reached the other cities in the Ocean Demon Dukedom, and almost everyone is laughing at our Iron Demon Tribe. Just yesterday, I received the letter from Demon Duke Livy himself…” At this point, Elian stopped as his expression was grave.

Everyone inside the room exclaimed while they were looking at Elian with incredulity.

“What did Duke Livy say?” Uriah grimly asked. He knew nothing would come good from this.

Everything inside the room was patiently waiting for Elian’s answer!

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